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CATEGORY:COMMENTARY ------------------------- By Lloyd Noel (Attorney-at-law) Inside Grenada correspondent Monday January 01,2007 I SUPPOSE, that being the believers many of us like to think we are - it is not too difficult, as we are entering another New Year, to again entertain hopes and really dream of or imagine worthwhile changes in our lives for the New Year. Of course, there are just as many, and perhaps even more fellow human beings, who have had so many bad years in their lifetime - that they have given up on hopes and dreams, and are simply taking and living each day as they come. Again, many true believers would no doubt respond - that those hopeless beings should change their attitudes and place their faith in the Almighty for a solution. And that is very sound advice, am sure; but having seen and dealt with many of those who seem to have lost the will to keep on hoping and dreaming, because nothing is changing for the better but simply getting worse - I can very well understand their reluctance to change and believe again. And as we say goodbye to the old year, and summon up enough strength to welcome another New Year with hopes and dreams for better days ahead - even the faiths of the believers are very sorely tested, and challenged, and open to doubts. It seems that in recent times, and since the new and eagerly anticipated Millenium dawned upon us - each “2K year” has definitely gone from bad to worse, and the last one (2K6) was no exception. And from all appearances, regardless of our hopes and endless dreams and aspirations - the signs of the times ahead are not very comforting, and we are going to need a lot more than mere hopes and dreams, to break through the chains and negatives that are keeping us in social and economical bondage. As we listened to our Leaders and read their nice-sounding phrases and promises, during the Festive Season and the Budget Estimates debate - anyone would be forgiven, for thinking that the road ahead is paved with golden opportunities, merely waiting for us all to grab with both hands and move ahead to the promised land. But having heard it all before and witnessed the performances over the years, and seen the results and the outcomes - accompanied by the meek excuses, and lately, very belatedly, the confessions that mistakes were made and wrong decisions taken - we know only too well that the attempts at repentance, usually followed by the same brash and boastful arrogance, are not genuine but a clear case of mouth open and words jump out. All sorts of accusations, and allegations, and suspicions, giving rise to very far-reaching speculations - are hanging over many of those in public life, and for over-long periods; but instead of clearing the air, and trying to come up with a clean slate for a new beginning, those being targeted are casting aspersions on their accusers, and going back to ancient time and history, to try and show that the accusers to-day were also accused Twenty-odd years ago for one thing or another. Instead of going all out to clear their names, by showing that the accusations today are without any foundation. They instead seem to be saying, that because today’s accusers were also once accused of wrong-doing, whatever the severity or peculiar circumstances - then the modern-day accusations must be tolerated, regardless of the magnitude and significance. This seems to me to be a very backward-looking kind of philosophy - that makes very little sense. And if the thinking of the advisers, or the perpetrators themselves, is based on the old adage that Grenadians have very short memories, and they will soon forget - I warn them to look at the fate of their colleagues to the North and reflect on the changing times, that are blowing in the wind. The Budget was presented and debated to a point, and then the Opposition M.Ps walked out - because the Speaker was clearly displaying partiality during the presentation of M. P. Peter David. Even the Speaker must have heard, that everyone among his Colleagues in the Government he once was a Minister of was saying for over a year now, that the Commission is finished and done with - and he must also know that nothing has been done by those in authority to revive it - yet he was saying the matter was sub-judice (before the Court) and therefore it cannot be mentioned in the highest Court in the land. And there he was sitting the next day, and both the Prime Minister and his Deputy were going on and on and on, about matters that were clearly before the Court on the one hand, and were so obviously “Brango,” hearsay, scandalous and ancient, that nothing about their repetition contributed to the Budget debate. But everything was permitted to be said over and over again - by the very same Speaker - because they were being said by members of the Government he was once a part of. So that the occasion was akin to a case of double-jeopardy, in doing damage to the System of Parliamentary Democracy - by appearing to be partial in refusing to allow one side to legitimately discuss a very topical issue, and almost in the same breath giving the other side the fullest freedom to engage in scandalous Character assassination, of individuals on the opposition side. Had the setting and occasion been any place else, there would have been more than ample evidential material for serious cases of Libel, with exemplary Damages in compensation. But over and above the Legality in a Court House setting - what a shameful display of non-Parliamentary behaviour, and dis-honourable conduct by high profile public officials who are expected to be “Honourable gentlemen?” Is there no limit to the depths such persons would be permitted to drag us all down? And how can the same group of people then turn around and order the arrest and charges of others in the society, who are like Sunday School Teachers by comparison? Surely the examples and role models must come from the top, and be seen to be worthy of emulation by those below? And on a lighter note - although just as important from a national perspective; we also heard those in authority of the up-coming CWC 2007 events, which are just over two months away from the opening ceremony,expounding on the wonderful opportunity the event would be bringing us for those Six to Ten days in April, 2007 - when they must know and understand, that in addition to the very many things that are a long way from being ready for the occasion - the actual staging of the games on our shores by themselves, would not be the “be-all and end-all” that they are predicting for our economic salvation. The emphasis is clearly mis-placed, and sounds more like a scheme to keep the people’s minds and attention away from the real burning issues that are daily affecting their lives - but time will tell. As for the Six Hundred and Thirty odd Millions of dollars Budget itself,presented by the Finance Minister for the next year, it does not seem to take much notice of the effects of the CSME that are due to come on stream from January, 2007. The grace period between last June and December 31st, 2006, for the OECS partners to put their houses in order, or to be given the concessions to enable them to fully participate in the new regime - that period was so silent on the matter, that it sounded as though it had been postponed Indefinitely. But then again, because four or five of those Mini-States are into the CWC 2007 mad rush to being ready - mundane issues like CSME had to take second place. However, when the Cricket Bonanza is over, come April, 28th 2007, we still have to exist in these parts, and trade or compete Worldwide. I suppose, that as per usual, the powers-that-be would, or would not, have done whatever in the background, and at the last minute merely inform us lesser mortals of their decision, and expect us to accept them as gospel. Besides the CSME in general, we also have the CCJ, as the Final Appellate Court for the Region, still pending - with only two States as members thereof; and again silence all around. I could see the political window dressing, and the Election Campaign propagander all over and around the Budget estimates for 2007. But what I cannot see, nor heard pointed out by those who prepared and presented those Estimates - as the road map for the way ahead - was any possible solutions for alleviating the Economic strangulation of so many people for such a long time now. Playing Fields and Sporting facilities will at long last be brought up to-date; especially to give those party hacks more funds, to complete the jobs they had already been paid for, like the Cuthbert Peters Park in Gouyave - and flood lights will be provided in those Fields Island wide, to enable our Sporting prospects to train and practice their skills at nights. But most of them are un-employed, and so are their parents who cannot provide the basic necessities for healthy sportsmen/women. So what is the rationale for wasting funds on Electricity, rather than providing the opportunities for skills training that are employment oriented, (within the CSME) and or the necessary job markets to enable the family to earn a living to provide healthy diets for those potential sporting stars? A clear or classic case of “Chickens and Eggs,” and which must come first. After all the denials and counter-attacks, and refusals to co-operate on the Briefcase issue, and lack of response on the Russian Oil and Gas Agreement of 2005 - among other issues - we are entering another New Year,with major dark clouds hanging over our Tri-Island State of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. How we deal with them, and how we eventually face up to their outcomes - only time will tell. In the meantime and until then, it only leaves for me to wish all you readers of this Column, the Almighty’s richest Blessings, for peace, good health and prosperity, for 2007 and beyond.


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