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A senior member of Grenada's main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) says the party will continue its work in the face of what he calls the 'provocative actions'' of the ruling New National Party (NNP) Government. NDC General Secretary Peter David says his party believes in the democratic process and would not be baited by the government. “We are not going to be sucked into any kind of public prognoses in this country. We believe in democratic process, we reiterated our position that we need an election to be called in this country and we call on the government to desist from actions that are aimed – it seems to us – at provoking some kind of problem.” The NDC MP for the Town of St George said the party would maintain its calm and call on its supporters and the nation to remain calm in the face of all the difficulties. David said the NDC plans on meeting with civil organisations to discuss the situation in the country. He said it is believed that the civil society, churches, NGO’s, the trades’ union and the business community among others should all become involved. “Today it’s the NDC they spying on, today is the NDC they trying to infiltrate meetings and tomorrow who knows it may be the churches, the chamber and the government has already said that the NGO community is against them.” Asked about rumours that some kind of government or police action could be taken against half of the NDC before a general election is called, David shrugged aside the report. 'Half of the NDC will be quite a few thousand people, our membership is very, very wide and our membership solidly behind the party. So I don’t know if there is any truth to that rumour but we are ready and able to participate in the elections. We call on the government to call the elections. Call it now.” Reprinted from Caribbean Net News


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