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INSIDE GRENADA MARCH 19, 2008 by Lloyd Noel I assert that we cannot develop a truly honest and god-fearing society and people - until we learn to demand the highest level of integrity from those occupying positions of trust. And we must never forget, but always keep in the fore front of our conscious-ness, that the price of indifference to-day is the end of freedom tomorrow. And the real danger in our Tri-Island State now-a-days, is not that there is widespread corruption, official dishonesty in matters of public interest, and a reckless lack of responsibility and forthright accountability by those in authority - the frightening danger is that our people generally are beginning to take it for granted. The point here being - that if we are not prepared to stand up to-day and say it as we see it, for whatever reason, then on the dawn of a new day tomorrow, many of the new breed of supporters may very well be tempted to adopt the same stance. If the actions and omissions of those in positions of trust are wrong - it matters not what colours of jerseys they are wearing, or theme songs they are singing - because the right alone is right and the wrong is always wrong. But to be on that wavelength, we have to adopt the same principle in times of adversity, and maintain it consistently in times of prosperity. And that is precisely where we are in to-day’s festering climate of indifference to wrong-doing, and the could-not-care-less attitude by too many of those who know better but remaining silent. Just look at how the powers-that-be are behaving and making a mockery of the freedom and fair play guaranteed to us all under the Constitution. Having attempted to tape the happenings of a legally constituted group in their own head office, and that sinister attempt being shamefully discovered and stripped of its dis-graceful aims and motives - the chief (COP) of the very agent used to carry out the criminal activities, ordered an investigation by his own officers. Those officers collected statements from those alleged to have broken the law - because they very fortunately intercepted the wrong-doing and foiled the culprits in the course of their dirty activities - and those statements were forwarded to the same "Constitutional" official responsible for taking action. Having considered the statements, the DPP and his assistants ruled that there was no sufficient evidence to bring charges - and they so advised the COP. But to add high-handed and pompous insult to the already Criminal activities - the powers-that-be "Super Legal Advisor" goes on public T/V and try to dis-credit and ridicule the DPP. And my very reliable information, from sources close to the investigators who conducted the enquiry - is that after the dis-graced Police officer had given his account of what actually took place at the scene of the Crime, a high-powered legal official who was not satisfied with what in fact took place - brought the poor officer back to the CID and helped him to write another statement, more or less contradicting what he had said before, and both were sent to the DPP’s office. That made matters worse, I suppose. But while this kangaroo behaviour was embarrassing us worldwide - the news came out from England that Scotland Yard’s Anti-terrorist Squad had bugged a Muslim Labour (M.P.) Member of Parliament during a private visit to another Muslim man in prison - in England. The M.P. is also a Lawyer and the man in prison was both his client and a member of his Constituency. The bugging of MPs is a breach of Government edict that has barred Law agencies from eavesdropping on Politicians, and goes back to the bugging scandal of Harold Wilson’s Government some forty years ago. Instead of wanting to charge the people who discovered the bugging, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair, was under full pressure to explain why his officers breached the rules. The Justice Secretary of State has ordered an immediate inquiry, and himself has said such bugging is un-acceptable. A senior Labour M.P. commented that it was very dangerous indeed for an MPs conversation with constituents to be bugged by the security services or the police. Another said ---"It is an affront to democracy and has all the hallmarks of a totalitarian regime. No one is suggesting that MPs are above the law, but when behaving as MPs and dealing with People’s Liberty that must be sacrosanct as it is with Lawyers". In our case here, it was the Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition and Six other MPs and three Senators, as well as prospective Candidates for the up-coming Elections in the Tri-Island State. So the magnitude of the dis-graceful and dangerous practice must be multiplied many times more. I wonder how the Prime Minister, as Minister responsible for National Security and the Police, put over his report or his briefing to the Queen’s representative in Grenada, our Governor General? And even more to the point - how did the G.G. respond? The answer may come in his Memoirs some good day down the road. Now why did our leaders not follow the British way of treating with such a dangerous precedent? Those in authority like to boast of our Parliamentary Democracy and its