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On the 8th day of May 2009, Air Jamaica, the only carrier serving Grenada from the Northeast USA, announced its new policy to passengers flying to the island, imposing a $25.00 service charge for a second piece of luggage. Furthermore the second piece of luggage is not guaranteed to arrive on the same flight as the passenger but could take as long as 7 days after for receipt. This together with the earlier change in flight schedule has generated grave concerns for out tourism Industry, particularly as market shaping media such as USA today, Travel Magazines and trade papers have all picked up the story. Her Majesty’s Opposition calls on the NDC Administration and the Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation, to intervene and hold discussions with the management of Air Jamaica to ease the burdensome inconvenience on Grenadians and other travellers to and from Grenada. During the NNP administrations there had been continuous meetings with Air Jamaica and other airlines resulting in the best possible terms and condition for our travelling public. As a responsible Opposition we intend to assist by contacting the Jamaican Government (owner of the airline), and Air Jamaica officials in NY and Miami to seek some redress on behalf of our citizens. We hope that the airline will consider the request and implement a solution to ease the difficulties and be more accommodating to our passengers in time for the upcoming carnival season. From The Office of the Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition


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Mr Kevin my friend i hope you dont mind me calling you my friend, i have been checking some of your comments in previous mails on this web site and it seems to me that you are or was one of thoes paid up members of the Mr KCM ABUSIVE language club judging by your past replies to come of my fellow writers views on this site, so my friend all i can say to you is grow up and remember that you and your NNP followers are now in the opposition and you all should give peace a chance for change and support this new government by being positive in your debates and comments for the sake of our country our people in our tri-island states for we are all one brothers and sisters wishing to do well for our people in this time of strife and hardship. one love for one grenada and her sister isles.
00By: gabe
5/29/2009 9:26:58 AM
Mr Kevin first of all i would be careful who you are calling a degenerate fool and secondly my comment is based on HM opposition ie Mr KCM comment in paragraph 3 of his statement and my friend my point is if he intend to call on our prime minister to do something about the air jamacian $25 dollar tax levy then why dont he do the same thing about the british government £100 tax levy on all carribean flights wich i might add will also impact on tourist visiting grenada so Mr Kevin that is my point.
00By: gabe
5/29/2009 4:40:44 AM
Gabe are you a degenerate fool? All KCM is asking is that the government try to pressure Air Jamaica not to administer ( as the Jamaicans say) dis fool fool policy. Why is it that KCM is the one answering questions about British levy? He is not the PM. Its the duty of the present government to answer these questions and try to blunt these attempts to cripple our tourism sector so that their economy could prosper. In this world if you do not speak up people will take advantage. Its the present government that have to speak up on behalf of all Grenadians to ensure that these powerful entities do not take advantage of grenadians.
00By: Kevin
5/28/2009 1:50:55 PM
People of our lovely country i also call upon the leader of HM Opposition one Mr KCM to answer these questions does the leader of HM opposition also is aware that the british government is soon to impose a tax levy of £100 pounds on all flights to the carribean, and can he tell our people if he is also going to engage in talks with the british government. This tax may i remind Mr KCM will have serious implications on our people who wishes to come home and invest in our country and also thoes wishing to visit friends and families, Dr KCM we need some answere or Dr KCM are you only concern about your friends in jamaica for this is not the first time you seems to be involving your self in things concerning jamaica therefore i ask what is it about Dr KCM and jamaica, Dr KCM please tell the people of grenada are you really concern for our people or is it more to do with the foreign tourist or your friends in the jamacian government and when you start to engage in talks with the said government of jamaica why not ask them for some money to help our country to pay back that large balance of payement and the money owed to the taiwaness bank of which your government was reponsible for so come on Dr KCM be an effective opposition and tell our people what your government did with all that money that was given to help our people out of proverty ,Sir we awaits your answers please please or is this to much to ask or is your party only fit for causing mischief within our people.
00By: gabe
5/28/2009 11:40:42 AM