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THE National Democratic Congress has re-elected the party’s national executive en mass at its convention at River Sallee yesterday (Sunday, January 26).

In a show of unity, delegates voted to re-elect all the officers of the considered main opposition which said it is ready for general elections it believes will be called this year.

Over two and a half thousand people, including 400 delegates attended the one-day meeting, many of them wearing the yellow and red campaign t-shirts of the party.

The meeting climaxed with an address by party leader Tillman Thomas who described the New National Party government as a scandal-plagued regime which needs replacing. He reiterated the party’s position that an NDC government will institute free school books to students at all levels of education in Grenada.

Declaring his party is committed to building people over structures; Thomas said they have already worked out the details of the program, which he claims will cost less per year than maintaining the national stadium or ministerial complex.

Among the many policies he outlined, Thomas said a government headed by him will also develop port facilities in Sauteurs.

The convention was also addressed by New York State Senator John Sampson and Jamaican political activist D. K. Duncan. Duncan, a close political ally of late Jamaican Prime Minister Michael
Manley said Grenada needed leaders with more integrity, a character trait he said that can be found in Thomas.