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The Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition, Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell and other members of the Opposition extend congratulation to Lewis Hamilton, who has received an MBE in the Queen New Year Honours. The 23 year old racing superstar who won the 2008 Formula 1 CHINESE GRAND PRIX is no doubt an inspiration to young people, not just in Grenada, but through out the world. The Opposition sees this as another outstanding achievement for Hamilton and still believes that the Government made a serious error when members of the Cabinet and close associates of the Tillman Thomas Administration destroyed a golden opportunity for the country, by condemning the deal between Lewis Hamilton and the former Government. The attempt to destroy the character of the parties involved - including Lewis Hamilton, the former Prime Minister and former Governor General - also affected Grenada negatively. The Opposition therefore calls on the Government to always put the country first when making important decisions. It is the belief of the Opposition that the decision it took when in Government, to partner with Lewis Hamilton to market Grenada as a tourism destination and to invest in Grenada was one that would have brought tremendous benefits for the people of Grenada Carriacou and Petite Martinique. INSIDE GRENADA NEWS


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123 Pgs
My good friend Mr Littleboy may i offer you my sincere apology my comment was not directly to you but to thoes morons who believed that the said mr hamilton would have bring to grenada riches in the form of advertisment/other business under the last NNP MOB,my freind i have always seen you as someone who always speak of our country in the most positive way to move us in the forward direction which includes all our people, and yes we are on the same side for our people. one love.
00By: gabe
1/8/2009 5:55:36 AM
My good friend Mr Littleboy may i offer you my sincere apology my comment was not directly to you but to thoes morons who believed that the said mr hamilton would have bring to grenada riches in the form of advertisment/other business under the last NNP MOB,my freind i have always seen you as someone who always speak of our country in the most positive way to move us in the forward direction which includes all our people, and yes we are on the same side for our people. one love.
00By: gabe
1/8/2009 5:36:21 AM
Gabe, I think you must be mistaken. Littleboy has not taken any sides with Hamilton. Hamilton may do well In the US, Brazil or England, but I cannot see any exposure for Grenada in anyway. Does Grenada have any Formula Car Racing?, if you want to call the idiots racing old cars in Pearls Airport something, Hey Hey,but I think it would be more beneficial to Grenada if Pearls Airport were leased out to another Company to be used as a strip where Pilots can be trained to learn to fly. It would bring revenue and employment to the Island if Grenadians want to work and thats a big big if. I doe tink dem fellas in Gda want to work. Littleboy only wants Grenada to get it's Fair Share for the land which does not belong to Keith Mitchell and is the Property of Grenada. Anyway Gabe I understand the deal's off now.
00By: littleboy
1/7/2009 8:11:03 AM
Good morning Mr Littleboy and all the other pundits who seems to think that Mr Hamilton the son of a grenadian who happens to be the current world FI racing driver should be given special treatment simple because of who he is and the so called benifit that he may or may not have bought to grenada with respect to that so called deal people of this great island why are we so short sighted please tell me what is so special about mr hamilton that we cannot find in our own people to promote our country first and formost mr hamilton is an english man born of a grenadian parent and will someone tell me that if he was not who he is will the then NNP AND kcm and his gang get involved or was there another reason it seems to me that once again KCM and his people show who is really their friends and it is not the poor grenadians i say this because why has he not congratulate the other grenadians who also received awards ,once again we know where he and his croonies hang their hats.
00By: gabe
1/7/2009 6:23:55 AM
Good morning Mr Littleboy and all the other pundits who seems to think that Mr Hamilton the son of a grenadian who happens to be the current world FI racing driver should be given special treatment simple because of who he is and the so called benifit that he may or may not have bought to grenada with respect to that so called deal people of this great island why are we so short sighted please tell me what is so special about mr hamilton that we cannot find in our own people to promote our country first and formost mr hamilton is an english man born of a grenadian parent and will someone tell me that if he was not who he is will the then NNP AND kcm and his gang get involved or was there another reason it seems to me that once again KCM and his people show who is really their friends and it is not the poor grenadians i say this because why has he not congratulate the other grenadians who also received awards ,once again we know where he and his croonies hang their hats.
00By: gabe
1/7/2009 5:46:11 AM