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When the New National Party demitted office after the July 8th elections, there were several social safety net programmes in place that provided much needed and greatly appreciated relief to people with great need. Many of the people affected are families with little to no flexibility in their household income to accommodate the soaring cost of living or sudden changes to their monthly support/income. These programmes provided critically needed assistance to the most vulnerable persons in our society by giving people access to basic needs while also supporting them with longer term programming. This article will be focused on the programmes that provided for people's most immediate needs, because the immediate impact is what is felt first, and the people who were once supported by these programmes are suffering greatly now. The Food Basket Programme, which has been put on hold by the new Government, provided vouchers valued at $100, $150 and $200 for vulnerable families. The families could present their vouchers at participating stores to cover the expense of their groceries. The programme was designed this way to ensure that these people were not deprived of the dignity of doing their own shopping and making their own consumer choices simply because they had need. The programme was also designed so that items such as cigarettes and alcohol could not be purchased with the vouchers. Most middle class families know that a modest grocery bill for a family of four can barely be less than $250 a week and a well-to-do family could easily spend $500 a week, particularly if they are buying imported food, so the loss of this assistance will be hurting these families a lot. The School Book Programme, which has also been cancelled, targeted vulnerable students who were identified by the Principal's and counselors of the schools, as well as those who chose to fill out an application form. This programme provided all the textbooks needed for students without any stringent penalties for damage to books. This is because the realities of poor households often include many people sharing a small space, roofs and windows leaking in bad weather, no current and many other conditions that could make maintaining the condition of the books very difficult. The Transportation Programme provided bus fare for needy students to ensure that poverty did not become a barrier for them to attend school. This programme by extension also provided income for bus operators which helped them cope with the soaring cost of fuel, by keeping the buses full. The School Book and Uniform Programme was a voucher programme that targeted elementary school children. The maximum value of the vouchers was $300, and it was designed to protect the important social ritual of school shopping parents and children do together in September when the school year begins. Because it was a voucher programme, it also provided the opportunity for the parents to decide whether to use the voucher on books or the uniform. The Housing Assistance and Materials Programme provided rent vouchers for people waiting for homes from the Venezuelan and Chinese housing developments. Putting this programme on hold is threatening to deprive people of access to shelter. Putting the materials programme on hold has stopped contruction work in progress, causing great discomfort for people, as well as prolonging the wait for people still waiting for repairs to their homes. The New National Party has been informed that all of these programmes have been on hold since the election, without replacement programmes. This is not acceptable. If we use a single headed household with four children, two of whom are in secondary school, and two who are primary school as an example: That family will have been deprived of $500 in food vouchers, $300 in uniform vouchers, and at least $300 in transportation assistance. In addition to this, the two children who are in secondary school will now have to purchase the remaining books needed which (depending on the number of courses taken) could cost as much as $800 each. The two elementary school students in this family will have had access to the free books provided, but these books would have been free for them anyway, so the positive impact isn't felt in relation to the losses, which in this scenario equals $ 2,700 dollars. Clearly, the Government of Grenada is not doing its job to protect the vulnerable people in our society. The New National Party would therefore like to ask the Minister of Education to tell the public how many people have actually collected the free school books that have been purchased with money that used to provide for the programmes described above. How many books have piled up in the schools? How much money was spent purchasing books for families that could afford them, rather than using that money for programmes described above? The New National Party would also like to caution the Minister to pay careful attention to the social indicators that will very quickly illustrate the consequences of their Government's decisions. We can expect to see a rise in the truancy rate, because families will not be able to pay for the bus to get to school. The Government will also have to pay careful attention to the sexual exploitation of young girls, as predators encourage girls to provide sexual favours in exchange for transportation, clothes, food and presents. The New National Party would like to caution the Ministry of Health to pay careful attention to the health conditions of these vulnerable families as the basic nutrition needs are no longer being met. Even in the span of two months since the election, the loss of assistance combined with an increase in costs can put many families nutritional balance over the edge. Children lacking basic nutrition will be unable to concentrate and perform well in school. Some may faint in the heat. The Ministry of Social Development must keep their eyes open for an increase in domestic violence and substance abuse, which are known to rise when stressors in family life increase – such as financial pressures. Therefore the Leader of the Opposition holds the view that the Government of Grenada must reinstate these programmes immediately. There is no excuse for not providing social safety nets when the Government has found so much money to spend on themselves for new vehicles, office furniture, and blackberries as well as the replacing the recently purchased furnishings in the Prime Ministers Residence. The New National Party would like to remind the National Democratic Congress that the first principle of good governance is taking care of the needs of the people first, and insist that steps be taken immediately to remedy their wasteful spending and their lack of investment in the people of Grenada. (The above is the perspective of the opposition New National Party. The views expresses are not necessarily those of Inside Grenada Newsteam).


