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INSIDE GRENADA SUNDAY December 16,2007 by Wallace J.A GRENADA: Young men and young women in Grenada, between the ages of sixteen and thirty-two, who are desirous of joining the British army, now have an opportunity to do so. Major Alistair Fife from the England arrived in Grenada last week to commence the process of pre-selecting recruits for the vacancies that currently exist within the British army. Every year, the British army recruits persons from Commonwealth countries to serve in the army but it is the first time that Grenada has been selected. It is now possible for between one hundred and fifty and two hundred young persons in Grenada to commence careers in the British military as soldiers, serving in various areas like Infantry,the Royal Engineering and the Royal Armored Corp. Many young persons in the country showed up at the National Stadium last week to see Major Fife and get more information from him as it relates to a possible career in the British military. In February 2008, after the completion of the application process and the requisite tests are carried out, it will be known exactly how many Grenadians will succeed in making the journey to England.


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12 Pgs
Boy I have to come to that issue again! I've just been listening to my favourite station 5Live!on the internet and would you believe they talked about the poor way service men and women are treated! They say that in London alone there are about 2,500 HOMELESS ex-service men and women. They say that they should be put at the top of the priority list for council housing! Many of those they talk about have recently served in Iraq and Afganistan and have young families(talk about opportunity). That is the message for this Christmas by soldiers and their families of serving slodiers but ah guess me is a fool! Merry Christmas!
00By: bayrum
12/25/2007 2:08:43 AM
that's not an opportunity b/c they just goin to put they life at risk for what unsureity, plz some of their own british solider dont even get help after the army instead the evict them from they home so how the hell it will be an opportunity for them, ppl look at the news and the fact before you comment about its an opportunity, why u think they in grenada recruiting now b/c their own ppl dont want to do it anymore
00By: 8bb
12/21/2007 4:57:18 PM
I agree with bayrum because I have family members with that sort of experience. The hopes and expectations are usually high initially, but the reality is that after years of service, you seem to be back at square one. Others may have had it differently, but what the brother said has lots of merit and he is entitled to his view.
00By: Wall
12/20/2007 7:07:09 AM
Timothy, where you reading from? First Timothy? and what make your saying right anyway? The opportunity these guys will get by joining the Br.forces would be best centered around gaining a skill that they can later use be it mechanic whatever. i know of guys who tried to get into the airforce or the navy and had to be satisfied with the joining the easier end, army/marines. Most times when guys leave the army they have nothing to turn to or hold on to. They are unlikely to go far in the armed forces as career officers for example and so their time there is short. They generally leave the forces without a skill and without money. Ah lotta dem does shame to say how life hard real hard but ah guess according to you ah foolish for sayin dat; Secornd Timoteee. Me cant stop dem let dem go.
00By: bayrum
12/19/2007 7:32:38 PM
Bayrum ,this is an opportunity for Grenadians ...Have you ever heard the saying 'it is better to remain silent and thought a fool that to open your mouth and remove all doubt ': It is not necessary for you to go through to explain to anyone what to expext . In their breifings and debrefing they'll know . I guess those who'll go for the opportunity can read and they look at news so they should be prepared just wish them best wishes as they think of a Career where they can serve.. who knows it could be Grenada needing that service again .. Peace
00By: Timothy
12/19/2007 10:50:15 AM