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In man’s quest for truth, questions will be constantly asked, some deep, some superficial, many just plain silly. But no matter who is asking the questions, nor how intelligent and well-informed the person or group answering maybe – it is also very true that no one has all the answers, and further questioning can produce what is needed. But many times some “smartmen” get answers from their persistent questioning that they are not bargained for. And as the political rally song of the N.D.C., keep on reminding us of a “Jonah” in the boat to be thrown overboard – I recalled a story from a clergyman who was addressing a Bible meeting about Heaven and Hell one day, and an atheist in the crowd asked him if he believed “Jonah” was really swallowed by a whale. The priest replied, “when I get to heaven I shall ask Jonah”. The atheist persisted ---“but supposing when you get to heaven, Jonah is not there”. “Then in that case”, said the Priest – “you will have to ask him when you get where he is”. As the Election fever is heating up all over the place, and particularly as Nomination day came with a brand new pattern of supporters behaviour – in most cases around the Registration Officers location in the various Constituencies – the mood and setting took on a more carnival-oriented atmosphere, than the solemn business of Nominating a Candidate to contest the up-coming General Elections on July 8th. The main parties colours (Green & Yellow) were everywhere in evidence, and the DJ’s were belting out the party’s theme songs to incense the crowds. All over the Country there were motor-cades and flags and banners and the colours to go with them – but come Election day none of those will be allowed anywhere near Polling stations, so I do hope those responsible put their supporters on notice well in advance. In keeping up the trend that started from the early days of this Election year – every kind of gathering to do with meetings and political matters now-a-days are always attended by the DJ’s and the loud music – and needless to say the ruling party heads the list because the campaign funds are unlimited in that group. Now while it is very obvious that those promoting that trend – are doing so to attract the younger voters who associate everything with music and jump up – the much bigger picture and the true objective of trying to influence voters to let the progress continue, must be suffering and are being side-lined. It also seems, that instead of discussing issues and laying out plans and policies, to take our suffering people out of their present and future apparent economic and social problems – those still in control are more concerned about down-grading individuals, and painting scandalous rumours about the NDC and its Leadership promising to legalise Marijuana. That kind of behaviour is clearly not winning friends nor influencing people, and the latest poll published last week bears this out. According to the poll results, just over 36% of those interviewed said they would vote NNP; and over 32% said they would vote NDC – so the total decided voters was about 69% and about 29% of those polled said they were undecided. It must mean, therefore, that the progress that has been boasted about, and for the continuance of which a lot of Millions are being spent to encourage voters to up-hold – that so-called progress is quite invisible and unknown. And time is running out for identifying the so-called progress, and disclosing them to the voters. So that, based on the deluge of evidence of wrong-doing, and corrupt practices, and squandering of the people’s assets in the con-game of enriching themselves unlawfully – those people in opposition who are clamouring for change, to put Grenada on the front burner of true progress, and development, and the straight road towards prosperity and a better standard of life for all our people; these people surely have a much better chance of influencing the doubters and the side-liners, towards moving them into the stream of genuine change and truly up-ward movement in the times ahead. Based on the foregoing, therefore, the large numbers of un-decided and still considering how to vote – they must be far more inclined to the wind of change, than to leave things as they are and continue to suffer. But however the people as a whole are thinking, or seeing things as they are unfolding before their very eyes – the choice is theirs and they will have to stand the consequences in the months and years ahead – come what may. For the past three years public servants and teachers could not get the Government to agree on a new package of pay increases – although food prices and everything else have been going up and upwards to the sky. Then quite suddenly a new deal was arranged and the Prime Minister announced two weeks ago, that about ($8 Millions) Eight Million dollars will be paid to those workers beginning last Wednesday (nomination day) and continuing up to January next year. The Imani workforce was increased in numbers, and the pay also went up to $800.00 per month since the Election date announced – and all young persons who want them can have new green jerseys every week, for the big rallies as well as the local meetings and Truck parades at the drop of a hat. The PRO, Terry Forrester, said on good morning G’da last week – that the NNP friends and well wishers abroad have been asking the party chiefs how they can help to let the progress continue. And according to him, that is the source of funds for bringing those highly paid entertainers to Rallies – to make the people feel happy, in advance of the carnival celebration which is thirty days away. Whether those money Barons are abroad, or already comfortably entrenched in the Spice Isles and making Millions, by trading the people’s assets with concessions for decades down the road – it matters not, because they are simply paying back to the small band of deceivers who have sold the people’s heritage down the drain for their own benefits. I even heard the Minister who was responsible for our Oil and Energy assets – the NNP deputy political Leader Gregory Bowen – suddenly telling the people that come July 9th, after his party is returned to power, the Oil money will begin to flow because he had the people in place to take over where Grynberg left off. He very carefully omitted, or conviently forgotten to tell the people that his plea for immunity to the U.S.A. – for the U.S. $500 Million dollars claim hanging over his head in New York – has been turned down and he will have to face that claim personally when Liberation day has dawned. And if he thinks that a change of Administration in Washington D.C., by the advent of a new day with the first African/American President in the white house, then he had better start looking for Asylum in Moscow – because Barack Obama is the pure essence of change, among leaders and legislators like Bowen and his lot. And as though the Gospel singing from the platform of the suffering crowds at the opposition rallies, are not only driving the NNP Candidate to speak in tongues and from their “Hearts” – but to also lose their cool when a