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Dear Mr Simmons, listening to you in a George Grant Interview,you were quick to boast that, as a strange ,new and unknown you were able to chastise Ms.Emmalin Pierre at the polls even if you were brought into the race just about four weeks prior to the elections. While you may be quite right about a victory that many astonishly questions,i am of the opinion that the joy of victory has eluded from you ,the thought such a victory comes with ,and demands a great sense of responsibility, respect and a comittment to be straightfoward and truthful. Having impressed that the disruptions at your meeting with the Imanis at Grenville was a plot instigated by the opposing candidate who ,by no accident happens to be Ms. Pierre,you have failed to provide evidence to support your claim and even when you wrer asked to do so by Mr. Grant,frail and fumbling, you resorted to me your reason was just imaginative. Conveniently,you have disregarded the fact that the imanis are humans as you are and the resentment they show is a reflection of Government's failure to honour its campaign promise to them. Instead, the very opposite was done.The fat pre-election promise has boiled down to a rampant sending home of the same Imanis who gave you the mandate that you boast of today and as if not enough,they have been slapped with the further insult of an almost total eradication come December and an "IF YOU WANT IT ...TAKE IT " stipen that moves from the baited $1000 that was promised to that Chicken feed sum of just over $300. You and the NDC Administration MUST come to your senses that the "TUG-LIKE" approach of treatment meeted out to the Imanis is not the way to go and as a new kid on the block of this country's politics,you should thrive to show yourself as a new type of politician that would inspire and encourage my, your and other peoples' children to becoming tomarrow's politician. To trod in the footsteps of some of the socalled politicians that you see around you will surely not serve you any good but damage any possible good that may come from you as a politician...In other words your career as a politician would only end up in the garbage bin and as Machel Montano sang ,bear it it mind that"You are too young to soca" Mustafa. Inside Grenada News (The views and opinions expressed in the above article are those of the writer and not necessarily those of Inside Grenada News)


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