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Tuesday 31st January 2012. Political Leader of the New National Party (NNP) Dr. Keith Mitchell has thrown down the gauntlet to the ruling NDC Administration of Hon. Tillman Thomas. Speaking at the NNP’s Rally at La Tante in St David on Sunday, the Opposition Leader described the ruling NDC as history. He went on to speak of the unity and togetherness in the NNP the party he states that represents every stratum of the Grenadian society.

In a much anticipated address to the thousands gathered, the Former Prime Minister spoke on some of the plans of the NNP should they return to office in the near future. He spoke of the need to unite all the people of Grenada regardless of their political leanings or face failure in moving Grenada forward. He also spoke of inviting individuals from other political parties to join an NNP Government to assist in the rescue mission to save Grenada . This he said is in keeping with the NNP’s philosophy which promotes a culture of love not Hate and Spite. The NNP he proclaims is a party that has no time to be involved in ‘harassing’ political opponents,because it would be fully occupied with the job of moving the nation forward.

Speaking of the NDC Government ‘pauperizing’ the country, Dr. Mitchell also made reference to several other measures his government would immediately embark upon to end the suffering of the Grenadian people and create employment. Initiative such as:

· An end to political victimization of public workers

· Restoration of safety net programs introduced under the last NNP Government

· Improvement in the healthcare system

· Raising the salary of road workers

· Introduction of the Integrity Commission and Declaration of Assets

· Reduction of VAT on several items including some funeral expenses

· Concessions on Tourism related vehicles

· Attraction of viable Foreign Direct Investment

· Smaller government

Dr. Mitchell who won three consecutive terms as Prime Minister of Grenada also spoke of the plight of the people who have lost money in CLICO/BAICO, SGL and CapBank saying that his government would move speedily using all resources available at its disposal to find a solution to these issues which have removed millions of dollars from the Grenadian economy.

This was the first national event of the NNP for 2012. The party continues to remind all Grenadians to get registered as the enumeration process is presently underway around the island.