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Prime Minister Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell has complemented the staff of Grenlec for what he termed going beyond the call of duty in the period after Hurricane Ivan. Dr. Mitchell called Grenlec workers true patriots for the sacrifice and hard work they put in to get the country back together. Dr. Mitchell told the workers that the people of Grenada will always appreciate the commitment shown by Grenlec. The prime minister was speaking at a meeting with Grenlec workers last Friday at the Distribution Department in Grand Anse. Also speaking at the meeting was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy Hon. Gregory Bowen, who also thanked the workers for their commitment. Minister Bowen complemented the staff for welcoming the Cubans and other teams from the region who came in to help after Hurricane Ivan. Minister Bowen noted that the Cubans and the other foreign teams have been doing a good job, but said their productivity did depend on the reception they got from local workers. Grenlec’s General Manager Vernon Lawrence welcomed the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister and thanked them for responding so soon to his invitation to meet with the staff. Mr. Lawrence noted that the quick response of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister served as a reminder as to the importance government placed on the work and workers of Grenlec. Source: Office of the Prime Minister


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