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Hon. Alleyne Walker Minister of Lands, Co-operatives, Housing and Community Development Ministry of Lands, Co-operatives, Housing and Community Development Sen. Glen Noel Minister of State Ministry of Lands, Co-operatives, Housing and Community Development Hon, Ministers, Re Port Louis Project - Relocation of Mt. Pandy Families Greetings Hon. Ministers! I continue in my letter writing tradition and I take this opportunity to offer my congratulations on the victory of your party in the July 8th elections and subsequent ascent to political office. After 13 years of mismanagement and pauperization of our nation, the Grenadian people have put the brakes on the further slide. “Enough is enough” they loudly and boldly declared at the June 8th elections, entrusting the stewardship of the nation and the management of its affairs into the hands of your party. We the people are aware that your administration has inherited a very difficult situation, exacerbated by a hostile external environment but there is a lot of goodwill and hope. We the people are counting on the NDC administration to courageously and decisively effect the CHANGE for which we the people voted overwhelmingly. I take this opportunity to bring to the attention of your ministry, and to yourselves in particular, the plight of families relocated from Mt. Pandy to areas in Beausejour, La Sagesse and Mt. Delice, to make way for the Port Louis development of Peter De Savary. I want to bring to your attention, Hon. Ministers, the deplorable conditions into which these persons were relocated. Of particular concern are: 1. Lack of proper access, particularly for the residents of La Sagesse and Beausejour, which is styming their individual efforts to complete their houses and enhance their conditions. In some instances, mothers have sacrificed their jobs to stay at home with their babies because they cannot negotiate the road which there is rain. 2. Poor quality of construction of the houses into which persons were relocated 3. Inadequate arrangements for utilities such as water and electricity It would seem that the relocation of persons took place independently of the Ministry of Housing, the Housing Authority of Grenada and the Agency for Reconstruction and Development which had developed guidelines for establishing housing settlements which Beausejour and La Sagesse relocation could be called. On several occasions, Mr. Peter De Savary has claimed to have financed the relocation of these families to the tune of US$1.5 million and it would seem that one Mr. Dunbar Mitchell, brother of the then Prime Minister, was responsible for the relocation of these families. We the people are interested in having answers to the following: 1. Was US$1.5million actually disbursed? 2. To whom and on what was US$1.5m disbursed in respect of the relocation of families from Mt. Pandy? 3. Who was responsible for overseeing the relocation of families including the construction of access roads and the construction of new houses and the sewer systems? 4. Who was responsible for ensuring access to utilities like water and electricity? Finally Sirs, I implore you to go take a look for yourselves or send out your technical people to assess the conditions with a view to alleviating the plight and redressing the injustice to which our people were subjected in order to facilitate Peter De Savary. As the rains pour, I think particularly of the persons in Beausejour who will have to negotiate all that mud. The last time I visited, which was well before the July elections and in the dry season, sewage systems were already leaking and one had to negotiate little pools along the mud path. School begins in a couple of weeks and it would be quite a relief to the school children and their parents if something could be done to alleviate their situation. I thank you, Hon. Sirs, for the opportunity to bring this vexing matter to your attention. Best regards! Sincerely yours, Sandra C. A. Ferguson


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Lord who is this good lady May God bless her so they cant curse her someone who cares someone Grenadians can speak to at last someone who really seek other people interest before their own
00By: Theresa
9/18/2008 6:55:30 AM
good morning ms sandra once again you are on the button straight to the point and i hope that all grenadians and her sister isles is reading this because we could not all be wrong and its about time we the people let them (governments whatever shades)know that we will not stand aback and say nothing because without the people there can be no government and we should always remind them of that and again i say that thoes who is found wanting /guilty of any wrong doings should be investigated and if there is a case to be answer should be taken to court again i say that grenada is to small an island to have these types of wrong doing because at the end of the day its the poorest who always suffer and yes we need to use the law in a positive way to rid our country of all these rouges and tricksters who see us as a soft touch,enough is enough.
00By: gabe
9/17/2008 7:21:44 AM
sandra ferguson you go girl nough respect look out for your people watch the poor people backs. why the pastor don't look our for these people maybe he wants easy money.God bless nough blessings to you for your kindness.
00By: witheld
9/17/2008 6:34:30 AM