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ADDRESS TO THE NATION BY PRIME MINISTER THE HONOURABLE TILLMAN THOMAS Ladies and Gentlemen, Youth of Grenada, Good evening. The NNP had the opportunity to govern Grenada for thirteen years. When they were voted out of Office, they did not leave behind an economy that was geared-up, productive and strong enough to pay our debts over the long-term. Unfortunately, their borrowing was not planned to produce future streams of revenues. The NNP fooled Grenadians into believing that things were good, but, in reality, we were living with a strong pretence of prosperity. During those thirteen years, the world economy was in a vastly different condition. There was no persistent economic recession. At that time, the Government was able to borrow $2 billion. If that borrowing was necessary, the spending of the borrowed money was patently reckless and irresponsible. It was mostly non-productive and much of it was programmed to facilitate corruption. It should also be recalled that by 2007, the NNP administration itself had begun to experience difficulties meeting its financial commitments. Fellow Grenadians I invite you to remember that all money borrowed by the NNP and this administration must be repaid. The NDC Government paid $ 252.2 million on the debt in 2011 and $ 175 million so far in 2012. Before the end of the year we must pay another $ 148 million. Situations of national economic challenges call for statesmanship, patriotism, sacrifices and sound management. It also calls for faith in He, who is our sole provider. The help we need cannot come from outcasts, corrupt politicians, bag carriers and such like. Our help will not come from or through the NNP. As a people of faith, we have to believe that God does not want us to revert to a culture of bad governance, social deficit and morally-challenged leadership. The source of our betterment is definitely not the NNP. Ladies and Gentlemen Youth of Grenada Structural weaknesses in the Grenada economy cannot be rectified in the short-term. Yet the facts are that Government has held the economy together well from 2008-11. This year has presented additional challenges which affected the revenue package that was intended to be part of the 2012 budget, even though the proposed measures did not include any further taxes on the people. Nevertheless, we continue to keep our shoulders to the wheel, in the interests of all Grenadians. The filing of yet another Motion of no Confidence is the handiwork of a former Minister of Government, who has publicly advised the Clerk of Parliament that he is prepared to sit on the Opposition side of the House of Representatives. That Member has now fulfilled his desire of joining their ranks. Sadly, his first frolic is deliberately designed for the purpose of inducing anxiety and instability in our country. It has come at a time when we are still celebrating Kirani’s Olympic Gold Medal and planning for his heroic home-coming. It has come at a time when God is openly blessing our Nation in a special way, and our duty is to give Him thanks. In the circumstances, this latest Motion is a blatant act of disobedience and dishonour; it is highly unpatriotic, reckless, self-serving and disrespectful of the people of Grenada. This second Motion in three months is unmistakably inspired by the NNP. It is not only intended to deny Grenadians their joy and peace, but it is also motivated by spite and a determination to pre-empt any improvement in our economic and financial fortunes. Their assessment is that if the NDC administration increases the rate of implementation of its projects and other economic activities then that would make it extremely difficult for them to win the elections. They have therefore decided to strike now! My dear citizens and patriots of Grenada, Instability is the biggest enemy of economic development, followed by corruption. So when the NNP is not in a position to practice corruption, they peddle destabilisation. Both are anti-people, anti-development and anti-Grenada. I ask you, to pay careful attention to the following, which were all known to the NNP, directly or indirectly, when it decided to have this ‘mischief Motion’ presented: I. At the very hour that the Motion was filed, Government had already signed for a grant of US$ 8.5 million from the Government of the People’s Republic of China II. The Government of China had also signed for the reconstruction of the National Athletics Stadium, with work to commence shortly, as the actual designs are virtually complete III. The award of a contract to build the farm roads is now a matter of weeks to signing , with work to commence shortly thereafter by the successful bidder IV. My imminent visit to Qatar holds very strong prospects for economic assistance to and investment in Grenada. This visit is at the kind invitation of His Highness the Emir. V. The signing of a Cooperation Agreement with Trinidad and Tobago, for joint development and exploitation of our hydro-carbon resources, scheduled for the first week of September VI. The winter cruise season, which will bring significant earnings to vendors, taxi drivers and other service providers, is only weeks away from commencement. The question must therefore be asked, in whose interest therefore is this Motion served? Definitely, it cannot be in the best interest of the people of Grenada. This Motion, for which the NNP must be