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St. George’s, Grenada: The VAT Unit would like to invite promoters and persons involved in the hosting of public entertainment events to an information session to be held, on Thursday 26th August 2010 at the Ministry of Finance Conference room at 4:00pm. This session is organized to receive feedback from promoters and other persons involved in public entertainment activities, focusing on their obligations and listening to their queries and concerns with regard to public entertainment activities. For further information persons are urged to contact Ms. Chinnel Andrews or Mrs. Rosemarie Ross, Public Relations Officers at 435-6945/6946, or hotline number 435-9085, or email the Division at All concerned persons are asked to please take note and make a very special effort to attend the session.


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12 Pgs
Sorry, but I did not have such opportunity to do so during the NNP reign. Minister Prime seems to be only hardworking minisiter within the NDC who is accomplishing something for his constituency. Yes, we need to get Allyn Walker and all those rum shop elected officials out of's not a matter of Tillman Thomas's's the people's choice...people's power. Not Tillman Thomas's power. It's totally nonesense to say that we should wait for another election. We the people need to get these ineffective, inefficient, nonperforming and inexperience lazy bums out.
00By: damond
9/7/2010 9:39:38 PM
Damond once again i hear what you say calling for the heads of minister Allyn Walker and thoes non performers within the Tillmans Government who is intent on bringing the Government into disrespect both at home and abroad. My friend this i can agree with you but were you and thoes like you singing the same songs about some of the behaviour of some of Mitchells ministers when they were up to all sorts of mischief while in government were you guys then also calling on Mitchell to sack these Ministers Bro.Damond i say this that these ministers NDC elected by the voters and given ministral post by the Prime Minister and yes if they are not up to the job that they had promise to undertake it is then the duty of the Prime Minister to remove them from that office to a lesser post, but if they are caught in a position where their intregity as a politician in government is in question they should be askes to vacate their post and again i say that come the next election we the voters should then judge who we cast our vote for base on policies and performence and not how many goats head or bottles of clarks court or rivers or T-shirts one hands out to the voters and party members.
00By: gabe
9/6/2010 10:06:45 AM
Bro. Gable, but the people do not have to wait for another election. We the people can demand that our government release Allyn Walker and those who are not conducting themselves in the people's interest. We need to demand that some of our officials who got into office on merit of fete, a drink here and there, a cow head, a few weeks' work on the released of their duties and replaced with innovative, trustworthy, and ability to deliver minded leaders. We should never allowed people like Allyn Walker, a man wth no management and leadersahip experience to hold such office...the one-eight (eight) of white Rivers or white rum, jack iron here and there, the cow head, few yard fowls, goat, sheet head and junction fete and you and your family and friends vote for me must be disbanded...the people's consciousness must be improve to enable them to make wise decisions. I call upon the Tillman Thomas goverment to carefully examine and evaluate its ministers performance on a six month basis. This would prove to our people how transparent and effective the Tillman Thomas administration is. Those who are not up to par must be rooted out.
00By: damond
9/3/2010 11:14:04 AM
Damond in response to your posting quoting the Hon Allyn Walker and his give away goodies to the voters during the last election campaign well my friend to tell you the truth this custom goes back ages and it is something that happens with all these political parties for i can also remember the NNP holding a big fete somewhere in grenville some years ago also handing out T-shirts and other goodies before an election and and the result was a major vote swing to them yes my friend we the voters can sometime be bought but that saying thoes elected into power should respect the oath that they took meaning to served the voters all the voters in good faith ,but and here is the but some of these politicans have the belief that they are clever than the people who puts them into office and it is about time we rise up and wise up and send a message to all of them letting them know that the next time we wont be fooled again for we need big changes,for we need politicians with guts and convictions thoes who will defend the interest of the people all the people and not make vote catching promises and when they get into power they are only concern about their own wellfare so Bro Damond yes i do agrees with you we need politicians with belly ,the ones who will come out of their glass houses and stay in the bush house so they can see real people and how they live the very people who put them into office.
00By: gabe
9/2/2010 7:54:31 AM
Bro Gabe, can you tell me when last your representative had a town hall meeting with the community, to address some of the issues bothering them and the island on a whole...does your community have esay access to its representative and government on a whole...why do they (NDC, NNP, GULP)wait until an election is near to come out and meet the people...why is NDC patiently waiting until the next election draws night to repair St. Mary's RC school, do some road repairs, give the people handouts/hands-me-downs, give them NDC t-shirts...why Gabe...why don't they do what is expected and needed of them? Are they conducting business as usual because they know our people are forever gulible and are easily bribed? For example, Allyn Walker won his seat because he gave the BOYS the bottle (Rivers/white rum), a pig head, a chicken, a cow head to cook...what is Allyn Walker doing for his constituency and there any evidence of his ability to govern, produce jobs and better the living condition of his about your representative and others? Our people deserve better...we can't continue to leave these guys with no leadership skills to continue to further regress Grenada. We have got to find a better way to get these guys producing or out of office. I am not inflaming any violence here, as some of our close-minded Grenadians would attempt to insinuate. We must begin to think outside the box..elect people with innovation, etc.
00By: damond
9/1/2010 10:33:35 AM