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By Lyndon St.Cyr

Man, in his quest for knowledge, understanding and advancement, has seemingly done all in his power to eliminate God from the equation. As a matter of fact, the human march towards progress has made such inroads into science and technology that some infectious diseases no longer threaten us and space exploration is now within our reach.

We thank God for these advancements but so many of our leaders take so much credit for their abilities that on occasion we behave as if we are indispensable. This sort of pride and self-importance has caused man to behave like a “God” whereas the Bible states clearly in Proverbs 16:18, that “..Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall..” To my mind, every human being should heed this warning.

The Christian scriptures have passed the test of time and its integrity and reliability are well known the world over. The question is why have we not hearkened unto its instructions? On the contrary we have got to the stage where we question the credibility of the Bible. Questioning is good but our motive for questioning should be to honestly prove or disprove something through sound evidence.

The Bible provides irrefutable evidence by virtue of its prophecies and also by the millions of testimonies from people worldwide. There is no question that many of the Bible’s prophecies have already been fulfilled to the letter. Take, for instance, the prophecy that in the last days perilous times shall come. In some North American cities, people dare not venture out after certain hours. Even in the Caribbean, Trinidad and Jamaica have leading statistics in murder and kidnappings. We know full well that it was not always so. Gone are the days when we left our homes open through the night.

The Bible is correct on this prediction as on many others. If, in man’s quest for advancement, he leaves biblical principles out, God help us. His word should be a lamp onto our feet and a light onto our path. Today if you hear HIS voice don’t harden your heart.


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