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123456 Pgs
father let me tell you tom drunk but tom no fool you must be the PM himself first I dont care if you are a priest you are a liar in broadlight this is not the US this is grenada? how many of us knock on our neighbours door in the us for some christmas cake? how many of us could plant corn and peas in the us right outside our front door? how many of us visit the sick and dying in the us? how many of us attend our next door neighbours funeral or weeding in the Us except its our family, first you call yourself father and you sound like just a sperm donnar here you usesless rich priest with a fat pocket all you do is run your mouth on the government in power I am sure you will be headboy in the next Revo. NNP is not righteous I am not supporting no one next time when election come I will keep my eyes ears and nose shut if this government do like keith, But you really should give them a chance before you bring them down. Your beloved keith is simply a joker and not the most honest man he have no regard for the law and lives of the citizens all he cared of was his own constituency and the well to do look at all the rich people he had as ministers He blatantly ignored the cries of the working class and tried to bribe them just before election treating them as real illiterates.He made a fool of himself just before election calling himself Jonah and giving me dam money speeches he was not like a PM but like a lost sheep? I am prepared for this attack I will receive but I am speaking plain here
00By: roots
9/14/2008 12:46:00 PM
Outsider, Father and Roots. I dont really care about any political party. My thing is about Grenada. I also dont like how this party is filled with all these dam lawyers. They are nothing but a bunch of crooks and blood suckers anyway. We in Grenada would do better if we had only one of them to do the legal work. Look at Mitchel's party with all those EDUCATED FOOLS from Educated Schools. Look at Wildman from Jamaica. See how much he was getting. U know Mitchel the head of the party was getting much more, while Grenada gets less. Now we are faced with Peter David, Nazim Burke. Remember those are the same two who had Tillman Thomas in Jail. Hey hey. Nah we doe need any lawyers or past communists. Just watch their pocket books when they leave the goverment and u see the difference. We need straight, young, fresh blood with guys who are not eager to fill their pocket books with the loans and grants Grenada gets in assistance from other countries.
00By: Littleboy
9/14/2008 12:39:00 PM
Make excuses for the NDC,they had no vision before they came in power and they have no vision now.Why the people that cannot help themselves has to be affected by the cuts first?every nation looks out for the vunarable,poor,and less to do.I grew up poor i know what it is like not to have food,books,and uniform for school.I did ok and now i am helping the community.I never ran away from them.We have to stand together and see that the government keep the social programs.Write letters and voice your concerns.Enough is enough.
00By: Outsider
9/14/2008 12:14:53 PM
Big business does not get the most tax breaks. Big business pay the most taxes and they in turn pass it onto us as consumers, this is why we pay the high prices.This is why cost of living is so high. Can't you understand? Let me tell you something. Keith Mitchell has borrowed from every body and he eh pay back nuten. Did you know Grenada owes about 2 billion dollars. Who u think will pay that back? Wait and see how much worst it will get? Do u remember when I borrow, I must pay back? Right now Taiwan ready to collect. Trinidad gave us 14 million dollars years ago. No record in the treasury, Nuten to show for it. Wey u think dat money gone? Libia also gave us some more million. No record in the treasury. Nuten to show for it. Wey u tink de money gone??? And u like Mitchel. Those monies was for Grenada, not Mitchel and his crooked devils. We need new, fresh, young Grenadians like you, and some of the other young honest fellows to change things in Grenada. We doe need anyone who de day before, or anyone who related to any dam politian.
00By: Littleboy
9/14/2008 11:53:51 AM
LittleBoy and Roots, you are entitled to your opinions because we live in a democratic society. I am a patriot - a Grenadian at heart and I always think in terms of what is best for Grenada and Grenadians, especially those who need help. I will continue to be the voice of the underprivileged and oppressed. Now, let me get this straight? LittleBoy blames Keith Mitchell for the high cost of living in the country? Was Keith Mitchell the PM of all the other Caribbean countries? Was he the President of the US or any of the other First World nations? The bottom line is, the spike in the cost of living is an international phenomenon, rooted in food shortages, excess demand for oil - especially in China - and the recent drive to use bio-fuels. These factors were outside the political influence of Keith Mitchell, so it is really a pathetic attempt by some people to try and brainwash my people into believing that the Opposition Leader is responsible for their hardships. I can understand why you and your cohorts are trying to demonize the former Prime Minister. I think the nDC has it wrong. The money they seem to save by terminating some of the social outreach programs which benefited the rural poor seems to be moving in the other direction to support a large bureaucracy. as a result, the people who could least afford it are made to feel the real squeeze while those who could most afford it are getting the break (or so it would seem).
00By: Father
9/14/2008 11:21:27 AM