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ST. GEORGE, GRENADA, JANUARY 19, 2012_Prime Minister Hon. Tillman Thomas today asked His Excellency, Governor-General Sir Carlyle Glean, to revoke the appointment of the Hon. Joseph Gilbert as a Minister of Government. The Prime Minister will address the nation this evening at 8.00.


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123456 Pgs
I'm ok with Observer, I get angry too when you see these dum dum jackasses act the way they do and nothing is being done. What do you think will happen to the already damaged good for ny=utten industry we have here? What do you think will happen as the world is watch a bunch of ignorant fools act the way they do. They are watching.Other nations are watching too.
00By: Grenville
1/25/2012 4:21:40 PM
Hi Grenville Bro.Gabe is dey and kicking and while i agree with your last posting it is fair to say that we must do so with decency and respect to all our fellow debaters irrespective of our different views but as always it should be done without threats as to the democratic rights of others and i say this again to thoes who feels so strongly about what is happening in our country they should follow the democratic process and stand come the next election thus giving them a nation wide platform to put forward their cure for our country ills and remedy the wrongs that has been done in our country both past and present. one love.
00By: gabe
1/25/2012 9:17:33 AM
JahLion did you read my post?can you read?where did I ask GC to Censor Observer?never did and never will the guy has a right to write what he wants and I have the right to call him on it,that is what dicourse is all about we are not sheep,we donot have to say yes sir and yes master.
1/25/2012 7:02:37 AM
This is a pubic forum and everyone is entitled to voice his/her opinion. I think when we see something wrong, we ought to call it out. If we see and prove a liar, we let him know he is a liar and we are not exactly ignorant. I say Observer should keep on keeping on. I support the brother. Where is Brother Gabe. Gabe boy, wey you dey???
00By: Grenville
1/25/2012 4:20:56 AM
Pastor G/St.Andrews:To ask administrators to censor Observer is undemocratic, unnecessary, unwarranted, arrogantly assume the legitimacy of your posts and violates "open" space principle of this and like blogs. Observer may not say the most pleasing things, but he is entitled to his opinions and rendition of facts in some cases. his claims in this specific post are not beyond credibility and experience. A surprising number of cases of drug interdiction in Grenada fail to go to prosecution or yield convictions for the same reasons Observer cites... missing evidence. I have no evidence to support his other claims about expunged criminal records etc, but statements about missing drug evidence is factual. It is not beyond the reason to assume that poorly paid security people in Grenada will succumb to the lure to make easy money by being bought. After all, even developed societies with even greater oversight/training cannot eradicate the problem. My question to you is why do think a less developed, less trained, and laxed oversight of the Grenadian security are immune?
00By: jahlion
1/24/2012 9:57:16 PM