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GRENADA, Sunday June 1, 2008 :- Prime Minister of Grenada and political leader of the ruling New National Party (NNP) government, Dr. Keith Mitchell, tonight made the much anticipated announcement for general elections in the tri-island state. The announcement was made at a grand political meeting of the NNP in the parish of St. John to endorse the NNP candidate for that constituency, Mr. Fitzroy Bedeau, a former Commissioner of Police in Grenada. The meeting was attended by over 6,000 persons wearing green jerseys - the color of the NNP. Prime Minister Mitchell told the animated gathering that tomorrow June 2 will be the final day for persons in the country who are not registered to get registered because he will be advising the Governor General of Grenada, His Excellency Sir Daniel Williams, to dissolve Parliament (which should take effect from June 3). Nomination Day is set for Wednesday June 18. Policemen are expected to cast their votes on Friday July 04 and General Elections will be held on Tuesday July 08, 2008.


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123 Pgs
Mr.prophet,who is making the noise in the market? The NNP is an "I" party.If you ask any NNP supporter why there are voting NNP they will tell you its because they have a job,they dont care if their mother is hungry.Every Grenadian should have a job because of a government not from a government VOTE NDC
00By: sheila jones
6/2/2008 5:11:36 PM
fellow grenadians ,the time has come to bring back honesty and integrity to the office of the prime minister,its not about i like him or her.its about caring enough about your country,and its future,in an ever changing world,down with corruption,and selfish persons who use their positions to their own benefit,while the masses have to struggle to feed their families,you have the power in your hand come july 8th ,on that day you are both referee and player,grenadians have come too far as to be influence by free rum,ad salaca,believe me the politicians knows that ,hence the reason for free concerts,vote for honesty,vote for the ones who you believe will serve your community and the country all year round ,and when they mess up remind them how they got there,its up to you.b
00By: aquil
6/2/2008 4:48:14 PM
I know that the NNP is the best party to rule Grenada at this time. Don't fool yourselves, people, the noise in the market is not the sale. NDC will go back in opposition but with a greatly reduced team.
00By: Prophet
6/2/2008 4:39:44 PM
Election time.Free rum,free food of no substance.We as a nation forgives and forgets to much,all we say is let god take care of it.We must seperate God and state,we must start discussing some serious issues that are affecting us.The only way the politicions will respect us and do something worthwhile,is when they cannot take our vote for granted.Knowing the issues that affect us.The politicions that will stand and do the right things for its people should get the chance to do so.So i am calling on you to forget what promise they are offering right now and seat and analysis,reflect,and vote for the good of the country.The time is here for your voices to be heard and they should hear it loud and clear.
00By: Thomas
6/2/2008 3:41:46 PM
Election time.Free rum,free food of no substance.We as a nation forgives and forgets to much,all we say is let god take care of it.We must seperate God and state,we must start discussing some serious issues that are affecting us.The only way the politicions will respect us and do something worthwhile,is when they cannot take our vote for granted.Knowing the issues that affect us.The politicions that will stand and do the right things for its people should get the chance to do so.So i am calling on you to forget what promise they are offering right now and seat and analysis,reflect,and vote for the good of the country.The time is here for your voices to be heard and they should hear it loud and clear.
00By: Thomas
6/2/2008 3:41:23 PM