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It is with profound sadness and a sense of obligation, that I as Minister for Carriacou & Petite Martinique Affairs on behalf of the people of Carriacou & Petite Martinique I want to pay tribute to the life of Dr. Edward Kent, OBE. Dr. Kent had devoted enormous energies, time and resources to document the rich cultural heritage of our beloved 13 square miles island. This he done through his membership as the historian with the Carriacou Historical Society of which he was one of the founding members. With great insight, profound dedication and an uncommon empathy, Dr. Kent told the story of the people of Carriacou. His contribution was not only in preserving the cultural heritage of our island but also in agricultural management through the Craigston Lime Factory and cattle breeding and for this in 2007 he received the Doctor of Laws (LLD) from the University of the West Indies. Edward was a prim and proper man he would often express alarm and sometimes amusement at the written and spoken English of many of those in the public life Let us comfort ourselves with his peals of laughter, his lively conversation, irrepressible humour, his infectious laughter and careful and precise diction. I had the honour and good fortune more recently to witness the historical society award to him for his sterling contribution. And there I learnt 2 things:  that he was one of the central figures in the Carriacou Historical Society  he had an obsession with history and that he spent long hours and numerous weekends at the museum to make it what it is today  and I want to now add a third, members did not know they were planning Edward's send off, but also tomorrow is planned to no one. I have been asked by the Prime Minister the Hon. Tillman Thomas to express sorrow on behalf of the government and people of Grenada. He asked that it be placed on record the government's appreciation for the invaluable contribution which Edward Kent made to all areas of life in the country and in particular the dependencies of Carriacou & Petite Martinique. Notably in the:  preservation of cultural heritage  agriculture  Grenada Model Farm Corp. And so Edward in the words of the prayer of St. Ignatius of Loyola- you gave without counting the cost, fought and did not heed the wounds, you toiled without seeking rest. You laboured and asked for no reward other than knowing that you did His will. For these gifts and many, may more on behalf of the ministry, Rest in peace. Carriacou has lost a true friend, a worthy champion of its past, devoted mentor to several generations whose door was always open to those who came his way.


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