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It was a real knock out blow for Prime Minister Tillman Thomas and his governmental colleagues in Parliament on Friday 20th July last. The government failed in its bid to pass the Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2012 in the House of Representatives. This phenomenon marks the first time in the history of Grenada that a government in piloting a bill through parliament was deprived of majority support when the votes were counted. The votes in favour of passing the bill was five and those against was six. The Leader of the Opposition Dr. Keith Mitchell led the way in showing that the measures which were sought in the bill would create additional financial burden on the backs of Grenadians who are already suffering under dire economic conditions. This is so he said, because whatever payments that would be extracted from Insurance companies by government, the ordinary folks in the country would be made to bear the financial burden by those companies. Dr. Mitchell was ably supported by other members of the Opposition in addition to support given by Hon. Michael Church and Hon. Karl Hood. Other members belonging to the government side such as Hon Peter David and Hon. Glynis Roberts failed to make a showing in parliament. This is surely a sign of things to come as the split in the ruling party becomes wider and wider. It seems to be a foregone conclusion that in the very near future the government would not be able to pass any money bills in parliament and this would certainly lead to a vote of no confidence in that administration. The time seems to be fast approaching when Prime Minister Thomas would have no alternative but to request the Governor General to dissolve Parliament and set a date for general elections. Grenadians deserve to be relieved of this political melee.


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12345 Pgs minister,how much longer will you let the circus continue?we are the laughing stock of the caribbean.please for everyone sake,do the right thing and dissolve parliament.enough is enough.seems like some of your ministers have their own agenda.i honestly believe you are a good man prime minister,although i take issue with some of your political decisions,but as i have mentioned many times ago,you should have cleaned house when you had the chance,and brought in new fresh blood.the longer this drags on the worst your party looks.time to call the governor general minister.
00By: stallion
7/26/2012 6:42:41 AM
Gabe like I said, these fellas are done. Dey are history as far as I am concerned. Boy I have always said, dey doe care about Grenada, dey only care about dey stinking agenda, whatever it is, however in my opinion dey are traitors, I am of the same opinion as you Gabe, dey could have abstained, but they sided wid the devil himself Keith Mitchel. Grenada doe need characters like dat. See how Church look just like Judas. Dey done in my book
00By: Littleboy
7/25/2012 7:58:13 AM
Bro Littleboy you have echoed the thinking of many of our people on this small island and it is a dammed shame that these two ministers voted the way they did some would call it democracy ,but saying that they are traitors Bro Littleboy may i beg to differ for they are who they are but not traitors for i trully believe that these so called politicans are doing what they are doing with a more sinister /serious and dangerous political agenda for why is it that they choose such an important motion to vote with the NNP opposition when they could have obstained why why and for what reasons can both these M.P.say to their voters oh yes we did it for you because we care for you knowing that it is the very people who voted for these ministers and were elected to protect the very poor in our society who was robbed by these insurance /investment companies Cap-Bank to name a few under the last government and some of these people is still awaiting compensation for their lost and behold when a Law is put forward to stop such wantom behaviour by such companies here comes Bat man and Robin with the aid of the rouges party to floored such a bill Hon Mr Church and his side kick Hon Hood are you both really grenadians elected by grenadians to look after the interest of the very poor in our country gentlemen please search your hearts.
00By: gabe
7/25/2012 6:36:49 AM
We expexted that from the traitors Michael Church and Karl Hood. Anyway dey eh going no way. Watch me now. Dog doe want to see these fellas. Dey eh making it in the NDC nor the NNP. Dey careers are done as are the rest in the Peter David gang.
00By: Littleboy
7/24/2012 9:53:37 PM