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CATEGORY:LETTER TO THE EDITOR ---------------------------------- INSIDE GRENADA Monday March 5,2007 Hon. Brenda Hood Minister of Tourism, Culture and Civil Aviation Ministerial Complex Tanteen St. George’s Hon. Minister, Port Louis, Mount Cinnamon and Other Matters Greetings Hon. Minister! Permit me the opportunity of seeking clarification from you on matters pertaining to developments being undertaken by the reputed millionaire/billionaire Peter de Savary. ( I understand that he is better known as “de Saviour” in tourism circles.) I have heard both yourself and the Director of Tourism speaking in glowing terms of what this developer is doing “for this” and “for that”. It seems that he has become “Papa Peter” to the Ministry and Board of Tourism. 1. Port Louis Hon. Minister permit me to ask the following questions in relation to the Port Louis development: • Can you please clarify whether the government has SOLD or LEASED the Lagoon property to Mr. de Savary’s company? What are the terms and conditions under which this property, belonging to we the people, has been turned over to the control and use of Mr. de Savary? • If the property has been sold, HOW MUCH has it been sold for? What are the terms of payment? How much has the Treasury already received? • I am particularly interested, Hon. Minister, in the water rights of the Lagoon area. WHAT ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN TAKEN TO PROTECT THE ACCESS AND RIGHTS OF TRADITIONAL USERS OF THE LAGOON AREA? WHAT ARE THE ARRANGEMENTS PERTAINING TO LEGITIMATE HOMEOWNERS IN THE AREA? • This area is an ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE one and of immense HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE to the people of Grenada. (i) Has the developer, Mr. de Savary, presented his plans for the development of the area for review and assessment by the Physical Planning Unit? (ii) Has an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT been undertaken? (iii) What are the findings of this Environmental Impact Assessment? What MITIGATING ACTIONS will have to be undertaken? • What will happen to the “green spaces” of the Lagoon Park area - a gift to the people of Grenada and particularly, to persons in the Lagoon Road and environs, by Ms. Frisbee and her group who laboured for years to bring that park area into being. I understand that the developer plans to put up a FENCE WHICH WILL BLOCK OFF ACCESS VISUALLY AND PHYSICALLY. We the people also understand that there are plans to RECLAIM AN AREA along the Lagoon Road and put up COTTAGES? Can you clarify whether or not this is the case? If the intention to put up a fence and cottages is indeed true, then Hon. Minister we the people STRENUOULSY OBJECT. If this is indeed the case, why is your ministry endorsing and facilitating this UTTER DISRESPECT and DISREGARD of the rights of we the people? Has the GOOD SENSE of everyone been lost to Mr. de Savary’s reputed millions? • Access to the Mt Pandy Beach: Some weeks ago, I was most amazed to hear a newscast which featured the billionaire (?) developer. He was informing the nation that HE was going to RELOCATE THE PUBLIC ROAD /ACCESS to Mt. Pandy beach because it was passing through the centre of HIS project!! ABSOLUTELY OUT OF ORDER!! Madam Minister, it would appear that this gentleman thinks that he is “in South Africa prior to Nelson Mandela becoming President”? WHO has given this gentleman THE AUTHORITY to make statements of intent about public property? Have you and your administration abdicated your responsibilities TO GOVERN AND MANAGE AND PROTECT THE INTERESTS OF WE THE PEOPLE? Madam Minister, I have always known that boundaries were defined by public access roads. I know that government exercises its discretion and authority to acquire private property in the PUBLIC INTEREST. I have never heard it the other way around. And if this should be the case, then at VERY LEAST, it should be a Minister or some other PUBLIC OFFICIAL making a statement. It is ALARMING when a private developer begins making public statements on what is properly government business. WHAT NEXT? I seek clarification, Madam Minister, on this issue of the public access to Mt. Pandy Beach and the proposed relocation (?) of the public road by the developer. • Displacement of Persons Living in the Mt. Pandy and Lagoon Area: I have noted one of the settlements to which some persons have been relocated in the Corinth area – on the brow of a hill overlooking La Sagesse. What an EYESORE! What a DISGRACE!! What an ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD!! Hon. Minister what ever happened to BUILDING BACK BETTER? Your Ministry and colleagues have clearly NOT been up to the challenge of creating a model, low-income settlement for these displaced persons!! Was the Housing Authority consulted? I understand that the developer gave money towards resettlement and from the sum quoted, there is much that could have been done with that sum of money to facilitate the creation of decent housing conditions for the persons involved. But then WHO CARES? Certainly, NOT YOUR MINISTRY!! And your Ministry tells we the people that TOURISM IS EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS?! 2. Mount. Cinnamon: I have heard and read reports in the media of all that Mr. de Savary “is doing for” the Morne Rouge area. A report in the February 16th issue of Grenada Informer is titled , “ Peter de Savary’s Mount Cinnamon Assists in the Beautification of Morne Rouge Hotel Belt “. Permit me the following questions and observations in relation to the Mount Cinnamon development: • I strenuously OBJECT to the sale of BEACH FRONT property of we the people to Mr. de Savary . That area should have been kept and developed as a green space to be enjoyed by locals and visitors alike and also in keeping with the recommendation of the Tourism Master Plan. • I also OBJECT to the COMPLICITY of the National Insurance Scheme in facilitating this deal with Mr. de Savary. • I have been noting with keen interest the developments taking place in that area. The new owner is maximizing the utilization of space. So there has been an addition to the restaurant. This addition now almost hangs over the public road – outside open air dining, I speculate. ISN’T THERE A STIPULATION THAT BUILDING SHOULD BE UNDERTAKEN A MINIMUM NUMBER OF FEET AWAY FROM THE PUBLIC ROAD? • A fence has been put up and landscaping undertaken. I wish to draw to your attention, Madam Minister that we the people have now been DEPRIVED OF ALL SIDE WALK SPACE AND PUBLIC PARKING. That has now been landscaped. Pretty...yes….but where is the space to facilitate pedestrians? The sidewalk is not only for we the people. It is also for the benefit of our visitors, persons staying in hotels in that area. Will Mount Cinnamon be offering Pay for Park to patrons of Fantazia and other businesses in the location during hectic periods? • On the public road side of the beachfront property, a shallow drain has been constructed, adjoining the road. It would seem that this drain prevents water from coming onto the beachside property. What is very interesting is that the drain does not go all the way down and DEFLECTS WATER ONTO THE PUBLIC ROAD. Again, I have to ask Hon. Minister, is ANYONE looking after the interests of we the people? 3. Use of the National Flag: I have noted that Mr de Savary seems TO BE TAKING SOME LIBERTIES WITH OUR NATIONAL FLAG. Our national flag is flying 24/7 at the Port Louis office in Archibald Avenue. It is quite ironic that while the Port Louis and Mount Cinnamon flags seem to be fairly well lit at night, the national flag is barely distinguishable in the dark. The national flag is also incorporated into the Port Louis and Mount. Cinnamon logo. In addition, Mr. de Savary’s private jet/airplane bears a representation of the national flag. I have also noted at least two flags planted in the Ballast Ground area and one flying on the building on the beach front property in Grand Anse. Hon. Minister, as a seasoned parliamentarian and Minister of Government you do know that there is FLAG PROTOCOL. There are “do’s” and “don’ts” regarding HOW the national flag is used, BY WHOM and on WHAT OCCASION. Flags are flown on GOVERNMENT buildings and offices, from 6.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. generally. In special circumstances, the flag may be flown at night, but there are very clear instructions as to how this is to be done. On SPECIAL occasions, such as Independence, flags may be flown on OTHER buildings and offices (like Mr. de Savary’s). There is a special significance of the representation of the national flag on an airplane – the airplane belongs to the state. Has Mr. de Savary’s plane become the OFFICIAL AIR CARRIER? Therefore Hon. Minister, can you explain WHY Mr. de Savary is being allowed these liberties with our national flag. Is it that he now “run things” in Grenada? In closing, Hon. Minister, permit me to observe that we the people are not insensitive to the enormous challenges and conflicts that face tiny island states as ours in our quest for development and a better quality of life. We also recognize the role that foreign investors can play. However, we expect our elected representatives to be ACCOUNTABLE and to make INFORMED, RESPONSIBLE DECISIONS with DUE RESPECT and REGARD to the rights and interests of we the people. We the people have NOT elected you and your colleagues to preside over the wholesale RECOLONISATION of Grenada. I refer not only to the Port Louis investment but other DEVELOPMENTS (?) through out our country. Our peninsulas, headlands, even islands are being sold out to foreign investors. One just has to look at the advertisements in Grenada’s tourist magazines – Discover and Visitor. Are we going to have to carry PASSES just now to be able to access certain parts of our very own country? Millionaire investors COME AND GO. Our piece of rock is merely REAL ESTATE to them, to be traded to the highest bidder. But we the people LIVE here, Hon. Minister. This is where we call HOME. This is WHERE we, our children and grandchildren and their children will be, long after investors have gone. When we give away our BIRTHRIGHT what do we have left to BEQUEATH to our children and grandchildren? Kind regards! Sandra C.A. Ferguson c/o P.O. Box 750 St. George’s


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