fixed with constructive ownership, is planted shamelessly in the name of greed, money and power. A total of 8 votes are needed for such a Motion to be passed. The whole Nation is therefore looking to see whether and who in the Parliament would join with the NNP to assist them in accomplishing their goal. We must not forget that after the 2008 general elections, the NNP declared that this Government would not last six months in Office. Recall also attempts by the NNP to bring down the then Nicholas Brathwaite-led NDC government through the use of money, as was disclosed to the Nation by a sitting Member of Parliament at that time. Interestingly, we must also remind ourselves of the pronouncement by the Leader of the Opposition, in New York, just days before the second Motion was filed that there will be elections in Grenada before December, 2012. The basis of his prediction was knowledge of the filing of the Motion and an expectation of its passage in Parliament. Notice well the consistency with which the NNP has pursued its political objectives when in Opposition. My Dear Citizens While individuals may backslide from their spiritual calling and turn away from service to the people, our National Anthem calls upon every citizen of Grenada to be “Ever conscious of God” in all that we do. All generations of Grenadians are challenged to be faithful, to trust and to honour God. There may be men who think that they are more important than others and that their egos and ambitions take precedence over the welfare of the people. There may also be men who think that Grenada is theirs to rule for life. All such persons, obviously driven by spite and greed, may come together and act in concert, but they too will experience their political demise at the hands of their constituents and the electorate in the fullness of time. The people of Grenada will not be kind to those who place themselves above the ordinary man; nor to those who are driven by power for themselves while demonstrating that the rest of us do not matter. All they need from you is your vote! Who would have thought that in the midst of our celebrations of Olympic Gold that a few NNP politicians and conscripts would want to displace Kirani from center stage? Who would have thought that a temporary economic setback, requiring all of us to work harder and produce more, would be seized upon to make a grab for power? Who would have thought that at the precise time that new and positive signs of improvement are before us, that NNP politicians would mis-direct themselves to sabotage the people’s welfare? The NNP leader and his followers in the Parliament must all stand before the people guilty of being unpatriotic; guilty of inducing instability to Grenada; guilty of not wanting to see the people of Grenada prosper; guilty of robbing the peace and joy of the people. Their rejection by the people is assured. Ladies and Gentlemen Youth of Grenada While they are busy devising schemes and plots to gain power, we are busy on the road to ‘Producing our way to Prosperity’. I call upon every responsible citizen to think carefully and to act responsibly surrounding this latest NNP mischief. There is no reason for panic or anxiety. Government will not shirk its responsibility, nor would it be cheated out of its term in Office. Our resolve is to respect our democracy and the Constitution of Grenada. We will maintain the course while keeping your best interests uppermost in our minds. I wish to make my position abundantly clear, the interests of the people must come before that of the NDC party and Government at all times. You therefore have my unconditional assurance that Government will continue to listen to your voices in determining the time frame for important national decisions as we go forward together as one people. I thank you and may God Bless our Nation.


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Dear Gabe and Readers, when it’s understood that spiritual things are spiritual minded; that all true Leadership and Mentorship (L&M) comes from the All Mighty God, L&M in our homes, schools, businesses, churches, communities, government, our nation and Grenadians everywhere. Then and only then the holders of such positions become the medium to serve and positively touch the lives of those we serve. Their level of success hinges on their constant reliance on God's leading, knowledge and wisdom. This commitment is most useful in the times of the darkest and worst storms life offers. In times like these, truth be told, again and again, must be constant, because truth already explains itself. We should have nothing to fair, but fair it-self as God holds the pass, the present and the future. Once the mischief has been reveal, it’s no time to focus on the anxiety, fair, disappointment and disbelief. Believers must rise up, lift up, stand up, cry up, pray up and wait on the salvation of the Lord. This must be followed with going forward in steadfastness, hope and positive actions to represent our Lord in serving all fellow Grenadians everywhere. Preserving our sweet land of spice and the mark we leave in the prints of our nation, the region and the world will only come by good L&M and the actions and support we each give today and in the tomorrows. Calling all Grenadians everywhere to be “ever conscious of God” in keeping Hope Alive in our hearts and mind. God bless our people and beautiful Grenada; peace and love.
