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By Lloyd Noel

In our CARICOM Region now-a-days - although the CSM (E) is supposed to be a reality, at least in Six States - the issues raising their ugly heads all seem to be more locally involved, despite their wider significance to the regional integration movement, that the CSM is intended to foster and consolidate for our survival in the Global Market place.

Admittedly there are only Six, out of a possible Fifteen, States that have signed on the dotted line to bring the new Treaty into operation. But they are the bigger boys in the group, and certainly have the greater influence in many more ways than just their sizes and populations.

Yet as we look on at their domestic happenings and carry on - it does leave one to wonder what, if anything, those lesser mini-States by comparison can hope to gain, or learn, or benefit by association from those bigger chappies. And it isn’t that the issues hitting the headlines in those frontline Regional States, are particularly peculiar to them. On the contrary, they are the very kinds of happenings that are relevant and material to the entire Caribbean Region and its people.

The major talking points across the Region as a whole for some months now, have been the Cricket World Cup 2007; the question of Trade among themselves in CARICOM, and with the outside World in the WTO; the frightening issue of Criminal activities and Security in general for the Region as a whole; and the over-riding problems in the political arena, that are loaded with racial
overtones on the one hand, and other prejudicial and dictatorial actions by those in current authority against the opposition and those in the minority, on the other hand.

And while all those burning issues are crying out for combined attention, and integrated action across the Region as whole - each State seems far more concerned with its own backdoor problems or issues, while the bigger picture of a united front to help the smaller or bigger ones in distress, or to foster and fertilize the true spirit and concept of an integrated Caribbean Single Market and Economy - seems to be forever on the back-burner for the distant future.

One of the most glaring shortcomings on the doorsteps of our CARICOM Leaders, is their repeated failure to ever publicly tell their CARICOM colleagues when and what they are doing wrong, or going about the wrong way.Those Leaders or ‘Heads’ are always criticising all other World Leaders and administrations, as it suits their moments on the Global stage; but nothing
is ever said about their neighbours next door, who are often times much bigger transgressors than those they are lambasting. For our ‘Heads’ in this
Region, charity never seems to begin at home.

But as we look on at the happenings in the Region as a whole, and keep straining our ears to hear anything from those ‘Heads’ about what is taking
place, and the possible effects on the integration movement they say is the ultimate objective of the CSME - it must leave many to wonder about the
motives and seriousness of our Leaders in the Region.

The recent happenings in Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago - the killing (assassination) of Minister Sawn and his relatives and Security, and the
conviction and maximum penalty meted out to Ex-Prime Minister Panday - are two such cases in point.

In those two CARICOM States, the escalation of serious Criminal activities has been mounting for some time now; while the chaos and confusion in their politics have been on the boil for years - and the one thing in common inside those two States, has been the racial overtones and serious conflict existing between Indians and Negroes, and fuelled by the politicians themselves, as it suited their popularity positions at given points in time.And those two States are in the forefront of the indecent haste to tie up the Region in the CSME - and by extension the CCJ. (Guyana already in both).If those States have such in-depth and chronic racial and political problems in their own back and front yards, then what can they, or are they, bringing to the Integration and Unity movement? And more to the point, what have their colleagues ‘Heads’ been saying, or can now say, abut the situation?

I would not be at all surprised, if some were to be heard saying – ‘we don’t want to meddle in their internal affairs.’ And the logical response
to that non-answer must be – ‘when will it become a Regional or CSME affair - when the chaos and un-bridled confusion contaminates the entire Region?’
Looking even at our own Grenadian contradictions, in the context of the same CSME and CCJ, the situation is alarming.

The Government’s Legal Advisor to Cabinet, and to many other Government departments and institutions, publicly and to the Region at large, stated in no un-certain terms - that if the very Government that hired him and pays his salary, was to abolish Appeals to the Privy Council and opt for the CCJ, the people of Grenada and the Region will be doomed.

And that statement was made with the fullest knowledge, that this Government has already passed a first Bill in Parliament to do exactly what
he has now publicly condemned. But to-date the Government is silent, the OECS Unity Council is silent as well as the OECS Secretariat, and the CSME and CCJ administrative bodies are also silent.

The scenario appears to be, that some actions and some Statements by some persons with authority - and whatever other State secrets they are holding -can do and say as they please, and those are private internal affairs that de-bars Regional comments. But when a Sports Commentator makes some relevant comments about Grenada’s financial ability and readiness to host the CWC 2007 Matches in Grenada - that is sacrilege, and the CARICOM Commentator should be perhaps charged for Criminal Libel, by the very same Legal Advisor that can do no wrong. What a recipe for integration, tolerance, Legal compliance, and Regional Unity - to propel us all into that long-sought-after dreamland, of a necessary Caribbean Single Market and Economy!!!

And into that melting pot we now have a Magistrate Court in Trinidad and Tobago, finding the Ex-Prime Minister guilty on all charges relating to
un-disclosed sums in a Bank Account in London, in the names of his wife and himself while he was the Prime Minister of that Country, and imposing the
maximum penalty on all counts. The un-confirmed reports are that there are many other high-ranking persons, both in the actual political arena and supporters of the Ruling Party in high positions, who have not disclosed sums they have in Bank Accounts wherever - but no charges have been brought against them.

Now if that is so, and we will never get confirmation unless charges are brought, it does mean that there is one standard and one punitive method of dealing with those in opposition for obvious reasons, and a quite different method for dealing with those on the party wagon. Surely that cannot be justice, as it should be meted out to one and all, regardless?

And what is even more frightening for the Region as a whole, is that Parties in power can use their political clout to destroy opponents - under
the pretext that the Law is taking its course - only that it is doing so one-sidedly.And to think that this is happening in the richest and most prosperous States, in the integration movement that is supposed to be the road map for the Region - it must make us in the mini and poorer States re-think our decision to enter such an undertaking.

But sad to say, it is already raising its ugly head on our own doorsteps in the Spice Isles, and although the shameless attempts are coming up against strong resistance from a dedicated core of patriots - the repetitive exercises are costing the poor Taxpayers a lot of scare money.

In addition thereto, the silence and apparent acceptance of what is taking place in their names and on their collective behalf - as a united Cabinet and Government - that is another serious cause for concern. In that it is saying they all agree to what is being done and said in their names - as the people in control. And while the whole charade is further damaging our already low image - the saddest probability is that it is setting the stage for retaliation, and on-going vendetta and revenge - when the actors in the political arena change places, and the table is turned the other way. We have had, and suffered from, the horrible outcomes of that scenario - so no one can say or plead, he or she did not know or understand the possible consequences from their reckless (silent) behaviour.

History has a way of repeating itself, but it cannot do so un-aided.All actions and omissions, to do with human behaviour patterns, have to
begin with us as a people. And whether the results or consequences go on to become endemic and remain to haunt us - also depend on us as a people. So
despite the fashion now-a-days to blame everything on natural disasters - although that was bad and devastating - the real disease was prevalent and
destructive long before ‘Ivan.’ The damage, therefore, and the impact therefrom, are of our own making and we will have to one day answer for them.