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ADDRESS TO THE NATION BY PRIME MINISTER THE HONOURABLE TILLMAN THOMAS Ladies and Gentlemen, Youth of Grenada, Good evening. The NNP had the opportunity to govern Grenada for thirteen years. When they were voted out of Office, they did not leave behind an economy that was geared-up, productive and strong enough to pay our debts over the long-term. Unfortunately, their borrowing was not planned to produce future streams of revenues. The NNP fooled Grenadians into believing that things were good, but, in reality, we were living with a strong pretence of prosperity. During those thirteen years, the world economy was in a vastly different condition. There was no persistent economic recession. At that time, the Government was able to borrow $2 billion. If that borrowing was necessary, the spending of the borrowed money was patently reckless and irresponsible. It was mostly non-productive and much of it was programmed to facilitate corruption. It should also be recalled that by 2007, the NNP administration itself had begun to experience difficulties meeting its financial commitments. Fellow Grenadians I invite you to remember that all money borrowed by the NNP and this administration must be repaid. The NDC Government paid $ 252.2 million on the debt in 2011 and $ 175 million so far in 2012. Before the end of the year we must pay another $ 148 million. Situations of national economic challenges call for statesmanship, patriotism, sacrifices and sound management. It also calls for faith in He, who is our sole provider. The help we need cannot come from outcasts, corrupt politicians, bag carriers and such like. Our help will not come from or through the NNP. As a people of faith, we have to believe that God does not want us to revert to a culture of bad governance, social deficit and morally-challenged leadership. The source of our betterment is definitely not the NNP. Ladies and Gentlemen Youth of Grenada Structural weaknesses in the Grenada economy cannot be rectified in the short-term. Yet the facts are that Government has held the economy together well from 2008-11. This year has presented additional challenges which affected the revenue package that was intended to be part of the 2012 budget, even though the proposed measures did not include any further taxes on the people. Nevertheless, we continue to keep our shoulders to the wheel, in the interests of all Grenadians. The filing of yet another Motion of no Confidence is the handiwork of a former Minister of Government, who has publicly advised the Clerk of Parliament that he is prepared to sit on the Opposition side of the House of Representatives. That Member has now fulfilled his desire of joining their ranks. Sadly, his first frolic is deliberately designed for the purpose of inducing anxiety and instability in our country. It has come at a time when we are still celebrating Kirani’s Olympic Gold Medal and planning for his heroic home-coming. It has come at a time when God is openly blessing our Nation in a special way, and our duty is to give Him thanks. In the circumstances, this latest Motion is a blatant act of disobedience and dishonour; it is highly unpatriotic, reckless, self-serving and disrespectful of the people of Grenada. This second Motion in three months is unmistakably inspired by the NNP. It is not only intended to deny Grenadians their joy and peace, but it is also motivated by spite and a determination to pre-empt any improvement in our economic and financial fortunes. Their assessment is that if the NDC administration increases the rate of implementation of its projects and other economic activities then that would make it extremely difficult for them to win the elections. They have therefore decided to strike now! My dear citizens and patriots of Grenada, Instability is the biggest enemy of economic development, followed by corruption. So when the NNP is not in a position to practice corruption, they peddle destabilisation. Both are anti-people, anti-development and anti-Grenada. I ask you, to pay careful attention to the following, which were all known to the NNP, directly or indirectly, when it decided to have this ‘mischief Motion’ presented: I. At the very hour that the Motion was filed, Government had already signed for a grant of US$ 8.5 million from the Government of the People’s Republic of China II. The Government of China had also signed for the reconstruction of the National Athletics Stadium, with work to commence shortly, as the actual designs are virtually complete III. The award of a contract to build the farm roads is now a matter of weeks to signing , with work to commence shortly thereafter by the successful bidder IV. My imminent visit to Qatar holds very strong prospects for economic assistance to and investment in Grenada. This visit is at the kind invitation of His Highness the Emir. V. The signing of a Cooperation Agreement with Trinidad and Tobago, for joint development and exploitation of our hydro-carbon resources, scheduled for the first week of September VI. The winter cruise season, which will bring significant earnings to vendors, taxi drivers and other service providers, is only weeks away from commencement. The question must therefore be asked, in whose interest therefore is this Motion served? Definitely, it cannot be in the best interest of the people of Grenada. This Motion, for which the NNP must be fixed with constructive ownership, is planted shamelessly in the name of greed, money and power. A total of 8 votes are needed for such a Motion to be passed. The whole Nation is therefore looking to see whether and who in the Parliament would join with the NNP to assist them in accomplishing their goal. We must not forget that after the 2008 general elections, the NNP declared that this Government would not last six months in Office. Recall also attempts by the NNP to bring down the then Nicholas Brathwaite-led NDC government through the use of money, as was disclosed to the Nation by a sitting Member of Parliament at that time. Interestingly, we