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Grenada has been a peaceful, sovereign democracy for decades now: A privilege that was not easily earned by us, and must by all measure be maintained, preserved and cherished as the gift that it is to us all, and the generation of Grenadians to come. A sovereign nation is a nation that is wholly independent. We are a nation that is able to make and implement our own laws and policies and determine our public will as we see fit, without interference or control by another nation or party. As a sovereign nation, we have chosen to be governed by a constitution and to function as a democracy. Just as Grenada is an independent nation, so too are its people. The people of Grenada have the right to believe what they chose to believe, to express what they choose to express and the right to associate with whomever they chose to associate with so long as these do not present a threat to the peace and tranquility of our nation. It is not within the power of any of us to take away, or interfere with that right. It is our right to disagree, and that is the foundation of what the election process we are engaged in now is all about: and each person who casts a vote is a part of exercising and protecting that right. And because we have the right and the freedom to disagree, no political party in this nation can accept any act of intimidation, vandalism or violence perpetrated in their name. To maintain our democratic rights and freedoms, to protect our nationhood, to defend the sovereign principles upon which our nation has been built; we must learn to agree to disagree even when we have strong beliefs we feel others should believe too. I am calling on you, the citizens of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, to make a promise to each other to respect the democratic freedoms and rights of people to cast a vote for whoever they choose: even if we do not like it, or agree with it. Let us not as a people encourage threats to any supporter of any party. In addition, we should not encourage intimidation or harm because they are choosing to exercise their constitutional rights in our democratic nation. There should be no further reports of people being threatened or intimidated: Candidates, whether we like them or not, have a right to be candidates and to invite people to vote for them. Our Media personalities, whether we like them or not, have a right to observe what is happening in our nation, and to report it when it is supported by evidence and truth. Political supporters, whether we like them or not and whether we agree with them or not – have a right to support who they choose. The New National Party is committed to maintaining and preserving our democratic rights, freedoms and the public peace we have enjoyed for so long now. We recognize that the stress and trauma of Hurricanes Ivan and Emily, the financial pressures many have been facing, as well as other issues in our families are contributing in part to some of the unwanted behaviour we are seeing in Grenada today. Over the last few months I have been discussing this matter with the Minister of Social Development, Yolande Bain-Horsford, and we have recognized that most of the murders that have taken place this year are crimes involving people in conflict and people who know each other. Therefore, I commit to all our citizens that we will embark on a “National Healing Campaign” to provide the support, assistance and services needed to help our nation heal and cope with stress, trauma, differences of opinions and financial pressures to ensure that we collectively improve our ability to resolve our conflicts without resorting to violence.


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12 Pgs
Thank you for that cc, i do sell the wax plus i swap it for the wax foundation i use on the bee frmeas. For every kilo i give the bloke, i get 1/2 a kilo of foundation back no money changes hands, so i'm happy with that. I sell it for 6$ a kilo plus gst. I think you'd be right about the customs.Anyway, thanks again, i'll catch ya later, bye
00By: Gary
1/24/2013 12:07:24 AM
Yolande who? man you are a mad man that is if you are nnp that woman god will show her she is a very wicked confusion maker poor little rich girl.
00By: ruth
6/29/2008 8:55:26 AM
now that there is an election coming up i see the head man of the NNP is calling on grenadians to for healing process and all sort of nonsence is this the same man who the other day quoted as saying that the opposition THE NDC is talking VOODOO politices is this the same man who talks to grenadians as though they are uneducated people is this the same man who who cant get out of the television is this the same man who is the spokesman for his government on every subject matter there is within his government and yes mr nnp the law in grenada still has to be sanction by the british government, mr nnp grenadians are not fools and they will soon realised when they are being had by all this smooth talk so please start by telling them the truth than all this nonescene about healing because only god can heal the sorrow that you and your government has bought upon grenada and only god can change that.
00By: gabriel
6/23/2008 4:52:03 AM
now that there is an election cxoming up i see the head man of the
00By: Gabriel
6/23/2008 4:32:17 AM
this is esther election is around the corner they all are licking asses for vote , by august they forget everybody who vote what grenadians need to do take every thing and still do not vote for mr keith.
00By: esther
6/22/2008 2:23:22 PM