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It has been well said that those who cannot see the light will one day feel the heat – but sadly for many others who were not so blind-folded, they too will also suffer from the un-bearable heat. In our tiny tri-island State of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique – we have gone through and suffered from that type of blindness and political madness for so long, and on so many occasions in our short history since aspiring towards and achieving so-called Independence – that I suppose our over-burdened bodies simply take the torment and recurring deception for granted and just look on. And it must be because those with hidden agendas, and ulterior motives of their own to satisfy – in the course of their mis-placed and deceptive philosophy that they have all the answers for people’s need – that they keep on taking our people for hopeless rides time and time again. The deceptive tendencies never show their ugly faces until the damage is done, as it were, and then they come up in all different forms and fashions – including always blaming others for their short-comings but never accepting blame themselves. And because our people, at least a fair size proportion of them, seem ever too ready to give a new voice, or a different idea, a chance to establish a foundation – over the years, like gluttons for punishment, we have fallen prey time and time again, yet we never seem to learn from our mistakes. And as is also very well known from our sad history – because there is always a select group of yes-men and women, and shameless hangers-on who couldn’t care less where the easy monies are coming from, or by what means those in charge are getting the Millions to be able to share a few thousands with them – those tricksters are always able to gather a sizeable band of so-called followers and supporters and rabble-rousers, to sing their praises and convey the impression that a fair majority in the society are in support of whatever is taking place in the name of the people as a whole. And while those deceptions are on-going, and the Country and people and Treasury are being ravished by the deceivers – the true silent majority remain mute, and later on down the road of time they still have to come around to help salvage and rescue the Country and people. We seeing it already in the case of the Taiwan Government and Exhim Bank loans and court judgment - against the Government of Grenada for debts incurred by the NNP Government, over the thirteen years they ravaged and desecrated our people’s good name and credibility. Many of us, at the time of the happenings, reported and commented on the bubul and deception that was taking place in the name of the people; but the majority remained silent and pretended to be minding their own private business, and not wanting to get involved in politics and public affairs. But as one philosopher once put it – who had a very clear and precise vision about people’s participation, in matters that should concern them in the society in which they lived and worked and contributed – if these people failed to get involved in what is really their business, because of their dis-like for politics or mistrust of politicians, then they can rest assured that Politics will interfere with them, whether they like it or not. The Taiwanese Government and Bank debt is a good example of that state of affairs. Maybe the circumstances and surrounding activities at the time can be investigated, to ascertain who did what and why, so as to determine what action should be taken and against whom. But at the end of the day, it is we the Grenadian people who have to foot the Bill – whether we like it, or agree with it, or not. A very strange feature of our politics and Governments behaviour in these Isles – is that the great majority of those who enter the political arena, with all the good intentions and nice sounding phrases and promises to entice the people to support and vote for them – no sooner they get that support and are occupying the seats of power, with the authority to make decisions and enforce them as they see fit, without let or hindrance from or by anyone else, then off they go on a frolic of their own as though the institutions and the property of the people suddenly become theirs to deal with as they alone see fit. So that, for instance, when the Prime Minister spoke about the re-naming of the Lauristan Airport in Carriacou to that of the H.A. Blaize Airport , he omitted to say anything about the Point Salines Airport . And he explained subsequently, that the latter was discussed in Cabinet but there needed to be broader Consultation on the matter, because of its significance and sensitivity. And coming from the P.M. that was as expected, because he it was who always stressed and emphasized that under an NDC Government there would have been strict responsibility, accountability and transparency. But while he was trying to live up to those promises the Minister of Tourism and Foreign Affairs was in Cuba informing Fidel Castro, and announcing to the World at large that the airport was going to be renamed the Maurice Bishop International Airport (MBIA) to co-incide with Bishop’s birthday in May, 29th or 30th. But just look at how the whole charade turns out to embarrass those responsible for controlling our nation’s affairs, in matters of Worldwide significance. Orders were no doubt given to tear down the name of Point Salines International Airport (P.S.I.A) and install the new name MBIA – that is supposed to cost us $50,000.00, not sure whether that is U.S. or E.C.C, but I feel pretty sure there are many other Costs behind the scene. But whoever was handing down the orders, or whoever was responsible for carrying out those orders, or whoever decided to do his/her own thing – or whatever was in the Mortar beside the pestle, only those in control will have the true answer – the new Airport name was fully exposed to the World at large three weeks