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ST. GEORGE’S: Opposition leader, Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell says since the Government has failed to listen to his call to reinstate the special proficiency allowance paid to police officers, he is making a second appeal to the Government since it has been brought to his attention that discussions were held regarding the removal of additional benefits and allowances from police officers. The opposition leader said that the highhanded and illegal way in which the first decision was implemented has already done significant damage not only to the officers directly affected but to other officers who are concerned about the welfare of their colleagues. The opposition is concerned that with the increase in crime, such an action can further demoralize the police force leading to more social problems in the country. Although Dr. Mitchell believes that this action by the current administration cannot be justified and is nothing but an act of oppression against police officers, he is calling on every police officers affected to continue to perform their duty to protect and serve the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. The former prime Minister says he will always finds it very difficult to understand how it can be so easy for the NDC administration to reduce the take home pay of ordinary workers when they blatantly refuse to take a pay cut after they were called upon to do so recently. He says it is amazing that the ordinary man has to suffer these injustices while Government Ministers are travelling daily; costing the State hundreds of thousands of dollars. The leader of the opposition again calls on the NDC Government to have a heart and to refrain from taking any further decision that will impact negatively on the lives of ordinary workers in the country.


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12 Pgs
Mr Littleboy my friend i totally agrees with you and several others who holds this views and my reasons is that countries like ours cannot afford to be paying these large pensions/allowances to these politicians/police officers while the poor admist us is begging for a bread to put on their table and most importantly we wont have that beastly behaviour we had with the last years of the NNP party for they were beginning to behave as though they owned the island and were doing as they pleased,in a way like dictators,so yes i say every four years there should be an election also there should be an indepentant body set up to monitor these politicians/police officers conducts and outside business link which could result in a conflict of interest.
00By: gabe
7/1/2009 10:03:37 AM
I'd welcome term limits in Grenada. This sounds like an excellent idea, and a good time to introduce fresh young blood who has never been asociated with politics in anyway before. We may even be able to actually get something accomplished this way. We have seen too many educated fools who have done absolutely nothing but put us in great debt and in harm's way.
00By: Manicooface
6/27/2009 10:37:57 PM
Ah eh hear form Hangman in a long time. Hangman come on out and lets talk about this thing man. Term Limits for these thieves w have here in Grenada.
00By: Littleboy
6/27/2009 10:39:32 AM
Mr.Gabe how are you , do you think its a good idea to have term limits where someone can only serve two terms and then he has to move out and let another Grenadian have a chance. Too many of these thieves are serving uselessly too long and doing nothing for Grenada. What are your thoughts Gabe?
00By: Littleboy
6/27/2009 10:38:10 AM
I think the hugh pensions these ministers get after they have served their terms should be withdrawn. Grenada does not have these funds to spend on these characters. Once you serve you term and you are no longer elected, its time to get out without any pension. We cant pay you people for failures. We also need to bring about term limits where one can only serve two terms and he cant run for office in the goverment any more. Let someone else run and have a fair chance. We may get some good people this way and get rid of the many thieves we have here.
00By: Littleboy
6/27/2009 10:34:39 AM