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ST.GEORGE’S, GRENADA, 15 DECEMBER, 2008_A member of the Grenada 17 jailed for the killing of former Prime Minister Maurice Bishop in 1983, has offered the group’s apology to Prime Minister Hon. Tillman Thomas personally for his incarceration for two years during the 1979-83 Grenada revolution. Selwyn Strachan, Minister of Mobilisation during the Peoples Revolutionary Government (PRG) issued the apology while serving as master of ceremonies at a graduation ceremony in the small business programme for close to 16 inmates at Her Majesty’s Prisons on Friday. “I had to do that because I was a part of a government that put Mr. Thomas in prison for his beliefs. Now I have cleared my conscience,” Strachan told the packed hall of inmates, their families and government officials. “I also want to say that we as a people must ensure this never happens again,” he said to the applause of the audience. He said it is the first time he had seen a Prime Minister visiting with inmates at the institution. Former Finance Minister Bernard Coard (1979-83) described Prime Minister Thomas as a person whose commitment to reconciliation goes beyond words. “This man has put those things that were done to him aside to work with people who had previously put him in jail. He does not talk reconciliation, it’s his way of life”, said Coard, one of the main tutors of the education system at Her Majesty Prisons. Inside Grenada News


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1234 Pgs
Good morning grenada well i see that thoes devils children i mean thoes guys how killed our dear brothers and sisters during the 1983 riots is now asking for forgiveness well some one should tell them that they and their hench men have killed some honest and peacful men and women who were true grenadians and that they should always remember that and that if these crimes were committed in another of the more develope western world they would have been hang fellow grenadians we are a small and developing island and i pray that this sort of crimes NEVER NEVER happen again.
00By: gabe
12/17/2008 7:53:40 AM
Good morning grenada well i see that thoes devils children i mean thoes guys how killed our dear brothers and sisters during the 1983 riots is now asking for forgiveness well some one should tell them that they and their hench men have killed some honest and peacful men and women who were true grenadians and that they should always remember that and that if these crimes were committed in another of the more develope western world they would have been hang fellow grenadians we are a small and developing island and i pray that this sort of crimes NEVER NEVER happen again.
00By: gabe
12/17/2008 7:53:24 AM
Good morning grenada well i see that thoes devils children i mean thoes guys how killed our dear brothers and sisters during the 1983 riots is now asking for forgiveness well some one should tell them that they and their hench men have killed some honest and peacful men and women who were true grenadians and that they should always remember that and that if these crimes were committed in another of the more develope western world they would have been hang fellow grenadians we are a small and developing island and i pray that this sort of crimes NEVER NEVER happen again.
00By: gabe
12/17/2008 7:53:03 AM
Good morning grenada well i see that thoes devils children i mean thoes guys how killed our dear brothers and sisters during the 1983 riots is now asking for forgiveness well some one should tell them that they and their hench men have killed some honest and peacful men and women who were true grenadians and that they should always remember that and that if these crimes were committed in another of the more develope western world they would have been hang fellow grenadians we are a small and developing island and i pray that this sort of crimes NEVER NEVER happen again.
00By: gabe
12/17/2008 7:52:34 AM
Good morning grenada well i see that thoes devils children i mean thoes guys how killed our dear brothers and sisters during the 1983 riots is now asking for forgiveness well some one should tell them that they and their hench men have killed some honest and peacful men and women who were true grenadians and that they should always remember that and that if these crimes were committed in another of the more develope western world they would have been hang fellow grenadians we are a small and developing island and i pray that this sort of crimes NEVER NEVER happen again.
00By: gabe
12/17/2008 7:52:24 AM