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Environment Minister Glynis Roberts on Thursday submitted her resignation to Governor General Sir Carlyle Glean. This is the latest resignation to hit Prime Minister Tillman Thomas’s ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) government since April, following those of Tourism Minister Peter David and Foreign Minister Karl Hood. In a statement accepting Roberts's resignation as environment and foreign trade minister, PM Thomas offered no reason for her decision to quit but extended best wishes to the former minister. The Prime Minister has been under pressure for weeks with a no-confidence motion tabled in Parliament against him by Hood. Earlier this week Thomas requested the Governor General to prorogue Parliament, effectively causing the motion to be dropped from Parliament's Order Paper whenever the sittings resume. Roberts previously served as Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation; Minister of Labour and Ecclesiastic Affairs and Minister of Social Development. She is Member of Parliament for the constituency of St. George South. Explaining her decision to a local journalist, Roberts reportedly said her decision wasn't influenced by any of the backbenchers in Parliament. With general elections constitutionally due in Grenada by July of next year, political observers are following these events keenly.


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123456 Pgs
Listen, Grenada has been borrowing money to pay loans for the past 15 years and this is a no no in Bus and Econ 101 first semester class. Its the people who make the places and the people who make the community and the country. Look at the people who he Tillman was surrounded with, Church, Gilbert, Peter David that big dummy, Glenis Roberts another idiot and last but not least the preacher Karl Hood, u know who that one is. U say Grenada has assets. This is not true, we have none, no banannas, no indigo, no coffee, very little nutmegs, cocoa and sugarcane is also a thing of the past. We have noise, beggars, loafers and a high stench of barbeque all over the town with loud noise all over. Gairy took the land away and gave it to his cronies. He was so disenchanted with work on the estates. Instead of getting higher wages, he destroyed our best. We have no factories no industries. Tourism, hell go to other countries and see what they have to offer, see the prices compared to Grenada, the quality of the goods and the way customers are treated. U have a lot to learn Listen. Go take a real checkup and see. We have borrowed from every nation I can think about, we owe every bank in town, and our history of paying back, well u know the story. I need say no more. Mitchel is breath of fresh air in my opinion. Once he is surrounded with the right company, I think the outlook could be turned around with the right attitude of our very own Grenadians here at home, but that too is asking for a lot. I didn't even mention the drugs that r in Gda destroying our youth. We have some good people like Eddie Fredericks and a few others who try to stimulate the youth, but I think things have gone too far. Lets keep chatting me. Maybe we can just get thru some of the youths, but the future looks dim.
00By: Grenada
10/1/2012 10:04:56 PM
Wait a minute, did I just read 'give Tillman another term??' I had to take a second look. Well no wonder people keep laughing at us and the country is in the state it's in today?? Go ahead, all those who want to give them a 2nd, 3rd and 10th term. You may not have the computer you're posting on right now to display such nonsense. Perhaps you haven't been seeing enough...that's ok. Go right ahead. It's folks like you who would be leading the next revolution in Grenada. Can you imagine in all my years or being Grenadian that the government can't afford to pay SALARIES?? Borrowing from the depleted NIS and threatening pensions and other social benefits that seniors depend on?? I will say no more. If you have't seen enough, vote for them again...and again...and once again.
10/1/2012 8:21:40 PM
It's the simplest, most predictable and most inaccurate statement and excuse to throw at a failing government: THEY HAD TOO MUCH MESS TO CLEAN UP. Please, we've heard it a billion times before. If the government was in such a sad state of affairs prior to Tillman Thomas why didn't you leave NNP to self-destruct? No, you wanted NDC to get in on the action and look good. WRONG. They came, saw, couldn't put a single plan in place and FAILED. Instead of getting on with the business of nation building and strategic planning and thinking, they are like 3-years old fighting and fussing and quarelling. My God, I still can't believe this is what you voted in power. Are you serious?? A simple thing as Kirani James' recent success. Are you aware that we can use that new visibility/exposure to Grenada and make tremendous strides with international investments and tourism? We have natural assests but our 'leaders' are too dunce to see it! Instead, every day it's a new political scandal to read about. I'VE HAD IT. Say what you want, Keith Mitchell is a far, far better candidate to deal with these economic storms that are taking place. It's no sense blaming the members of NDC that have shun the party - a leader with enough foresight should have seen that from afar. TILLMAN JUST AINT READY YET!
