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CATEGORY:RELIGION ---------------------- INSIDE GRENADA Monday February 19,2007 by Lyndon St.Cyr Are ALL the religions in the world correct? How then does one come to grips with truth? Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth and the life; no man comes to the Father except through ME.” What does this really mean? How does one really come to grips with truth? Many persons ascribe to the philosophy that discussing religious claims and matters of the heart require that you leave the intellect out. Please permit me a moment of your time to examine this issue. Can one come to the knowledge of truth without first contrasting “conflicting truth?” What then should we do when there are “conflicting truth” claims? Let us set this foundation from a logical perspective. Can two contradicting statements both be true? Certainly not! Two contradictory statements can be false but both cannot be true unless, of course, the laws of logic do not apply to reality. Will a scientist accept two conflicting results for the same experiment? A pilot, listening to the tower, will not accept two opposite numbers as true unless one of the numbers become qualified, asserting something else. Logically speaking two conflicting statements cannot be true. So, when Jesus says he is the way, the truth and the life and that no man comes to the Father except through Him, he is making a most reasonable statement. Reasonable because truth, by definition, is exclusive. The moment something is affirmed all challenges to the affirmation are automatically excluded. That which best represents reality always follows the law of Non-contradiction. If we deny this law we might as well try to speak about a one-ended stick. Can you even picture that? On these grounds it is therefore more logically possible that all the religions of the world are wrong but it is not logically sensible to say that all the religions in the world are right. No other religious leader ever claimed to be Messiah, Savior or even Son of God but Jesus. By virtue of the law of Non-contradiction His statement the he is the only way, the only truth and the only door to the Father must be correct, and exclusively so. Today if you hear HIS voice, harden not your heart.


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