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ST. GEORGE‘S, Grenada: Initially stunned, without being sure how to react to the strongest allegations yet of corruption directed straight as its leader, Grenada’s ruling New National Party is looking to fight back.

Green and white were in vogue again for the first time since last November’s general elections when NNP rallied a show of support for embattled Prime Minister Keith Mitchell at the heart of his faithful St George’s North West constituency on Sunday.

Thousands sang and danced, as the top leadership of the party backed Prime Minister Mitchell to survive the latest scandal.

“We assemble here this evening, so that we can come together as one force and show to the nation that the New National Party is alive, the New National Party is well, and the New National Party is kicking,” Einstein Louison declared.

Louison who is also the Minister of Information launched a broadside against the outgoing News Director of the Grenada Broadcasting Network Odette Campbell saying that she was ill-disciplined and refused to follow company’s directives.

Campbell is quitting at the end of this month following a suspension. She said that freedom of the press is under attack by the government.

While Prime Minister Mitchell offered no further explanations to the accusations against him, he told his supporters that any opposition to him is a stand against the “progress” his government has made in almost 10 years.

He called on the party’s faithful to “protect the leadership” of the NNP.

“We have had nine years of success…we have made a lot of sacrifices. The men and women on this platform, they all could be doing something much more profitable for themselves…. sisters and brothers, we have to protect the leadership of the New National party,” he said.

The Grenadian leader downplayed questions about his action, dismissing the debate as a campaign to remove him from power.

“As we face the difficulties of the last few weeks, we must remind ourselves that men will do anything for power,” he declared.

The Grenadian leader said he will stand firm in the faces of the charges.

“Keith Mitchell can take care of himself. I can deal with every single one of them…so don’t’ worry about me,” he said.