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For the past two decades I have been lamenting the unacceptable treatment of our returning nationals by their fellow Grenadians. Returning nationals in this context includes those who come to Grenada on vacation as well as those who are re-establishing residence. It behooves me to stress here that we all need each other… especially in these trying times. The recent incident in Grenada, which claimed the life of Mr. Oscar Bartholomew while in the hands of law enforcement, is unfortunate and must not be viewed as an isolated case. If it is, then we are once again missing the boat that is designed to take us out of the cesspool of ignorance. Those of us who choose to rise above the fray of negativity and ignorance should take pride and ought not to fail in upholding the responsibility of being our Sister’s and Brother’s keepers. What is the nature of a man who castigates his own? As progressive Grenadians we must recognize the critical value of each sector within the extended Grenadian family and ensure harmonized relationships. Complaints abound with regard to the distasteful treatment of our returning nationals. Studies throughout the entire Caribbean community validate the invaluable role that returning nationals play in the development of their respective countries. Whatever the reason may be - jealousy, envy, insecurity, apprehension, unproductive rivalry, ignorance or downright stupidity, the outrageous behaviour as evident in the Bartholomew case is intolerable; it is asinine. Given all the exposure in the Canadian media, CNN and the world-wide network in general, this would most definitely blemish our tourist industry. Isn’t it ironic that during the Christmas season – a time known for peace, love and goodwill – a time when we should be thanking our nationals abroad for their wire-transfers/money gram, barrels, loaded Christmas cards, gifts, and personal visits that saved an otherwise dry Christmas, we have those we entrust to ‘protect and serve’ demonstrate their inexcusable irreverence and ingratitude with criminal conduct. A clear message of intolerance must be sent to the RGPF that promises punishment to those who arbitrarily choose to abuse people. Mr. Bartholomew’s death is the straw that has broken the camel’s back. And the root cause, in my opinion, is a serious problem which permeates our society. With all the information at our disposal, we need to try to determine why returning nationals seem to be somewhat scorned and treated as second class tourists. We also need to determine why there seems to be a disparity in the treatment of returning nationals from North America in particular. We need to determine what may have added fuel to the existing fire of ignorance. And probably, more importantly, we must educate our people of the true value that expatriates bring to a needy economy. There is no more room under the rug and there is no more time on the proverbial clock. We need to open the doors of denial so that we can solve the problem. There must be a national consensus on a way forward. There must be an honest, broad-band approach to better educate the masses on this dilemma. This is a people-problem which calls for a people-solution. We constantly make reference to the Barbados example – where its citizens understand the importance of cordiality, brotherhood and ambassadorship and put it into practice. If we can so easily recognize it as successful, where are we in this general scheme of development? Why not Grenada? This does not call for rocket-science. We cannot continue to hide behind weak excuses. There is a simple solution that comes with love and respect for each other. Our Sons and Daughters abroad are truly our All-Season tourists and without their contribution our local economy would be greatly affected and our quality of life significantly compromised. This hopefully is a wake up call to stop the foolishness and put our house in order. Why the hostility? Why are we so angry? What has happened to the kind, gracious, hospitable Grenadians of yesteryear? It’s time Grenadians, that we step up and walk-the-walk before damage control is impossible. Ronald 'Pappy' Charles Any questions Mr. Charles can be contacted at 449-4666 or


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The Spice Island Atheist, why would someone expect you to experience the problem when you have never return for visits? To experience what is happening here to diaspora Grenadians you need to come back for a visit.
00By: The Observer
1/27/2012 7:49:53 PM
This is a great incite into the problem that exist between the local Grenadian and the diasporic Grenadians. I have not experience it personally but I have listen to the horrable story of many Grenadians living is New York. I however do not think it is just the locals behaving harshly to the visiting Grenadians. There is more involve, and I have written, on my site (spiceislandatheist)what I believe is, of course, not the only aspect, but one that certainly informs this sad behavior.
00By: The Spice Island Atheist
1/19/2012 8:31:27 AM
Good Spice, I commend you for coming forth and informing GC visitors of how our elderly and those with disabilities are treated here in Grenada, even by those who should be assisting protecting the rights of decent human beings. That's why I have called upon Grenadians in diaspora to influence social change in Grenada. Our government does not to protect and safeguard the rights of the voiceless, sightless, the vulnerable, under-represented and those who have no one to stand up for them. That's why we need people like you to come back here and teach our dumb asses how to relate to their brothers and sisters with disabilities. We aught to be a cursed race and nation, for even the police officers are picking on the blind. I admonish Grenadians and diaspora returnees to take photos of incidents like what occurred to the blind man. Post them on Youtube, FaceBook and the web. Our only recourse would be to cause embarrassment and create awareness of what is going on here in Grenada. IN so doing, we'll be able to force our government to put in place policies that we protect the rights of the disable. Yes, take photos with your phone, cameras and send it to GC or post it on the web. Not even dogs would be subjected to such treatment in Canada, England, USA. These officers would sure be reprimanded, charged, fired, jaied and released of duty.
00By: The Observer
1/13/2012 10:43:55 PM
Thank you for your letter,it is indeed disheartening when you go home and folks act like if you have any right to be in your own homeland. On the Police brutality issue, that seems to be rampant these days. About one week before they killed Mr. Bartholomew, a couple of Policemen tossed a blind man (John Rullow) in a drain like a sack of potatoes alongside the market. He was protesting because parked cars were blocking the sidewalk. Instead of getting the cars out of the way they manhandled him and told the ambulance not to come when it was called. This man sat on the ground for 4 hours before the ambulance finally came. To top that off the people around in their ignorance told Mr. Rullow "he blind why don't he stay home" can you believe this? In all other countries blind persons move around like anyone else, some even work. One has to ask what is the Government doing to educate the masses on how to treat persons with disabilities especially the Police who are supposed to "protect and serve" There were several people who saw this but the Police did not even care. Then 1 week later they actually took the life of Mr. Bartholomew. May his soul rest in peace. And to my fellow Grenadians, remember having a disability does not mean you are disabled, and you do not have to be a shut in. You still have life and should continue to live. I admire Mr. Rullow in his ablity to live even if he is blind.
00By: Good Spice
1/13/2012 8:04:07 AM
If Eric Gairy, Ben Jones, Maurice Bishop,Keith Mitchell and scores of other Grenadians did not return...Who would run things? Possibly the thugs who are envious of those who aspire to do better? We need you to return home. Put your life and money on the line work to be an example to the kids....forget the lazies....Martyrs go straight to Heaven...Oscar did more for us than those who never return or those who hide behind their gates and fences.Forward ever backwards...Never.
00By: JCB Homey
1/11/2012 6:57:14 AM