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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Duncan Donald Hyram Delano Milkson - Grenada

Name  " Duncan Donald Hyram Delano Milkson "
Better Know As  Baka/Old Dog
D.O.B  03/03/1947
D.O.D  05/15/2018
Parish From  St. George
District  The Carenage
Place of Death  Brooklyn NY
Service Date
05/25/2018  @ 7:30pm


The viewing for the late Duncan Milkson will be held at St. Matthews R.C Church located in brooklyn at 1123 Eastern Parkway from 4-7:30 Pm following the funeral service at 7:30PM.
Special Info  Name: Duncan Donald Hyram Delano Milkson A.K. A Baka or Old Dog From: The Carenage, St. George’s Occupation: Dock Worker Wife: Ann-Marie Milkson Surviving Children:Tiffany and Whitney Milkson. Surviving Families: The Mitchell’s of Gouyave, Family in Trinidad Close Friends: Benny, Cyril and Morin, Synara, The Brathwaite family, The Marshall Family, The Thomas Family, Trevor also none as “Buddy boy”, surrounding friends and neighbors of Belmont and Springs. The staff of Seamen and Waterfront workers union. Hobbies: Steel Pan, Football and Listening to his Records Favorite Quote: “Worry about yourself than worrying about what others have to say” Scripture verse: Psalms 23

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  David Williams Funeral Service, Inc.
Location:  Jamaica, New York, USA
Phone:  718 -291-3823

We take it personal whenever we loose one of our own; Baka was one of us. So, to the Milkson family, We would like to bond with you in sympathy as you celebrate Baka's life. may he rest in peace.
BROOKLYN, NY [5/25/2018]

To Charmaine, Judas, Buck Rabbit, Pinky, and the rest of the family please accept our condolence. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May he rest in peace.
BROOKLYN, NY [5/25/2018]

My sincere condolences. As you reflect on cherished memories to be comforted also take to heart our Creator's loving promise to end death and all forms of suffering. He will soon reunite us with our loved ones to enjoy a life of true happiness and peace forever. (Revelation 21:4; John 5:28,29; Titus 1:2)
ST. GEORGE [5/23/2018]

From my son Dylan Silverstein and myself, we send our condolences and deeply regret the passing of Duncan “old dog” Donald Hyram Delano Milkson. We never knew him but we are grateful to him and the mother of Deno Hurst for bringing Deno into this world. Deno has been a son to me and a brother to Dylan for the last 30 years. We regret not to be able to attend your father’s funeral but as you know you are in our hearts Deno. Our condolences to your entire family.
MONTREAL, QUEBEC [5/19/2018]