statement of fact is thrown back at them in public. After the nomination day street parade in the St. John’s Constituency last week Wednesday, the NNP Candidate, Fitzroy Bedeau, had a short meeting by the Nutmeg pool in Gouyave. I stood in the crowd and listened to him, and I thought he was cool and to the point. He was loudly applauded. Only the next day to hear - he allegedly confronted a young woman, after the meeting, and assaulted her by pushing (chucking) her on the chest, because she made a statement about him which he overheard and obviously did not like. Not the way to win friends and influence people, Mr. Bedeau. The young woman may have been wrong to say whatever she said – but two wrongs do not make a right. And in any case, you cannot afford to lose your cool for that minor encounter when, because of your Candidacy, you may very well be faced with major encounters should your party get another term in office. The threat by the NNP Legal Advisor, Hugh Wildman, that he had something up his sleeve to block, or to disrupt, or in some crazy way to prevent the nomination of Peter David for the Town of St. George’s – did not materialize, because like everything that guy undertakes on behalf of the NNP always die a natural death. Who knows – he may still try something in the remaining days to “L” day, but the winning team is ready for him. But in the midst of all these comings and goings and carry on, among the combatants and their supporters - I am hearing on the grapevine news, that some influential people are already making concrete arrangements to move out – as Liberation day approaches. Even shipping Agents have been contacted already. And that is quite understandable, because those cats have a whole lot to hide or to answer for; so as the old people saying goes, “those who have sore foot have to take in front, before their deeds catch up with them”. And talking about the “One China Policy” that seems to be now-a-days taking on a “Two China Banking Strategy”, I heard the Prime Minister, in answer to a question from a Reporter at a press conference last week, about the Ex-Imp Bank debt of over $65 Million dollars owed by his Government to the Taiwanese Bank in a Court Case in New York, brushing it aside by the glib statement – that he had spoken to his friends in Mainland China on the matter, and nothing would be heard about that again. Well if that Statement is true, so that our national debt of nearly Two Billion dollars has gone down by that sum – then at least the P.M. has made some amends for his lavish and wasteful spending over the years by his administration; but I have my doubts about that statement, in the context in which it was made – and we may very well be hearing much more on the matter in due course. And, of course, nomination day came and went by without any drama and the outcome was that (47) Forty-seven Candidates were Nominated. The two leading contenders had full slates of fifteen each, and I understand the GULP/PLM had around eleven. To all intents and purposes, however, it is a two-horses race for the prize of “power to the people” – no matter which of the two should emerge as the winner on July 8th. There has been some complaints about minor incidents among the supporters, to and from rallies and at local meetings – but these have been truly minor, when one take into account the sizes of those crowds on both sides – and I do hope it remains that way to the very end, and beyond after the results have been announced. This is perhaps the most crucial Elections since Independence in 1974, and the outcome could have very far – reaching repercussions one way or the other. But whatever it maybe, after the people’s votes have been counted, and one side emerges as the winner to run the nation’s affairs for the next five years, and the other side as the loyal opposition to keep an eye on the business of the people during those years – the great majority of us have to continue living on these Spice Isles and among each other; and whether we like it or not, we have to mix, and inter-act, and go about our lawful business as one people for the good and welfare of all the people. With those realities upper-most in our minds as a people, we should not be sowing seeds of hatred and malice, and such bad faith about each other – that at the end if the race we cannot be reconciled, or find it possible to shake hands and accept our losses or gains, as the case maybe, and move on with our lives in the interests of our families and neighbours. March 13th,1979, to October 19th 1983, were traumatic times that are historically and indelibly embedded in our mental psychic. We have moved a long way since then – but not all the way. The last thirteen years have not been easy, and now many are clamouring for change – as the way ahead looks bleak and gloomy if we do not bring about that needed change. Only time will tell. And as we struggle on the road towards bringing about that change – we are faced with another social menace that those in control seen quite incapable of finding a solution for – and that is the record number of senseless killings (12) we have had thus far in less than Six months. The last one in Gouyave last week Wednesday night. Where there has been lawlessness and total disregard for the basic norms in society, by those in the highest authority – the lessons and example to those at the bottom cannot be any better, and neither the results. And perhaps that state of affairs is one of the major reasons for changing those at the very top, and putting in their places men and women with integrity, and dignity, and respect for Law and Order. The time has come; thirteen years are much too long, and three terms in office are way beyond a reasonable time to find solutions. The time is now – the date is July 8th 2008; “Liberation day” cannot be postponed a day longer – even as the Heat is getting Hotter.


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Both political parties are guilty of the same behavior. I was in Grenada two months ago, and was fortunate to attend one NNP community meeting and an NDC meeting. While both were short on substance the rhetoric was in abundance. The ruling Party is being ridiculed, yet the Opposition has not put forward a SOLID agenda of how they are and will tackle the current economic and social ills in Grenada. Let's face it: Keith may be a rogue but can the leadership of the Opposition truly say they are any better? All this election is really about is becoming Head Of State and the perks that come with it. Neither party truly have the needs and interest of the Grenadian people at heart. You are right to describe the atmosphere as a carnival....but it's on the cool down day that you start feeling the pain. Both parties need to seriously address the needs of ALL GRENADIANS...the soca and reggae artists are only there for the money. Keith and Tillman SERIOUSLY need to spend that campaign money and address the issues facing Grenadians.
00By: Brian
7/1/2008 11:09:57 AM
Point well made. Yes we do need that change I only wish that all Gernadain can open his or her eyes and see the big picture
00By: Bullet
7/1/2008 9:26:52 AM
6/30/2008 2:01:26 PM