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ST. GEORGE, GRENADA, JANUARY 19, 2012_Prime Minister Hon. Tillman Thomas today asked His Excellency, Governor-General Sir Carlyle Glean, to revoke the appointment of the Hon. Joseph Gilbert as a Minister of Government. The Prime Minister will address the nation this evening at 8.00.


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123456 Pgs
Mr. Tillman Thomas,yes, your emotional speech, especially the part where you remind us of the time you spent in prison simply because you refusal to compromise moral principles has led me to question your honesty and integrity, sir. I wonder if you were forced to expose and rescind/revoke the appointment of Joseph Gilbert because failure to do so would have embarrassed you and the party? I wonder if Keith Mitchell and NNP had the information and were about to go public but you wanted to beat them to it? I wonder if you took action because your government was threatened by the party involved with Mr. Gilbert threatened to sue your government? I am intellectually attacking you on the issues because I have yet to see your government reinvestigating the release and employment of members of Gang 17. I have yet to see an investigation of high ranking members within the NDC administration and employees at the Mirabeau cocoa plants and other government outlets. Our country's resources including our plants, ink cartridges, gas, use of government vehicles, office supplies, work hours, medical supplies...are being theft and exploited at the hands of those we the tax payers are subjected to paying a salary on a monthly basis. I also call upon you for a reinvestigation of police crimes as the people-unjustified kllings, rape, drug and contraband commodities seized by the RGPF but have since disappeared. I call for the reinvestigation of RGPF senseless murder of that poor 14 year old child on the Carenage. Killer Dread was allowed to flee Grenada but returned and living lavishly in St. Georges. I call for justice for those innocent victims of the state RGPF. Where is the integrity of the Grenada media...why hasn't one of our socal Caribbean miseducated journalist embrace such an issue of our runaway justice system...wake up closed minded-in the box thinking media. Show us you've got some testicles too. Yes, Gabe, I welcome your debate on this're just like those sleeping at the wheel of the media. Tell them don't wait for some news to come to them. Encourage them to create the news. Bloody lazy Grenadian and Caribbean journalist. Create news idiots...begin to reinvestigate present and past unjustifiable criminal activities and practices of our RGPF and the notorious members of the public. Blind bats!
00By: The Observer
1/21/2012 7:20:05 AM
It's my hope that the prime minister's decision to have Joseph Gilbert appointment revoked will set a precedent for NDC, NNP and other future governments and parliamentarians here in Grenada. Now Mr. Prime Minister Thomas, you have surely set the bar to the height where the Dr. Keith Mitchell and the NNP would have very few issues to condemn and use against you and the NNP in the next election. Your decision and address to the nation certainly demonstrate you've got some testicles/balls which many have been call for. At the same time, I challenge you to continue to conduct rapid and random investigations and oversights of your ministers and appointees. On the release and employment of members of Gang 17, I don't think you demonstrated clarity here, sir. These barbarians-Phyllis and Bernard Coard, Selwyn Strachan, Hudson Austin, Leon "Bogo" Cornwall, Cecil Prime, Ventura...were the planners and executioners of the October 1983 massacre and execution style murder of head of state, his cabinet and hundreds of law abiding citizens. The Rwanda reconciliation which you are trying to replicate was not carried out the way you did. The engineers of the Rwanda Genocide were not given a slap on their wrists, release from custody, employed by a democratically elected government and allowed to go on the air to voice and engage their political and social opinions to the people the held murdered, maimed, hijacked and held for ransom.
00By: The Observer
1/21/2012 6:51:25 AM