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ST. GEORGE'S: The considered main opposition National Democratic Congress has accused the ruling New National Party of hiring agents to engage in what it calls vigilante style behavior against the party.

NDC said in a statement published Monday on its website votendc.com That in the last few weeks NNP operatives have been engaged in what it
described as a pattern of vigilante behavior “in which they have effectively been attacking our party, its posters, symbols and identity.”

The opposition party also claims that NNP agents threw stones at the House of one of its activists in Gouyave after the ruling party had held a public meeting in the area recently

The NDC has also accused the ruling party of using state resources to print what it calls a number of filthy pamphlets in an attempt to smear the name of a number of its leading figures including political leader Tillman Thomas.

Calling it the last act of a dying regime, the NDC statement claimed That operatives of the ruling party have become paranoid because they have sense the government’s grip on power slipping.

The opposition party says it is now convinced that NNP has shown a willingness to resort to violence and other methods to intimidate people who are standing up against the government.