10/1/2012 8:03:35 PM
Stallion and Gabe, we have to give Tillman another term. He couldn't in all honesty clear up that mess in 1, 2 or 3 terms and with the traitors around him with their own greed and power struggle,I say it was highly impossible. I say it will take a few more tems and I do have strong trust in that guy, yes Tillman Thomas. As for Keith the thief Mitchel, I'll leave that fool alone, any other Grenadian but not Mitchel or anyone associated with him and his party. Use u heads fellas and brains if u have any, and forget about the heart, it is too treacherous. Do the right thing and make peace, remember, its the people who make the neighbourhoods and the community a beautiful place.
00By: Littleboy
10/1/2012 3:15:07 PM
my bro.gabe,i beg to differ with you on quite a few things you mentioned,but i will keep it is a fair assessment that the nnp left grenada in tonnes of debt,but the prime minister promised the country many things that he couldn't afford.the grenadian people have lost faith in this goverment for not fulfilling the promises.and my bro.,i don't see how you can keep defending the ndc for all these empty promises.yes you are right about the passport fiasco,among other things under the nnp,but ndc is no better.the slogan was let the progress continue,but where is the progress?please tell me gabe where the progress is.i agree with LISTEN on most of his posting except the part that keith mitchell will be better for the country.the prime minister and the opposition leader are not fit to run this is a con artist and the other is too weak as a leader.
00By: stallion
10/1/2012 12:27:27 PM
Well Mr Listen i have note your contribution and your stance as to who you believe is the strongest and best suited man to run our country and you go as far as to say that taking into consideration the track record of the opposition and its peader you believe that they are best place to rule once again well mr big shot let it be known that on this forun we are bless with views of all kinds and although i do not agree with your view of the R.H.Tillman and his way of running our country interms of his forcefullness meaning that he is not one of thoes politicans who likes talking down to people but what is most important of all in my book he is an honest and decent man and for me these are some of the qualities that is needed today in our country, Mr Listener during the reign of the opposition /nnp government we have had here in grenada all sorts of wrongdoing in government by politicans our country was noted as country that true investers should avoid unless you are a rouge trader as was the norm under the last government remember the passports for sale resulting in the Canadian government having to relist our country where a visiting visa was required and one just have to recap on the Cap Bank ,Levara,Hamilton,Port Louis, the Call centre,the Trinidad and American Insurance scandal, my friend all these things were happening under the leadership of the opposition and again it is fair to quote that under his leadership grenadians were being fed handouts without knowing where the money was coming from and how it was going to be repaid as we found out later with that Asian country taking our country to the New York court for for non -payement loans in other words they the nnp borrow from them and then midway got in bed with another country and the rest is history now we have a government who is getting things back slowly but with transparency and open government,a government that other developing countries in the develope world is willing to assist in our development in finance,education,infrastructure,agriculture,health,climate change,advancement of our IT System,yes things might seems a bit slow getting off the ground but one should remember that the opposition was in power for 13 years and any advancement that was made by them was un done by their last term in government when they left our country finance in a mess and thats why they were so shocked when the voters booted them out of office in 2008 and since then they have been doing all they can to disrupt government with the assisted help of some recent defected backbenchers hell bent on taking our country back to the bad old days where our country was being sold to anyone who comes to our shores with a pocket full of dollars only to duped our people into parting with their hard earned savings so brother Listen please put your hands on your heart and ask your self that question again and if you still believe that the nnp and its leader is right for grenada then may god help us .one love
00By: gabe
10/1/2012 7:16:28 AM
Listen, maybe you will support Keith. I have no intention of voting for that character, however you are entitled to your opinion and I likewise. I will never vote for someone who has put us in that dire situation. Tillman took a dread situation and has a bunch of illerate losers supporting him. I'll give him another term with different people who has Grenada at heart, but Keith is not in my book of thoughts not now not ever.
00By: Grenville
10/1/2012 6:43:17 AM
Let me add this so that others could be further enlightened: PM Tillman Thomas used to be 'fighting to come lass' in class back in his school days. Grenadians, face it, you made a horrible decision back in July 2008 and you are living to regret it! I don't feel sorry for you, YOU NEEDED TO SEE FOR YOURSELF! No one wants to be with losers, everyone wants to be around winners.
9/30/2012 8:59:25 PM