00By: "Hope Man"
8/30/2012 12:10:40 PM
Good Morning Hope Man Greetings and may i say how refreshing reading your posting ,positive posting if i must say so and i will go as far as to say just reading your post i could feel the true love you have for our beloved country Grenada and it is a dammed shame some of these no good politicans dont have the same concerns and gratitude for our beloved country and what one can now see from their proposed actions/Motion is that they are motivated by the devil using every power in his domain to draw these weak minded no good traitors into his web with the sole intent on keeping our people in bondage slavery i say this because every time something good comes to our people example the Kirani James and the Grenadian olympians experience,combined with the true spirit of lifting us out of these slavery mentality and on to a winning track combined with the positive green shoot now appearing in our country and then these devils comes along and pretend to offer us another way with their sole intents of disruption and in fact their methods are of corruption /greed and falsehood and so i pray that our people will wake up and see these no good tricksters for what they really are political tricksters out to make a name for themself on the backs of our poor in our country ,yes they will promise us gold but in the end we will pay with our souls and our hard earned saving as was with the last outgoing government,they will promise us honey,but they will not tell us that we will get stung by the Bees if we fail to repay back again as was done by the last out going Government and so the time has now come for our people to stand united together and reject these judas betrayers and see them for what they really are political prospecters out to make political names for themself at the expence of our people and once again make us the laughing stock of the Caribbean (remember the last Government)and so to quote a passage from our National Song -FORWARD EVER BACKWARD NEVER- God Bless Grenada and our sister isles. one love.
00By: gabe
8/30/2012 6:40:33 AM
PM Thomas in 11 minutes address solved the puzzle most baffling to Grenadians. We now can see the full intentions of the players in the picture. He brought us the solution in hope, peace, faith and reliance in God the provider and our role to build and not tear down. He brought insight and inspiration to the youth, women and men to stand strong and don't be distracted by the tempations of the destroyers of progress. There spirit is deadly, quite troublesome and difficult to explain especially to our children and youth. Lets get real,they are lost and their focus is to ensure that Grenadaians continue to loss. Their plans and actions are most damaging to our young citizens and our international credit. What a mess and pain to our image, our economy and trust in our leaders. The sadness that this behavior is happening at a time when Young Kirani with his hard work, leadership and faith he exhibited to the citizens of the world by making a positive mark that has help put our beautiful Grenada on the world stage. Its time for true believers in God to ask, knock and seek our savior to cut down unrighteousness and rise up men and women to serve and praise the Name of the Lord. As the good book tells us to pray for those that hurt us and the blessing of our God on Grenada. Uncle Tillie Keep up the Good Work and Hope Alive in the hearts and mind of all Grenadians.
00By: "Hope Man"
8/29/2012 2:16:54 PM
8/29/2012 12:35:57 PM
When oh When are we going to learn here in Grenada and when in gods name is our politicans going to forgo their egoes and do the right thing for our country ,and why oh why are they behaving in this manner and what is their ultimate goals for grenada,and what is this motion all about and as my Brothers have said on this forum the PM should have dealt with these no good ex ministers/traitors a long time ago for one can now see that their motives has all along been power at all cost with very little reguards for the wellbeing of our grenadian people for these ex ministers came into politics on the back of the NDC and no sooner they get into office they then set about planning the destablization of the very party and voters which gave them a mandate to represent our people at the highest political office in our country and its a dammed shame that they have now turn or is turning on the hands that feed them but our people will not forget and they may come to regret their actions come the next general election and i hope that our people will see these renegrades as no different to Bernard Coard and others who came into power on the back of our Dear departed Bro.Bishop then through their power of political greed turned round and butched our dear Bro.Bishop and we will never forget for these traitors are of the same mind set and our country would be better off without them. one love.
00By: gabe
8/29/2012 9:51:55 AM