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27 November 2009 Hon. Glynis Roberts Minister for Tourism Ministry of Tourism Ministerial Complex Botanical Gardens ST. GEORGE’S Dear Minister Roberts Re: Inaugural Flight by Sunwing It is with great concern for the future of Grenada’s tourism industry that the Grenada Hotel & Tourism Association writes to express its displeasure with the treatment meted out to Sunwing Airline, on its inaugural flight into the Maurice Bishop International Airport, on Tuesday, 24 November, 2009. It is inconceivable that the aircraft should have been kept in a circling pattern, for approximately thirty minutes, while the daily runway inspection was completed. Surely with all the hype preceding this flight, someone somewhere, must have been informed of its scheduled arrival time, and one would expect that someone, would have ensured that the runway was made ready for landing thus eliminating a delay. Adding insult to injury, upon finally being allowed to land, the embarrassment to our country was compounded by the fact that there was not one single person to meet, and officially greet, the airline and its passengers which included, the island’s Consul General to Canada, Ms. Jenny Gumbs, Ramnairine Tiwari, President & CEO of Sunrise International Airways, and Niko Kosmos, Manager, Ground Operations, of Sunwing Airlines, who saw fit to grace us with their presence. In fact without the presence of a member of our oft times maligned media, who saw fit to step into the breach and welcome those on board, and later inform the nation of this historic event, even we in the industry would still be in the dark since, we had not been informed of the arrival date and time of the flight. The presence of two officials of the Grenada Board of Tourism in the Departure Lounge of the airport at the time of arrival, waiting to enjoy complimentary seats to Toronto on the return flight of the same airline, in order, we are told, to participate in scheduled tourism activities, quite clearly shows that the Board knew before hand, of the flight’s arrival. We find the reason given for the failure to afford the arrival of this flight the official welcome which was its due, on behalf of the people of Grenada, rather lame to say the least, and of even greater concern is the fact that the Chairman of the Board of the GBT had not been informed of the flight’s arrival time. If the staff of the GBT felt that, rising from their beds at such an early hour in order to meet and greet the flight was outside the realms of their capabilities, they need only have asked and they would have had many persons in the private sector offering to carry out their duties for them. We live in an age where the Government of Grenada spends a considerable amount of money for joint marketing of airlift into Grenada, or in the case of American Airlines, pay penalties should the number of passengers carried fall below a certain level, that, we should be thankful that Sunwing saw fit to service the island without asking for any compensation. We should also remember that there are many other islands that would gladly welcome such generosity with open arms. The GHTA feels most strongly that there is need to have a professional level of accountability; without this, we will continue to be seen as mediocre in an industry which requires perfection at the highest level. With power comes responsibility, and with responsibility comes accountability. We dismissed the last Attorney General for writing a letter which had no effect on the economy, and therefore we must ask ourselves what is a fitting redress for a fiasco such as the non event of this inaugural flight. Yours respectfully, Russell Fielden PRESIDENT cc Hon. Peter David Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Richard Strachan Chairman Grenada Board of Tourism Board of Directors Grenada Board of Tourism Board of Directors Grenada Hotel & Tourism Association Board of Directors Aviation Services of Grenada Ltd.


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1234 Pgs
Kevin you do write a clever piece and yes one could see the hallmark of a bitter supporter of the nnp last administration (yourself) in the way you come over with your comments ,you seems to attack everyone who takes a different view to yours and from your constant having a go at our prime minister it shows what a bitter looser you are ,Kevin we all wants good for our country and i am sure you do also as i have said before the PM is head of the ship /country but at the same time there are ministers in place who have accepted these post and in my book should be held responsible for the situation that has accured but for you to constantly blamming the PM shows your dislike for the man why why i ask so Mr Kevin i ask you to please please give him a break.
00By: gabe
12/8/2009 12:01:13 PM
Fellow writers on this site i am so please that between Kevin (the smart one) and myself we have once again awaken the spirits of our fellow commenters on this site and may i say how refreshing to read their various views -this can only be good for our country and our people, so Mr Tillman and KCM and that young fellow (the senator) from grenville are you listening ,awake and listen grenadians are once again on the move and we will not rest until you guys get things done and stop blaming each other grenada needs to move on. one love
00By: gabe
12/8/2009 4:54:48 AM
Well Joe, it is clear from your response that you lack the intellect and intelligence to assume a leadership role. In fact I would suggest to your boss that you never get promoted. Your insolence and insinuations laughably border on both insanity and a certain level of stupidity as well. Both you and Gabe seem to believe that the inaugural flight of sunwing airlines is as you said, "a simple thing." I can assure such narrow-minded and backward thinking demonstrates a high level of ignorance. This flight is not a simple thing. It is a potential investment in Grenada itself. An avenue of resource of revenue. Here is a scenario, it is possible to believe that if a welcoming party was at that airport, the airline could potentially decided to have their regional headquarters in Grenada. Moreso, tourists on that flight would have been more inclined to return. Joe this is not a simple thing. This is a real thing. A big thing. An investment in the life and future of Grenada. Because it will bring Jobs and opportunity for people who need them. To assume this is simple, means your thinking is like the PM. You think just about tomorrow. Not about next week or next year. Thing ahead. Be proactive. Furthermore, the significance of this cannot be equated to the actions of customs officer or the lack pressure in a fire hydrant. It is foolish for you to equate those situations with this event. I am not suggesting that Tilman is responsible for every problem. What I am saying is this is a event big enough-important enough- that deserved his attention. Grenada is not the size of Cuba or the US, you seem to be forgetting that fact. An inaugural flight deserves the attention of the PM. He should not be directly in charge of making accommodations, but he must ensure that those accommodations are made. He has the larger responsibility. The larger role. I could bet that he probably was not even aware that sunwing airlines was coming to Grenada that day. If this true, then he needs to wake up. The future of Grenada is at stake. I urge you and Gabe, to not engage in fanciful fanatics. Do not play political games with the welfare of Grenada. Be responsible and hold your government accountable. Forget about "THE NDC" and "THE NNP," Let your concern be only on ensuring Grenada goes forward ever and Backward Never!