before the date fixed for the change over. There was such a hurry to have this single “big deal” accomplished, that even the late comrade’s birth date was mysteriously brought forward to demonstrate who is in control. I am well aware of Mark Anthony’s statement in Shakespear’s Julius Caesar, that ----“the evil which men do live after them – but the good is very often interned with their bones – so let it be with Caesar”. I wonder how history, or those promoting the late Revolutionary Leader will choose to put his achievements in context? Whatever maybe said by the promoters cannot change or alter the facts, and I therefore will not be convinced that this intended honour is at all deserving. I have had numerous calls and emails and approaches on the roads or at various functions, from a wide cross-section of people expressing their agreement with my views on this matter, and am sure there are many more of the same opinion all over the place. But as per usual, they all prefer to remain part of the silent majority – when it comes down to saying how they feel publicly. One exception is that of Mr. Andrew Bierzynski in the Grenada To-day last week, and for him that is not unusual or out of character – he has always been up-front with his opinion on matters of public concern over the years. I wish readers will take the time out to read the “line of March Speech” Maurice made to the party comrades in 1982. At the time Leslie Pierre, P.M. Tillman Thomas and myself were still in detention at Richmond Hill prison, as well as hundreds more like Winston Whyte and Teddy Victor, and Dr. Jensen Otway among others - and dozens of Rastas at the Hope Vale Camp who were also considered by the Revolutionary Leader as “Petite Bourgeosie”. And one of the boasts in the “Line of March Speech” by Maurice, was that – “anyone who tries to oppose the Revo was up “Mahogany Row” for them, when I say so and sign an order for detention”. Heavy manners was the term used and publicised to keep the people in check. Leslie, Tillman and I, were picked up because we took part in publishing the Grenadian Voice Newspaper in June, 1982; hundreds of other Grenadians were picked up, because some comrade stooge reported that they were against and not supporting the Revo – so Heavy Manners for them. I, like Leslie and Tillman, was rescued in October 1983 when the Revo destroyed itself – along with Maurice and those Grenadians who perished with him. I recovered from the over two years of Heavy Manners, and am sure many others beside me got over the ordeal. But am also certain that many hundreds and thousands of our people never did. I forgave Maurice and the members of the PRG at the time – and I know that I have been at peace with myself for so doing; and whenever I could I still tried to help those who kept quiet when Heavy Manners were the Order of the day. I firmly believe that we are all just pilgrims passing through on this earthly planet, and what ever wrongs we do from malice or other cause, and whether we are discovered and punished here on earth – there is a final and Supreme Judge who knows it all and seen it all and will Judge us all. But as mere mortals, and as members of a society and share-holders of our tiny Country – we all have a duty to care for our own and share not only the few material possessions we may have; but also, very importantly, we have to share the skills, and knowledge, and the little wisdom we may have acquired – because He that Supreme Being gave them all to us, to help those who cannot or failed to help themselves. Keeping quiet, when those we chose to take care of our Nation’s business are doing their own thing, and not even consulting us on important matters, and treating us as though we do not matter – that silence is a serious breach of our duties as citizens. I still hope we do not live to regret our silence, as a people who were given many second chances and somehow squandered them all along the ways By Lloyd Noel (Attorney-at-law) INSIDE GRENADA NEWS


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Our past history indicates our inability to govern. Our leaders have constantly failed us. The debt that is rapidly compiling is intolerable. Greed, power and corruption have placed us in a dire situation. May the good Lord help us all.
00By: Littleboy
5/24/2009 10:08:21 PM
As one great scholar once said, “It is not in the nature of politics that the best men should be elected. The best men do not want to govern their fellowmen.” As a political scholar, I have always been puzzled by the level of political insularity that prevails in our democracies throughout the Caribbean. As the above piece clearly points out, we have not yet moved beyond partisan politics, and the lack of openness that so restrict our social, political and economic potentials. Indeed, governments after governments in this tri-island state continually promise the electorate openness and inclusiveness in the decision-making of the state. However, many of these politician who during elections appear to be earnest in their promises disappoint time-after-time in the foolish self-absorbed polices that they create. Indeed, a good government ought to ensure some sense of egalitarian polices towards all citizens, in a sense support civil rights and oppose differential access to government services, justice and political participation. It is time as a people we move beyond trivial pursuits of self-interests and instead attempt to strive for what is in the best interest of our small emerging state. The global situation today is not one that is sympathetic to the weak—we must get our act together and start striving for excellence rather than become stagnated in petit politics.
00By: Drew
5/24/2009 6:59:02 PM
Daer Writer. when you see some of these things that have taken place, does it not make you wonder who is in charge? Is that the way our Educated fools from educated schools are? From Gairy to Bishop, to Mitchel and now this?
00By: Littleboy
5/24/2009 9:54:30 AM