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Discussion Brief on Education - National Budget Consultation



1. Developing regulations for the new Education Act:
a. Committee in place for the development and description of the regulations as indicated in the Education Act

2. Development of a plan of Action for the implementation of the Revised Education plan.
a. Plan of action completed with set Goals, strategies, activities targets and timelines. Included are also Responsible departments and funding source
b. Action plan approved by Cabinet

3. Finalize the strategic Development Plan for TAMCC
a. Completion of the organization Audit accomplished
b. Draft final of the Strategic Development Plan completed. A topographical survey of lands identified for a proposed new campus for TAMCC is being commissioned to finalize the draft of the Physical development plan.

4. Continue the reconstruction , furnishing and re-equipping of schools
a. Reconstruction completed in 51 Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary schools
b. On going reconstruction in 6 schools
c. Reconstruction preparation is ongoing for 17 Schools
d. 29 schools have been identified for future reconstruction and upgrading
e. All schools have received at least 60% of replaced furniture and equipment

5. Production of textbook on local History
a. Draft Manuscript submitted for evaluation

6. Develop policies and procedures to guide the process of succession planning within the education system
a. Project proposal for technical assistance prepared and submitted for funding
b. MOE has provided training opportunities for a number of persons to improve their competencies in their area of work as well as to prepare them for future managerial and administrative responsibilities. To this end, a number of persons have either completed or continuing training at diploma, first or second degree level in the following areas:
Diploma in Technical Education - 25 persons
Second Degree in Teacher Education -4 completed
Masters in Special Education -1completed/one ongoing
First Degree in Dance Education -3 ongoing
Diploma in Refrigeration -1 ongoing
Diploma in Interior Decoration - - 1 ongoing
First degree in Mathematics -1 completed
First Degree in Guidance & Counselling - - 2 completed/4 ongoing
Second Degree in Guidance & Counselling -2 completed

7. Expand the CETT improvement reading programme to all primary schools
a. 48 Principals participated in Study tour in St. Lucia to gain experience in the delivery of the CETT programme
b. 48 principals identified and developed ONE best practice and related activities in 2006-2007 School Improvement plan.

8. To improve teacher competence to deal with the problems of literacy among students by utilizing UWI Distance Education Programme
a. 20 Teachers accepted into the programme and are presently pursuing the programme
b. 2 trained teachers returned from UWI with first class honors
c. 2 teachers in final year

9. To improve the delivery of education and expand the learning opportunities of students through the use of technology and electronic media
a. ICT facilities expanded and upgraded at Teacher Education Department
b. Phase 1 and 2 of the Smart School project completed
c. 6 PERSONS RECEIVED SHORT-term training in computer hardware and software

10. To institute a non-formal community literacy programme utilizing television as the primary mode of delivery
 Sensitization of the public
 Developed print and electronic manual (video, textbooks and facilitators teaching manual)
 Trained 40 facilitators for implementation

Sensitization of the Public: a series of multimedia activities have been implemented to sensitize the public on the importance of upgrading their literacy skills. This includes a series of radio and TV conferences, the distribution of posters and flyers.

Identification and Training of Facilitators: to date over forty facilitators have received training in the strategies and approach for delivering the programme

Registration of Participants: This activity is ongoing

Procurement of Materials: The sourcing of the Manuals and Books are in its final stage and all other materials are ready.

The Ministry of Education plans to officially launch by the end of November.

Other areas of Training

Statistics - 1 completed and 1 ongoing
Desk editing - 1 completed


 Preparing for the implementation of the Audit Literacy Programme

 Rehabilitation of schools (GBSS, Hillsborough Secondary, Springs Pre-Primary, Mt. Rich Pre-primary and Pearls Pre-primary.)

 Equipping of the Hospitality Arts Department of the TAMCC

 Reorganization of the Material Production Unit to better able to produce educational material to support the delivery of the curriculum

 Revision of Curricula

 Staging of the National Science Fair

 Registration for 2007 CXC Exams

 Training Teachers for the implementation of the CXC SBA’s


 Promoting adult and continuing education as the norm in the learning experience of the national community with particular emphasis on adult literacy. The principal feature will be the implementation of the “YES I CAN” adult literacy programme.

 In the area of ICT, greater use will be made of computer Technology in learning. The use of multimedia resources to support instruction at the various levels of the education system will be optimized.

 In the tertiary sector, the focus will be to increase access to tertiary education as well as deepening the level of programmes available locally. These will be done through the following measures:

 Greater utilization of distance and on-line education to those outside the physical reach of tertiary institutions.

 Introducing various degree programmes through TAMCC and also increasing the offerings in the associate degree and certificate programmes.

 Franchising UWI, City and Guilds and other regional and international tertiary education programmes for greater relevance and access to internationally recognized qualifications.

 Continue with the implementation of the schools rehabilitation programme. Priority will also be given to institute preventative maintenance measures. In this regard, a maintenance action plan will be developed for all educational facilities.

 Provide greater support for students with special needs (physically challenged, hearing and visual impaired etc.) in mainstream schools as well as specialized centers for severe learning difficulties.

 Establish a system of accreditation and certification for various levels of education and training programmes. An accreditation Committee has already been established.

 Establishment of Student Support Unit to facilitate a cohesive approach to dealing with students needs.

 Ensure that there is adequate safety net for vulnerable students by improving student support services which include the school books and uniform programme, school feeding programme, needy student assistance programme, basic life skills programme, mentorship programme, peers counseling, truancy programme, drug demand reduction etc.

 Implement a system of specialization in mathematics at the primary level.

 Strengthening supervision and monitoring of the delivery of education at all levels through the reorganization of District Supervision Team.

 Reorganizing the Enhanced Learning programme into an in-school programme

 Improving the physical facilities at TAMCC

 Implement the standards for the regulation of early childhood services

 Institute the registration of private schools in accordance with the Education Act.


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