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ST. GEORGE'S, GRENADA; MONDAY 9TH, JANUARY, 2012_Prime Minister Tillman Thomas on Monday attended the funeral service of Oscar Bartholomew at the Crochu RC Church. Mr. Bartholomew died as a result of incident at the St.David’s Police Station on Boxing Day. Five Police officers have been charged in connection with the incident. The Prime Minister told media gathered outside the church that the legal process must take its course. “While this is a tragedy and we regret that it occurred, we must give the legal process a chance to work. I am confident that the process will be transparent. We must therefore await the outcome,” the Prime Minister told local and International media representatives following the funeral. The Prime Minister reiterated his regret at “this isolated incident” and suggested any damage done to the country’s name could be altered by an investigation and trial that can stand up to international scrutiny. The Prime Minister has also called for a review of police procedures around the country to ensure that persons placed in custody are not treated inappropriately. He reaffirmed his government’s commitment to make certain that Grenada remains a safe destination, where the rule of law and the rights of the individual, are respected.


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12 Pgs
saw you at sonar w/ ratatat same prelbom, you threw down, then panther defecated onstage, then ratatat threw down. im not about hate but seriously, eliminate the middle act.where can i find your music? (to anyone: where can i find e*rock?)
00By: Baronalfonso
12/7/2012 9:28:18 PM
"it must really be a slow news day."No! Actually these days every day is a very big news day!. The solueisry big problem facing us is that the global corporate news media doesn't want you to know that that your country and your national sovereignty is being sold out from under you. In fact, the mainstream globalists news media are deliberately dumbing you down and keeping you in the dark with bullshit stories about Paris Hilton, gay marriage and "Women Dreaming About Sex More Often." Meanwhile Bush is actually ramming threw these suicidal "fast track" trade deals, along with the unconstitutional and tyrannical North American Union project. These traitors move from one objective to the next, in stealth and behind closed doors, while we're being spoon-fed our daily dose of digestible tabloid junk news! It's all propaganda and it's being done to distract us from the reality that our God given civil rights and our very livelihood are now being sold off in the name of a New Word Order and for the purpose of giving us total equality as a new members of the global community of serfs and peons. You seem like a smart women! Try looking for some smart news! See my killer blog "Tyranny and Mutation".Take care,Sid
00By: Ayo
12/5/2012 4:27:48 PM
monica,please don't stay away from your homeland.grenada needs all the help it can get from the disapora.there are many other positives for grenada despite this tragedy.God will deal with those that have committed wrong.always remember,behind every dark cloud,there is a silver lining.continue to visit grenada.
00By: stallion
1/22/2012 12:08:43 PM
00By: Drew
1/20/2012 12:24:17 AM
What has this place come too? I can`t comprehend what is going on Grenada, visitors are being beaten to death by those little MESS MOUTH WISHY WASHY UNEDUCATED POLICE BOYS!THE HOSPITALS HAVE NO MEDICATIONS, NO MACHINERIES! What in the world is the Government doing they wanted change where is the change? What the Hell is going in Grenada? Hey sorry i am NOT coming back to Grenada ever again.I think the wrath of God has fallen on this nation too much innocent blood has been shed in this Place. Grenadians get down on knees and cry out to God for the healing of the nation.
00By: Monica
1/20/2012 12:21:16 AM