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Electoral officials in Grenada on Friday confirmed that two opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) members were seeking to have their names removed from the list of candidates to contest the July 8 general election. Supervisor of Elections, Nadica McIntyre, said that Kent Joseph and David Lambert had submitted letters seeking to have their names withdrawn. They had been nominated to contest the elections as independent candidates as part of a strategy by the NDC to ensure that the party would be represented in two constituencies where the official candidates might have been forced to withdraw. Reprinted from


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12 Pgs
No one has really explained this stupid bulletin what is that about what is he or she trying to imply that there is divisions this is real prejudice who she working for?
00By: physic
6/30/2008 2:16:36 PM
some body help me out here whats all this news about can you tell me what it means, or is the person or persons who gave the go ahead to print that headline a representive of the looney party or just mischief making tell does the editors of this web site check their news information desk before printing such rubbish so come on lets have a retraction in the run up to an election you owe it to the people of grenada and the supporters of all the cintesting parties in this election,or is it the work of (YOU KNOW WHO )
00By: gabriel
6/30/2008 9:19:26 AM
Well, it doesn't seem as if the Jamaican media house that ran the story picked up on this shortcoming either (this was reprinted form them). Why pay someone for such mediocrity?
00By: Devon
6/30/2008 7:57:06 AM
to real news still waiting for the punchline,here,s my advice to you donot stand on your head while you write,as we see, you may just use the wrong body part to think,small advice from an unintelligent person.
00By: beverley
6/29/2008 8:32:26 PM
real news ths is the most bullshit i,ve ever read ,i guess i am one of the unintelligent persons,one question you sure flushed the wrong thing since i truly believe you wrote that during one off your constipated moments ,well all is forgiven,international my a.. does that make it right,damn am beginning to believe you are the writer of the story,,as to quote the others,it was misleading,so happy to join the fools,you idiot.ha.
00By: jennilyn
6/29/2008 8:16:08 PM