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Everyone who has to buy anything, or spend money for whatever purpose, would have to agree that the value of the little they already had have been reduced considerably and still going downwards. And as we spare some time to think about those who are un-employed, or have to depend on handouts from any source here at home or from abroad – or those who do not know where the next meal is coming from and when – we have to be concerned and take stock of the possible, and very probable, pending social upheavals that can result from the current downturn. As a people we must be deeply concerned to promote the human liberation of our people in every way, and we must be committed to the achievement of social justice and the dignity of all our people in the society. Many people look to the Churches and the Government not just for charitable handouts, but for support in their legitimate struggle against all forms of Injustice and human oppression by those in authority. And those social evils come in a variety of ways and not always very open and up-front – nor directly from those in actual authority, but often times from the people whose job and voluntary services are put in place to serve and assist those in need thereof. And that is why it is so very important for those in control and direct authority, to keep in touch with the happenings taking place in the areas they are responsible for. Too many times – those who are carrying out the daily duties, or offering their part time services because of their support for the Government or other authority, they perform based on the assumed support of this or that political party, rather than the need of the person or family needing the services. And it does not matter which party is in whatever position of authority, or in opposition, that practice and mode of operation is very wrong and should be condemned by those in Leadership positions. That was exactly what happened in the process of re-registration, of those entitled for the national assistance or pension of one kind or another. I hope it has been looked at fairly and corrected where necessary. On the other side of that coin, I have heard the story – that the ex-Police Officer who had contested the St. Patrick’s East Seat against the P..M. in the July last Elections, had applied to return to the Police Force and he was interviewed for the Job. Quite naturally, people in the P.M’s Constituency who themselves cannot find a job – they are expressing serious concerns about the story. I certainly hope good sense will prevail in this matter. There are a whole lot of serious wrong-doings by members of the ousted regime and their cronies – and these are merely looked at and left hanging in mid-air, with no action being taken to redress the situations. And although Millions of dollars are involved, and the people’s properties had virtually been given away in all kinds of rotten deals by those in authority, in the few months before the Elections, and documents signed even on the day of the Elections, and recorded in the Registry in the months thereafter in very questionable circumstances – there is a kind of fearful in-action prevailing, while the financial crisis is creeping up all over us. There is also a serious kind of contradiction and built-in injustice, in the Tax Amnesty being offered by the Ministry of Finance to genuine business people, and law-abiding Citizens generally, who found it difficult to pay up all the Taxes levied against them, whether on earnings or properties by the last regime. While at the same time, those same persons who levied the Taxes, and were involved in all manner of racketeering with crooks and con-men in dealing with the people’s property – they are going about the place as though they are immune from any action by those in authority. Something is very wrong - and should be addressed to at least show that the same justice that is being activated against the law – abiding citizens in their un-paid Taxes situation, the same is also applied to the wrong-doers who mis-used and abused their positions of authority, and illegally benefitted from their wrong-doing. If that is not done, and be seen to have been done by those who faithfully obey the law – but for un-avoidable financial pressures fell short in the last year or two – then it would be a very clear admisision that it is more beneficial and profitable, to dis-obey the law and engage in all kinds of racketeering, even when holding very trust-worthy and high office, than to be law-abiding. And that state of affairs must be a recipe´ for chaos, confusion, and anarchy. And the further danger is - that any of those at whatever level in the current Administration, and regardless of their political affiliation, he or she would quite rightly entertain the temptation to do wrong and put it into effect at some point in time. The change the majority voted for last July, was not meant to be only a change of the identity and personality of the individuals – but a widespread changing of the old guards, as well as their full blown disease of corruption, and Bribery, and below the counter payments for carrying out duties. If our Agriculture Sector, the Tourism Industry, our housing and Government buildings stock, our roads and communication generally, as well as our Education system and the Economy as a whole – all flourish and prosper and reach the highest heights in the next four and a half years – but those diseases mentioned above are not cured, and removed from our system of doing Government business on behalf of our people, then we would have achieved next to nothing in the process. I would continue to always maintain, and persist in holding firmly to the position and belief – that it is much, much better, to earn an honest and clearly conscientious wage that is small, than to engage in those criminally infectious diseases, to earn fortunes and suffer the loss of one’s own soul and peaceful co-existence among fellow-men. We have to bring back to our younger and naïve generation – the standards and values and solid up-bringing, we once were very proud to preach to others about at every turn, that honesty is truly the best policy, and truthfulness and trust-worthyness are just as significant for a well-rounded individual and the society as a whole. Our older folks are complaining and wringing their hands in frustration and grief – every time they hear the sick news that some younger ones are found with knives and cutlasses and screw-drivers, in their School bags or on their person while going to a fete or some sporting event. There are reports of some young ones bringing drugs to school, for sale to others on the School Compound. I had to deal with one Case that ended up in the Court House recently, and I could have seen the distress and dis-appointment on the faces of the parents over their children behaviour. Some people like to say that it is too much violent shows and lawlessness on T/V that they are watching. But what about the many events of fraud and corruption by those in very high positions in Government, where Millions of the people’s already Scarce Resources, and Taxes that should have been paid are given away to Crooks and Conmen – and no actions have been taken against those racketeers? Is not the old adage that “if the priest can play mass, then why can’t we”, just as much a breeding ground for the young ones right here on their own doorsteps to follow? In many cases in the system here at home, not only are some in authority very silent about the obvious wrong-doings they have inherited by the victory at the Polls – but they are considering adopting some of the plans and so-called projects to bring them on stream. With those kinds of examples, and in-activity against serious wrong-doing by those who enriched themselves at the people’s expence– what else can we expect from the younger ones? Against that background, and with the financial noose tightening around our economic necks every passing day – with no end in sight that we can even foresee – what can we look forward to or pass on to the less fortunate? By lloyd Noel INSIDE GRENADA NEWS


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