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ST. GEORGE'S - Officers of the Criminal Investigation Departments are investigating an incident that led to the death of a male student on the compound of a secondary school in St. George’s. Around 2.30 pm, Thursday 29th May 08, officers responded to a call from the school. An apparent altercation between two male students, ages 14 and 15, led to the stabbing of the older student in the chest. The student was rushed to the general hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. The 14 year old student was detained by the Officers of the C.I.D. to assist with their investigation. MEDIA RELEASE Office of the Commissioner of Police


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12 Pgs
Everyone is so angry here.Think about the PM saying"THIS IS MEH DAMM MONEY" with such anger.The PM is not calling elections for his own personal gains.The anger of the adults is having a domino effect on the children.The teachers are not getting the salary due to them so I think there is not that dedication in teaching, that if a child has a problem at home there is no effort to find out about it.HEAVEN HELP OUR COUNTRY.
00By: sheila jones
5/30/2008 2:41:28 PM
Oh my God! This can't be the same Grenada I grew up in. If I am not mistakened, this is murder number 10! What are our policy makers doing? What are our political and moral leaders doing? What are our parents doing? Can't Grenadians see that this is a wake up call and the problem of the escalating, random violence has to be urgently addressed? If this continues, imagine the consequences in the years ahead. These angry young people will grow up to be parents and will have to train their children - passing on what to them? Come on Grenadians - look at what is happening now and look at the road ahead. Stop saying it is the last days and wait on a miracle - WE ARE THE MIRACLE we are waiting on and we have to come together and work to save this beautiful nation of ours.
00By: Ben
5/30/2008 6:16:42 AM
The latest killing in Grenada is too sad to believe. We used to blame the gangs at one time, but now it has spread to the elderly and now the kids are also involved. I am very devastated at what is happening in my sweet country Grenada. We need the healing hands of God to intervene on our behalf. Two families are now traumatized and the lives of two young men are shattered. What could have gone wrong to result in this calamity. Only God knows and consult us in our sorrows. One man is dead while the other has to face the prison - so young. We need to reach out to our young people who are too weak to resolve their differences.
00By: Craig
5/30/2008 2:53:27 AM
how sad,the pain these two families have to deal with,i work with the new york school system ,and i personally boast about the non violence at our schools back at home,and to hear such terrible news ,leaves me feeling very sad,not to make this political but all these free concerts where some of these singers lyrics condone violence ,am sure is contributing to some of these negative behaviours,as one of our most famous song says GRENADA MAY GOD BLESS YOU.B
00By: beverley
5/29/2008 11:43:50 PM
What is going on in Grenada?
00By: The Man
5/29/2008 5:20:40 PM