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Government in Grenada has announced plans to reopen the country's second airport to support a major hotel development project in the north of the country. Tourism and Civil Aviation Minister Dr. Clarice Modeste-Curwin says a request to reopen Pearls has been made to the Antigua-based Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Authority (ECCAA). The ECCAA is the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) institution responsible for regulating aviation safety and security within the OECS member states in accordance with international standards. "We are still waiting on a final word from them because they have to give approval for the use of the airstrip," said Modeste-Curwin. Reprinted from


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12 Pgs
Good idea, good thing, but my question and concern is that what would happen to the people living in and around the airport? There were no houses there when it first operated. Would they be at risk? Not forgetting the noise and other forms of pollution they will have to endure. It just does not happen like that does it. Consultation, fesability and environmental studies. Not because it was an before that it can be reopened just so. Just my thoughts though.
00By: bayrum
11/25/2007 4:15:07 AM
it's about time,someone in govt.finally paid attention to that area.the car racing or whatever went on there was good for entertainment,but we have got to start thinking economic development first.i have always had this idea that the govt.should ask the us military to look into area around seamoon to develope as a repair station for their choppers and other aircraft when they have their exercises in southern caribbean.pearls is already there, all it needs is to repaired and made into an l-shape.i am aware of some of the downsides to this,but the upsides for the area would be greater.our people would learn a good skill,jobs would created for a long time, hey,it worked in the philipines,why not for us.
00By: cjspice
11/24/2007 10:25:29 AM
I certainly applaud the Grenada government for taking the steps to reopen the airport.This would certainly boost tourism,as there are many beautiful things to see and discover in that area of Grenada.
00By: John a.k.a. stallion
11/23/2007 8:39:20 PM
That would certainly be a good move People from that end of the Country would certainly / It can even assist in serious emergency cases instead of having to drive all the way to Point Salines Really hope it works out Create more employment
00By: Sandra
11/23/2007 5:14:28 PM