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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Elvira Alexander - Grenada

Name  " Elvira Alexander "
Better Know As  Vera
D.O.B  11/27/14
D.O.D  04/09/2018
Parish From  St. George
Place of Death  New York
Service Date
04/14/2018  @ 11:00am


The funeral for the late Elvira Alexander will be held on April 14th 2018 at David Williams Funeral Service. There will be a viewing from 10-11 promptly followed by a 11am service

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  David Williams Funeral Service, Inc.
Location:  Jamaica, New York, USA
Phone:  718 -291-3823

My sincere condolences. As you reflect on cherished memories to be comforted also take to heart our Creator's loving promise to end death and all forms of suffering. He will soon reunite us with our loved ones to enjoy a life of true happiness and peace forever. (Revelation 21:4; John 5:28,29; Titus 1:2)
ST. GEORGE [4/21/2018]

I am very sorry to hear about your loss. Some comforting scriptures that help me to cope is acts 24:15 and psalm 34:18 i look forward to the time when death will be no more isaiah 25:8
GRENADA [4/14/2018]
