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On behalf of Motiv-8 For Change International, I will like to firstly express my deep sadness over the recent occurrence in St. David which has not only seen the premature demise of a fellow Grenadian Canadian, but has brought our Royal Grenadian Police Force into questionable disrepute of "Ongoing Police Brutality" in the international media, especially the Canadian media here. Although I am extremely troubled by the outcome of this tragic situation and express my deep condolences to the family and relatives of Mr. Oscar Bartholomew, simultaneously, on behalf of Motiv-8 For Change International, I have to register my solidarity with the RGPF, a very credible and respectful institution with which I have worked over the past years. Let me go on record as saying that as the president of Motiv-8 For Change International a Toronto based Social Skill Agency, during my past years of working along with the RGPF, I have personally experienced a high degree of professionalism and respect from street level policing to top administrative level. However, even if I have worked with all the various RGPF demographical divisions, SSU and Immigration in the past and relish the great experience, I cannot doubt the existence of individuals within the force who have the ability to cause such serious disrepute to the RGPF while inflicting much grief and pain to victims and their families. It is for this reason that ASP Terrence Noel who overlooked my work at the police college in 2004, and saw the power and impact of these sessions on his officers, arranged a meeting and presentation for me with Superintendent Martin in July 2011. After seeing a complete outlay of the multi-dimensional approach of "Project STOP 'n' THINK" -our international crime prevention campaign which emphasizes a Professional Development "Impulse Control" component for officers, Sup. Martin immediately referred me to ASP Mc Intyre of the Community Relation Department for investigating, negotiating and planning how these sessions could be delivered to the community and also to officers of the RGPF. The overall objective of this "Impulse Control" component is to equip officers with a strategy to help them to professionally pre-think their response, reactions and consequences before spontaneously reacting and suffering what can be bitter and lifelong consequences for themselves and others. By the way, our international official "Project STOP 'n' THINK" poster hangs in Gouyave, Victoria, GrandRoy, Grenville Police Stations and at the CRD Head office. However, because of budgetary allowances, these sessions could not be implemented, and even if as son of Grenada, I indicated that I was prepared to offer them almost free, it is with deep regret that the RGPF was not able to schedule them. Who knows, these sessions might have equipped the officers in question with "Project STOP 'n' THINK" Impulse Control Mechanism to deal with the temptation of impulsive reactions as seem evident in this current situation. To date and most recently, I have made over fifteen appearances on the live Canadian TV Shows "INSIDE WORLD REPORTS" and "ON THE LINE" as a guest to give my opinion on issues in the news. Let me say here that if called upon to give my opinion on this issue, although I will join the voices that condemn this brutality, I also promise to uphold the professionalism and respect of the Royal Grenada Police Force, while vindicating the good name of our citizens and homeland. In closing let me again offer the family of Mr. Bartholomew my heartfelt sympathies, and wish for you that the blessings and miracles of the new year will overshadow the grief and pain as you undertake the daunting task of moving on with your lives. Finally, I want to again go on record as offering my services to Grenada and the Bartholomew family to help in the healing process which this event has inflicted on our nation. I am prepared to reschedule my local and international assignments to respond if called. God bless Grenada and I wish all a Happy New Year. By Neals J. Chitan


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12345 Pgs
When incident like this happens in our country and then one listens or read statements being made by some of our people i take great dislike to that sort of mentality and mindset for here i have to strongly agree with the sentiments express by the brothers JOE & LITTLEBOY and therefore i call on my fellow grenadians to please wake up for it sometimes appears that some of us are hell bent on destroying our country and in the same process bad mouthing our belove country for it is quite right to say that the dreadful incident which took place in that police station against this grenadian born visitor shows that some of our people and that includes some law officers still behaves as thought they are living in the jungle(like aninals)and there i have to say nuff respect should be given to some animals in the jungle because for in some cases they behave like human beings where as we humans sometimes behave like vicious animals so come on people, grenadian people lets get away from all this negatives and embrace a togetherness for we are all one people and should respect each other choices and that includes thoes grenadians who has left our shores for foreign lands to better their lives both educationally and financially and then come back home for good or for a holiday to visit friends and families and have to put up with hostile reception from fellow grenadias,brothers and sisters lets get away from this nasty names calling for thoes who choose to travel into foreign lands to ply their trade did so to advance their personnel requirements in the hope that they will one day come back home and give sometimg back to their beloved country and not to be abused or killed by some moranic nasty minded people/persons ,grenadians there are people out there in this great world willing to help us advance forward and we should not allow a few nasty bad minded people to destroy our good name and country. one love.