00By: Kevin
12/4/2009 11:19:40 PM
Kevin, you are talking a bunch of crap; you are not making any sense. It's important for any country to have a good opposition and you have the right to oppose the Prime Minister and worship Keith if you wish. However, you seem hungry to attack the P.M. for any and everything that goes wrong, just like your master, Keith. You all seem to be quite BITTER after the NNP's loss. Please get over it. Only a dictator will be directly in charge of all the Government Ministries in any country. I am not sure whether or not Keith was in charge of everything. I guess the Minister of Tourism or who ever is responsible for that specific Department failed miserably and he or she has to be held accountable for that. His or her boss, the PM has to do something drastic for this embarrassment, no question. That's where the P.M comes into play. In the event that the PM doesn't take charge and and kick some like we say, then I will be the first to challenge him. Mr. Kevin please be more rational and don't just blame the PM for someone else job. For example, I experienced terrible treatment from a Customs Officer at Point Salines International Airport a few years ago (that's before it was renamed Maurice Bishop Int.) and I didn't blame the former PM for that. I knew better. I didn't expect him to be making decisions for Customs and to be responsible for training Custom Officers. He had a much bigger role to play in Grenada. A Prime Minister doesn't have to micro manage. The issue of welcoming an Airline on its first trip is a simple matter that any senior or even junior Civil Servant should be aware of. Don't expect the P.M to call around and ensure that this is taken care of, come on Kevin. He should expect that to be covered by the appropriate person. Please lets not critize the P.M just for the sake of critizing. My General Manager for example does not tell me how to do my job or what to do with a specific project, she expects me to take charge and to do a great job. I am paid to do so. However, if I screw-up, she will chew my behind and I will need a job. Kevin, please take another look at this issue. It is not possible for the P.M to be directly responsible for all simple things. This is not running a rum shop. Whats next, will you blame him if the firemen forget to put gas in a truck or if a fire hydrant hasn't sufficient water pressure? Lets be real. I am not affiliated to any political party in Grenada although I encouraged friends and relatives to vote for Keith when he returned to Grenada in the 1980's. Lets hope that this incompetence like you say, is corrected and I hope that such nonsense will never happen in Grenada again. In this tough economic time we have to be on our P's and Q's in little Grenada. We need every legal dollar that's possible. I wish the Spice Isle success. One Love
00By: Joe
12/4/2009 9:50:07 PM
While I disagree with Cosmic's belief that the PM is not responsible. I think I have sufficiently made the case that he is. I do agree that this is a proliferation of incompetence and unprofessionalism. This is what Gabe is not seeing. This mistake is a pattern of incompetence. What this pattern shows is that the PM is not assuming a managerial role of his cabinet. As a result, many of these ministers feel as if they have no one to be accountable to except themselves. So they simply do as they please. Take for instance the fiasco with the Attorney General, and the most recent CCC saga. What this shows is that the ministers have complete disrespect and disregard for the authority of the PM. They dont see him as their leader. It seems as if every minister is his/her own man. That infact instead of one PM we have several. What I am saying is that Tillman has to reassert his authority. He cant simply leave it up to the other ministers because situations like this one will just continue. The government will run amok. There will be no cohesiveness within the government. The PM needs to take charge. Furthermore, I am not attacking the PM personally. Gabe, I am sure not once did I mention anything about family and values. I am attacking his leadership. His competence. And as a Grenadian I have every right to do so. If I believe the person I elected to do the Job is not doing it. I have an absolute right to be critical. What is happening in Grenada, with elements like yourself, is that everything you do and say is about politics. Its about your like or dislike for a politician. My only concern- infact my only like- so too speak, is that Grenada prospers and advance. Grenadians like you need to separate your like for a politician and instead reassert your like for your country. Dont let your like of a politician's personality keep you from being critical when he screws up. Because personality has nothing to do with leadership. I believe that if this PM continues his present course, Grenada wont have a fighting chance in the 21st century.
00By: Kevin
12/4/2009 3:59:01 PM