roots from the Westminister Model in England. Why skim off the cream at the top, and leave the true substance hidden below? And while all the boastings about the national education programme for the youths and un-employed, what manner of integrity, and dignity, and trust-worthiness are being passed on to them, for use with the so-called education being peddled? Would we never become tired of Crucifying Christ? We may attract all kinds of investments into our economic programs, and the Investors - whoever they are - may promise and indeed provide all the goodies, and trappings, and financial salvation that our people may need and demand from them. But from the outset, through out the implementation, and at the end of the day - if we do not also implant into our people’s general make-up, and their mentality, and their regard for honesty and transparent responsibility - the wisdom and training to appreciate and cherish, not only that which they have been favoured or blessed with, as well as those who made it all possible - but more importantly to pay due respect and consideration, for the lawful rights and freedoms of all those concerned - then we will be building Castles in the sand. I see the furore surrounding the revelation and denial of persons at Richmond Hill Prison who are infected with the Tuberculosis virus - raising its ugly head again in the public arena. My information is that a Prison Officer died from the disease, and that there are inmates who have been tested positive, and some are receiving treatment while others are not. That level of information, which has been communicated to the Authorities in the Health Ministry, seem to be causing all sorts of heated denials and unfortunate statements in response. And I cannot understand why all the fuss and furore about people’s health, and well being. The Minister is responsible for the people’s health whether they are in prison or in freedom street - so what is the big deal about simply treating those infected at the prison and leaving nature to take its normal course? They are people too. Then the CAP BANK fiasco continues to deepen beneath the surface, and to-date nothing public coming from the Receiver appointed by the Minister of Finance and confirmed by the Court. He did submit some form of report in the ten days time laid down by the Judge, but so far the contents thereof are still secret. What is more confusing is that no other time limit has been imposed on the Receiver for doing whatever, and in the meantime all the depositors are just waiting in limbo, not knowing what is happening with their hard earned savings. The Bank’s CEO, through its Lawyers, continue to insist in the Court process that the appointment of the Receiver was without legal authority; and if the promises made are fulfilled, there should be a Court of Appeal Judge appointed this week to deal with the matter. But whatever the motives of the powers-that-be in all this confusion - they are clearly playing hardball through the Statements coming from their "Legal Super Advisor" who is leading the Case for the Minister. And when it is remembered, that it is the same team of powers-that-be that brought about the whole melee in the first place - by issuing the Banking Licence without proper authority, and refusing to revoke the same when so advised by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank - the statements coming from the Legal Advisor is even more confusing and devoid of care and concern for the hundreds of little people waiting in limbo. Together with all the other happenings taking place Island-wide since this new year began, the build up to the forthcoming General Elections is surely gaining momentum. No signs yet of any drop in the escalating cost of living - instead, traders and business people all over are complaining about goods on hand that they cannot sell, because the money is not there. Even the small farmers who depend on the two market days in the Country parts to sell their products - many days they are left with a whole lot of stuff un-sold, because people have to choose what foodstuffs they buy, and rightly or wrongly those people are opting for imported stuff since those can stretch further, although not healthier. I noticed the CARICOM Heads in the Bahamas two week-ends ago, took the decision to suspend or reduce the (CET) Common External Tariff on imported goods, so as to help reduce the Costs of living regionally and that should help. But on the other hand, some duties, on gas and Petrol for example, vary so much from one Island to the next that the policies do not make sense and the costs of goods reflect the imbalance. Yet in all these situations, the workers who are mainly at a dis-advantage are not getting the wage increases to help balance the family budgets, and so the crisis continues. And those same suffering little people are hearing of the Millions being wasted by the powers-that-be, on schemes that only make things worse for them but are designed for political propaganda - and now-a-days as Election gimmicks. Why can’t our Leaders follow or copy the many good traits that are practiced Worldwide? And how much longer can we continue to accept those low class standards?


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