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The New National Party will be staging its General Council Meeting on Sunday 10th July, 2011 at the Grenada Trade Centre.

The General Council is being held under the theme: Continuing to engage the people for a progressive future. This follows on the heels of several successful meetings around the nation where the party was able to put forward its views on national issues to the Grenadian public as well as hear from the people their own views as to the way forward.

The General Council will take the form of a closed session where each constituency will report on the work done since the party’s convention on 20th March 2011. There will be discussions on the direction of the party as the NNP continues to ready itself for General Elections.

The feature address will be by General Secretary of the Party Honorable Roland Bhola. The St. Andrew North East Parliamentary Representative will be speaking on the work of the party over the past few months and the planned work for the near future. This is the first of two General Councils of the New National Party for 2011 and is expected to be well attended.

Following the closed session of the General Council will be a speech by former Prime Minister and Leader of Her Majesties Opposition, Dr. the Rt. Honorable Keith Mitchell. The speech is expected to focus on several major issues affecting Grenadians. There will also be several other speakers on other issues which are directly affecting the people of Grenada as the party charts what it believes is the correct way forward out of the economic and social malaise presently affecting Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. This session will be open to all Grenadians who wish to hear the plans and programmes of the New National Party as we continue on the rescue mission to save Grenada.

From the New National Party