00By: gabe
1/5/2012 8:00:44 AM
We certainly need to go back to hanging. We should go to referendum and put it to a direct vote by the people of Grenada to limit the Privy Council's control as to any decision concerning hanging and let that be a decision of Grenada by itself.
00By: Littleboy
1/5/2012 2:19:44 AM
Ron, the decision to free the Gang of 17 was not made by Tillman Thomas. Unfortunately, Grenada is in the back yard of the London based Prevy Council, the British and the United States among others, regardless of our so- called-Independence. The Prevy Council, the highest Court of Appeal for the Country (Grenada) threw out the death sentences of those scum bags in February 2007 and sentenced them for only two more years (2007-2009). I am not at all in support of that decision. Can anyone imagine what would have happened if Tilly didn't carry out the Imperial Masters decision? They would have been breathing down his neck until something very serious happened. On the other hand, Phyllis Coard was sneaked out of the Island to freedom under the disguise of "MEDICAL TREATMENT", you should know the rest. That skullduggery took place even before the Imperial Masters' decision. Who was the P.M when that sliminess happened? Dr. the Rt. Honourable Keith Mitchell, Leader of Her Majesty's? Opposition. Who knows if any d... money was involved. With regards to employing those criminals,I agree with you. To my opinion that should never happen. Sadly, a young man die while in police custody and I will not like to make his death too political. I pray for his family and also for Justice based upon the law. Grenada May God Bless You.
00By: Joe
1/4/2012 9:11:52 PM
I have to agree with Inside Grenada,because from Gairy to Tilly they always begging for help so people think it is the norm instead of producing.from China to Venezuela the pattern is there,who respect a beggar.
00By: Ron
1/4/2012 7:36:30 PM
You said, how silly I sound (Inside Grenada). How much of a jack ass you are for generalising Grenadians. I guess you see certain peolple ethics to growing local and waiting and begging in your community. Do something about it. You definately not talking to lots of locals I know off. Dumb fools like you go out and paint all sorts of ridiculas pictures of the cuntry. However you look at it, you point one finger at me and the rest points back to you. If I am to be stoned like those bastards, you will be the right next me, you good for nothing, egotistical crackhead. And this is from outside grenada.
00By: norie
1/4/2012 6:40:56 PM
Norie some one should stone you to death for you uglyness inside and out side,you should be ashame of yourself for calling to stone people to death,you backward ass.You understand how silly stupid things sound.
00By: Inside Grenada
1/4/2012 6:06:14 PM
It's way to long that politics get in the way of the law no matter where you are. With that said, the government ignores citizens complaint and gives their pals and law enforcers a ride into higher positions. I am totally shocked that the charges have not been upgraded. I believe innocent until guilty but really think they will get a slap on the wrist. Lots of these wicked individuals join the force for authority over the public and not for the intrest of the citizens. Please set an example with these because past trends have been in the opposite example, the wolf gang in 1983. The government has no remorse for the many families that was butchered by them and up to now there is no definite number. A line are to be drawn between upholding the laws of the land and brutality. I'm also totally against them begging for bail. IT SHOULD NOT BE AN OPTION. Who agree with me on bringing back some of the old rules of Stoning these people to death for crimes such as these if found guilty. Some officals need that too for some of their decisions too
00By: Norie
1/4/2012 5:33:30 PM
It is a shame after all these years that figures in the police force in the caribbean still commit these acts.I am a proud Grenadian, and must say a lesson are to be taught to these so call cops. I totally agree with the public. Demonstrate peacefully, boycot subsidies that benefit the country. It might be stepping back a few feet but damn it, sometimes sacrafices have to be made for future benefits. My heart goes out to the family. Please bring a good lawyer in court to bring the police force to their knees. Those bastards should be treated the same way in Richman hill. I am also abroad, and proud of my homeland, but hope when I get there with my wife we are both safe. Let those lunatics pay with their freedom for the maximum jail time.
00By: Norie
1/4/2012 5:09:36 PM