must also remind ourselves of the pronouncement by the Leader of the Opposition, in New York, just days before the second Motion was filed that there will be elections in Grenada before December, 2012. The basis of his prediction was knowledge of the filing of the Motion and an expectation of its passage in Parliament. Notice well the consistency with which the NNP has pursued its political objectives when in Opposition. My Dear Citizens While individuals may backslide from their spiritual calling and turn away from service to the people, our National Anthem calls upon every citizen of Grenada to be “Ever conscious of God” in all that we do. All generations of Grenadians are challenged to be faithful, to trust and to honour God. There may be men who think that they are more important than others and that their egos and ambitions take precedence over the welfare of the people. There may also be men who think that Grenada is theirs to rule for life. All such persons, obviously driven by spite and greed, may come together and act in concert, but they too will experience their political demise at the hands of their constituents and the electorate in the fullness of time. The people of Grenada will not be kind to those who place themselves above the ordinary man; nor to those who are driven by power for themselves while demonstrating that the rest of us do not matter. All they need from you is your vote! Who would have thought that in the midst of our celebrations of Olympic Gold that a few NNP politicians and conscripts would want to displace Kirani from center stage? Who would have thought that a temporary economic setback, requiring all of us to work harder and produce more, would be seized upon to make a grab for power? Who would have thought that at the precise time that new and positive signs of improvement are before us, that NNP politicians would mis-direct themselves to sabotage the people’s welfare? The NNP leader and his followers in the Parliament must all stand before the people guilty of being unpatriotic; guilty of inducing instability to Grenada; guilty of not wanting to see the people of Grenada prosper; guilty of robbing the peace and joy of the people. Their rejection by the people is assured. Ladies and Gentlemen Youth of Grenada While they are busy devising schemes and plots to gain power, we are busy on the road to ‘Producing our way to Prosperity’. I call upon every responsible citizen to think carefully and to act responsibly surrounding this latest NNP mischief. There is no reason for panic or anxiety. Government will not shirk its responsibility, nor would it be cheated out of its term in Office. Our resolve is to respect our democracy and the Constitution of Grenada. We will maintain the course while keeping your best interests uppermost in our minds. I wish to make my position abundantly clear, the interests of the people must come before that of the NDC party and Government at all times. You therefore have my unconditional assurance that Government will continue to listen to your voices in determining the time frame for important national decisions as we go forward together as one people. I thank you and may God Bless our Nation.


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12345 Pgs
History Man, there you go talking all crazy again. It is true President Clinton left a big surplus, it is true Bush band Cheney blew it all away, it is also true Haliburton received all these jobs, but the jobs received were delegated by Vice President who handled the whole show for President Bush and he was always an oil Tycoon too. In fact Cheney was the head of that company for years before and was actually looking out for his people though that should have been awarded as a a bid. But I do give you credit for making those points, well said History Man. Now all that silly talk about folks getting a service education. You know its up to know to learn in school and make something of yourself. Once you have learned well, that cannot be taken away from you, and the rest depends on your ability , initiative, determination and motivation so stop that nonsense. We both know better than that. As far as the Asians are concerned in my book, these people are no better than us, however they do work hard and try to make the most of their ability which is what we as a race should do and stop complaining. Did you know most of the older Asians who were allowed to migrate to the US came over as laundry workers, garderners and laborers, however look at their children today, they are now doctors, lawyers, dentists and all different types of prominent professions. Some of them ever made it to the goverment. The way I see it, is if they can do it, then we/I can do it too. Opportunity is all around us, one does not have to limit his or herself to Grenada, that place is sheer hell with all the politicians who incidentally went away and received their quality education to return and plunder here. We are the stupid ones who keep electing them. We gave Mitchel 3 different chances and we know what he was all about, look aat the state he left us in and is trying to make it out like its Tillman's fault and some STUPID Grenadians actually believe that. We also did the same with Gairy, so my friend we do have to blame ourselves, but I do think we can do better if we as I suggested before, unite and be strong. We have all the races here and we have to choose some new young well intended ones. Now look at the Indians in India how they were left behind for many many years. Look at them now, we get a call center here and start striking for more money because we thaink we eh getting enough because of these unions and that job leaves here and goes to India or the Phillipines and they are so glad to have those opportunuites while we are left with nothing. Do you see why they are moving ahead in school and everything, and we are left behind. It was the way around before. Now they have most of the stores in Gda. You can't blame them. THey work hard? What do we have? What's happening? Check it out and lets talk.
