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ST GEORGE‘S, Grenada: A leading attorney and the main opposition party in Grenada are warning that only an inquiry with the blessing of the advice of parliament should be instituted so as to determine what transpired in Switzerland between Prime Minister Keith Mitchell and fraudster Eric Resteiner. Attorney Anslem Clouden says Resteiner who is one of the central figures is a ward of the FBI and to the justice department only such agencies would have access to him. He believes that any inquiry into what happened in Resteiner’s home along with the Grenadian leader must involve Resteiner himself. Another central figure is Resteiner’s former security chief Timothy Lee Bass who made several allegations in an affidavit he swore in court in Illinois. Clouden is of the view that no inquiry with just a mere local scope will be able to make a clear determination on the allegation against the Prime Minister. The terms of reference to such an important inquiry that is looking into serious criminal allegation against the Prime Minister must allow for a proper impartial investigation. He says, “A bipartisan Parliamentary Committee must seek the assistance of the United States Department of Justice to have the FBI in collaboration with local investigators (RGPF) to play the lead role in the criminal investigation and the same should be applied with respect to Scotland Yard who would have carriage of the European part of the investigations.” He added, “Whenever the investigation begins, the Prime Minister must step down since there cannot be a criminal investigation of a Prime Minister when he is still leading the country.” Meanwhile the main opposition party in Grenada says each government of the Caribbean Community must commit itself to the highest ideals of transparency and good governance. These ideals must be given legal teeth within the framework of CARICOM providing mechanisms for censorship and sanctions for breaches. These principals must characterise and give meaning to being a CARICOM member state. The announcement made by the Prime Minister that the inquiry will be instituted from the person who is to be investigated has had people to believe that Dr. Mitchell is investigating himself, the opposition says. The National Democratic Congress continued to say that, since the announcement, widespread questions have been raised about the Governor General appointing this investigative commissioner, particularly because he was a former Minister with the New National Party government and was appointed Governor General following his chairmanship of the NNP. The NDC is demanding that any commission set up to inquire must be done on the advice of Parliament and not left to his own judgment. The Commission will have to interview people overseas, including Eric Resteiner, the man who reportedly handed over the money and who is now in US custody waiting to face the court on fraud charges. The NDC says, “Our proposal, which has already been submitted by way of Notice of Motion in the Upper House, by the Hon. George Prime, calls for the establishment of a committee to be comprised of five (5) persons. “The Leader of Government Business and one other member from the Government’s side in the House of Representatives; the leader of the Opposition and one other member from the Opposition’s side of the House of Representative and one member from the Senate who must neither be from the side of the Government nor the Opposition”. The NDC further stated “We firmly believe that this will be the best way to establish the credibility of the commission from the very beginning. This will also lessen cynicism about politics and our political institutions. “Some narrow thinking persons may express concern about potential damage to Grenada by insisting on a parliamentary investigation of this issue. The recent history of the United States shows that its Congress investigated the conduct of three (3) of its Presidents – President Nixon, President Reagan and President Clinton. This demonstrates the strength of a democracy, which accounts to the people and its elected representatives. We in Grenada should demand no less.” Reprinted from Caribbean Net News


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