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27 November 2009 Hon. Glynis Roberts Minister for Tourism Ministry of Tourism Ministerial Complex Botanical Gardens ST. GEORGE’S Dear Minister Roberts Re: Inaugural Flight by Sunwing It is with great concern for the future of Grenada’s tourism industry that the Grenada Hotel & Tourism Association writes to express its displeasure with the treatment meted out to Sunwing Airline, on its inaugural flight into the Maurice Bishop International Airport, on Tuesday, 24 November, 2009. It is inconceivable that the aircraft should have been kept in a circling pattern, for approximately thirty minutes, while the daily runway inspection was completed. Surely with all the hype preceding this flight, someone somewhere, must have been informed of its scheduled arrival time, and one would expect that someone, would have ensured that the runway was made ready for landing thus eliminating a delay. Adding insult to injury, upon finally being allowed to land, the embarrassment to our country was compounded by the fact that there was not one single person to meet, and officially greet, the airline and its passengers which included, the island’s Consul General to Canada, Ms. Jenny Gumbs, Ramnairine Tiwari, President & CEO of Sunrise International Airways, and Niko Kosmos, Manager, Ground Operations, of Sunwing Airlines, who saw fit to grace us with their presence. In fact without the presence of a member of our oft times maligned media, who saw fit to step into the breach and welcome those on board, and later inform the nation of this historic event, even we in the industry would still be in the dark since, we had not been informed of the arrival date and time of the flight. The presence of two officials of the Grenada Board of Tourism in the Departure Lounge of the airport at the time of arrival, waiting to enjoy complimentary seats to Toronto on the return flight of the same airline, in order, we are told, to participate in scheduled tourism activities, quite clearly shows that the Board knew before hand, of the flight’s arrival. We find the reason given for the failure to afford the arrival of this flight the official welcome which was its due, on behalf of the people of Grenada, rather lame to say the least, and of even greater concern is the fact that the Chairman of the Board of the GBT had not been informed of the flight’s arrival time. If the staff of the GBT felt that, rising from their beds at such an early hour in order to meet and greet the flight was outside the realms of their capabilities, they need only have asked and they would have had many persons in the private sector offering to carry out their duties for them. We live in an age where the Government of Grenada spends a considerable amount of money for joint marketing of airlift into Grenada, or in the case of American Airlines, pay penalties should the number of passengers carried fall below a certain level, that, we should be thankful that Sunwing saw fit to service the island without asking for any compensation. We should also remember that there are many other islands that would gladly welcome such generosity with open arms. The GHTA feels most strongly that there is need to have a professional level of accountability; without this, we will continue to be seen as mediocre in an industry which requires perfection at the highest level. With power comes responsibility, and with responsibility comes accountability. We dismissed the last Attorney General for writing a letter which had no effect on the economy, and therefore we must ask ourselves what is a fitting redress for a fiasco such as the non event of this inaugural flight. Yours respectfully, Russell Fielden PRESIDENT cc Hon. Peter David Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Richard Strachan Chairman Grenada Board of Tourism Board of Directors Grenada Board of Tourism Board of Directors Grenada Hotel & Tourism Association Board of Directors Aviation Services of Grenada Ltd.


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1234 Pgs
After reading some of the comments made on this major screw-up, I get the sense that the commentators are politically partisan in their views. From a non political point of view, I don’t think the PM has anything to do with this matter. Now having said that, I believe this adds up to a proliferation of incompetence and unprofessionalism that is ravishing this beautiful island. Not only in government agencies are these negative practices are condone, but in the private sectors as well. It is therefore incumbent upon the media houses with assistance from the government to be pro active in educating the public at large and to create an awareness of this problem. By so doing, we can begin the process correcting this ill. We also have to hold those responsible for these actions or non action as it were accountable.
00By: Cosmic
12/4/2009 12:22:12 PM
Kevin my friend through out my comments with reference to the above i have never said that the pm should and is not responsible what i said was yes he is the leader and yes there is or are minister/or other persons who is directly responsible and who should be blamed but for you to say it is soley the prime ministers who should be blamed sounds to me like it is you who has an agenda against our prime minister and i ask you to look around throughout the carribbean and their leaders ,and i tell you this we are lucky here in grenada to have a man of decency and one who value the family as a family man and prime minister, and yes i will defend him where and when and critizes him when and where and yes i stand by what i have said that there are minister who is directly responsible and who should stand up and be counted and then be dealt with and as for your comment about me to quote being a leader and passing the buck my friend i am made of sterner stuff and not some blabber mouth like you the talking big man. one love grenada.
00By: gabe
12/4/2009 8:11:53 AM
"Somebody" I am glad you see the big picture. Gabe seems only to be blinded by vengeance and ignorance of the facts at hand. I am not saying that the ministers are not responsible.They are. However, the larger responsibility lies in the hands of the leader. He takes responsibility for successes as well as the failures. If the government does something well, gets applauded? Is it the minister who actually made that success possible, or is the leader? Gabe, you seem to entirely be shifting the responsibility away from the PM. It is clear that you will be terrible at running a successful business. Because in any business, the person in charge does not simply leave it up to his workers to do the Job. He does not simply give them the task and hope that they carry it out. No, he keeps a close eye on their actions. He manages their task. He checks in to make sure that the task is getting done. Gabe, That is the model of a successful business. That is how earnings and profits are made. No business would survive, if the leader simply tells his workers what to do and turn his back. So too No government would survive-indeed no country will survive-if its leader simply delegates the tasks to his ministers and turns his back. The fact that you seem to think that the PM could do this, is astonishing to me. It shows incredible ignorance on your part. Like I said before, Tillman Thomas is the Chief Executive of the State of Grenada. He is the man in charge. He is the Boss. He is the leader. He needs to act like it. Grow some balls and stop acting like a pussy. Cowardly and timid, afraid to do the Job he was elected to do. Grenada cannot afford this weak leadership. No time in the history of Grenada has there ever been a weak leader. From Gairy to Bishop even to Brizan, they were all bold, decisive, ambitious. Weakness is not a characteristic of Grenada or Grenadians. We are strong, bold and brave, those are the qualities that Tillman needs to exibit. Leaving it up to others to do your job is stupidly naive and incompetent.
00By: Kevin
12/3/2009 8:25:58 PM
Kevin I agree: Someone seems to be missing the big picture. The Executive isn't always directly responsibly, but overall he is responsible (it's his watch and his chosen men). He needs the correct knowledge and focus in selecting the right persons to act on his behalf and still bring him peace. Thats all I have to say for now.
00By: Somebody
12/3/2009 8:49:45 AM
Kevin my friend i stand by some of my commentsand i must say you do seems to be some sort of big head and take the view that anyone who has an opposite view to yours is not a true grenadian my friend i say again the prime minister appoints people to carry out the duties that they were given and when something goes wrong thoes persons should be held responsible and yes i have read micheals comments and i do agrees with that thoes elected should stand up and be counted my friend kevin i would like to me so that we can have a proper debate for to often grenadians took that which was put before them without asking questions as to the wherefores and whys so come on smart man . one love grenada.
00By: gabe
12/3/2009 4:21:34 AM