00By: Grenada
9/4/2012 4:24:58 AM
Grenada Obama has to fix the mess Bush and his greedy Haliburton war machines leave for him.You got to understand that bush got a surplus from Clinton and he blew it and then ruined the American economy that is a fact,does that reminds you of someone?Mitchell leave Grenada owing everyone and we donot know what he did with the money,here comes Tillman trying to clean up the mess and Mitchell like a bad nightmare keep appearing.I must make it clear I am not a supporter of the green or yellow jersey,I observe and call it as it is,or I will vote for some one with substance and if that person is a slacker with they it in power I will not vote for them next time,but the majority of people pick sides and could care less about the issues once their family is fed,but that type of mentality will not get no where and the proof is in the pudden,from generation to generation we have to address the same issues over and over brothers sisters that cycle has to stop,we cannot continue to wait on other countries to solve our probles.We get a service education and not a production education and therefore we will always be at the mercy of others the white man throw us under the bus he has not use for us,the cotton has been pick,his children has all been baby sat and productive now,his house has been cleaned,his cities been built with our free labours no use for us.We havenot learned we are going with the Asians not as equals,but as puppets,our votes in the Un on their issues for their advancements when will we learn that the only people that will look out for our interest is us.
00By: History Man
9/4/2012 12:59:38 AM
Bro.Littleboy bro Gabe is here and taking in all the words of wisdom being posted by the brothers History man ,grenada,and your self and as you know i read ,listen analised and then come forward and if you go back you will find that it is i gabe who started the opening posting on this topic and then the debate started and come to think of it it is the pastor who has gone quiet is he still around or is he in hiding planning the opposition next vote of confidence motion by these judas renegrades out to destroy our country and her good name at this time of global celebration by all who loves grenada on the performance of our heroes the grenada olympic team and in particular our bro Kirani James and his olympic winning team,so bro.Littleboy thats where i am at this point (celebrating) doing it for grenada and our spice isles. one love.
00By: gabe
9/3/2012 7:29:07 AM
History Man you are correct about the greeks too. These bullers have been paying themselves the largest pensions for years now. Some of these jokers actually get paid more now than while they have been working all these years. This is what caused their problems and now I hope President Obama does not use any money from the US to bail them out, but watch me, I think he will. He too is a victim for self destruction, you can't be too nice to everyone. You have to take a firm stand for what is correct and do what is right, not to do things to earn votes, but then he too as his friend the Reverend Wright said is also a politican. They need to solve their own problems, and clear their own money problems. Imagine working all these years and making x dollars and once you've retired, your pay is larger than what you were making while you were working. California has the same problem. I see osme of their cities have also declared bankruptcy. The City of San Bernadino and Stockton are now bankrupt. Have you ever seen a city declare bankruptcy? Some of these teachers in that State make around $5000.00 per month after they retire. They pay out so much money that they cannot even employ new workers now. Look out for the City of Los Angeles next. These people have to learn to manage their businesses. They go to school and claim they are the biggest accountants and economists and yet they create their biggest problems. Something is dreadfully wrong.
00By: Littleboy
9/2/2012 7:50:25 AM
This is the Littleboy, I have to jump in on this heavy and elevated discussion. You know Grenada, you are correct, Observer you are so correct and History man, you too are correct my brothers. If these two or three races including the Indian can connect and work together and in harmony, we can go places, but besides Tillman, we should not touch any of these devils in Gda. We need fresh young blood, preferably those of many different races who has never been involved in politics before. I have always said this and I still think our young people can do better than these thieving hardheads we have here. We need strict judges and strong laws that needs to be enforced and we need to get rid of that law enforcement body we have in England the Privy Council. We need to get a referendum and rid ourselves of them once and for all, and we do need to go back to hanging and make Grenada a good safe place for all. We need to first put Keith Mitchel in a hole and put a building on the hole so he cannot get out. Too much crime. Gabe my brother, why are you so silent?
00By: Littleboy
9/2/2012 1:48:38 AM