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12/28/2006 |
Government of Grenada dismisses claim that hotel project will threaten dove habitat
CATEGORY:DEVELOPMENT(TOURISM) ----------------------------------
By Wallace J.A Inside Grenada correspondent Thursday December 28,2006
GRENADA – While thanking the conservationist group Bird Life International for demonstrating an interest in the wild life of Grenada, the Government of Grenada has dismissed all allegations that a proposed tourism project at Mt. Hartman would threaten the habitat of the Grenada Dove.
Information obtained from Government states very clearly that the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of the Environment ‘has always pursued a policy of sustainable tourism and would continue to do so.’
Grenada’s Minister for Tourism, Hon. Brenda Hood, is of the view that the development of the Mt. Hartman area will help to further enhance the country’s tourism product and bring more money into the country for the management of Grenada’s national parks. She gave the assurance that both the Grenada Government and the developers will put structures in place to ensure that the area is protected.
It is the belief of the Ministry of Tourism that the protection of our natural resources is essential not only for environmental reasons, but also to help market Grenada as a prime tourist destination.
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