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It was a real knock out blow for Prime Minister Tillman Thomas and his governmental colleagues in Parliament on Friday 20th July last. The government failed in its bid to pass the Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2012 in the House of Representatives. This phenomenon marks the first time in the history of Grenada that a government in piloting a bill through parliament was deprived of majority support when the votes were counted. The votes in favour of passing the bill was five and those against was six. The Leader of the Opposition Dr. Keith Mitchell led the way in showing that the measures which were sought in the bill would create additional financial burden on the backs of Grenadians who are already suffering under dire economic conditions. This is so he said, because whatever payments that would be extracted from Insurance companies by government, the ordinary folks in the country would be made to bear the financial burden by those companies. Dr. Mitchell was ably supported by other members of the Opposition in addition to support given by Hon. Michael Church and Hon. Karl Hood. Other members belonging to the government side such as Hon Peter David and Hon. Glynis Roberts failed to make a showing in parliament. This is surely a sign of things to come as the split in the ruling party becomes wider and wider. It seems to be a foregone conclusion that in the very near future the government would not be able to pass any money bills in parliament and this would certainly lead to a vote of no confidence in that administration. The time seems to be fast approaching when Prime Minister Thomas would have no alternative but to request the Governor General to dissolve Parliament and set a date for general elections. Grenadians deserve to be relieved of this political melee.


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Joe or who ever you may be, I realize its like you can't help it but to share your misinformation and attack me personally. Well I will just have to continue to share the truth. For I guess as much you should know the truth needs no defense. I still will ask you to find a copy of the bill and read it to be informed and then you will be able to make an informed contribution to the debate. You can post your email address and I will send you the bill and other information that will help you.
00By: pastor Garraway
8/28/2012 4:59:31 PM
Pastor, whatever I wrote is also in connected to the above article "Government Gets Floored In Parliament". Maybe you didn't read it. I guess you are just doing your job for your political party. Since you are not concerned about my remarks with regards to the politicians according to you, it seems that you have a problem with my statements about CROOKS OR VULTURES roaming the Island posing like businessmen/women and stealing Grenadians hard earned money. Yes it happened and yes in some cases it occurred during the NNP's reign. I do not need to mention the NAMES of those VAMPIRES. Grenadians know who they are. I read an interview sometime ago with one of those THIEVES who was captured in the USA and also jailed. He stated that they targeted Grenada among others to carry out their scheme because they realized those countries were vulnerable; easy target to run their schemes. I believe that's the reason you are so defensive about those crooks. However whatever I stated is the truth and I stand behind my statements. You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mines. Now, what are you going to do with regards to stopping SKULLDUGGERY in Grenada?
00By: joe
8/28/2012 11:19:35 AM
on the contrary littleboy,i don't see how the pastor is talking nonsense when he asked only a simple question,did joe read the entire bill?it is either he did or he didn't.if he hasn't read it then the pastor is right,what are your objections?come on littleboy,you are a smart man.debate the pastor on the facts and not on insults.
00By: stallion
8/26/2012 3:27:07 PM
Joe I am not concern about your attack on politicians. The issue at hand is the false information you shared here about the Insurance Amendment Act. Don't try that spin to hide the real issue. Ever so often you come on here and knowingly write misleading information with the hope of deceiving the readers of GC. This has to stop. I never expected you or anyone else to be intimidated by me. What I expect though and you have been writing it already, I always provide the evidence to backup my points. If this is what you term intimidating, well I guess I will always be intimidating.
00By: pastor Garraway
8/17/2012 11:59:40 AM
Pastor Garraway, why should I hide from you? Do you think that you are intimidating? No you are not. I stand behind my comments about those selfish and lazy politicians who hide behind a political party for their own selfish goals. You do not like my comments then it's up to you. I guess you are being paid to spread propaganda so go ahead and do what you do best. Good Luck my friend.
00By: Joe
8/16/2012 10:17:04 AM