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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Cecilia Basilia Niles - Grenada

Name  " Cecilia Basilia Niles "
D.O.B  June 15 1939
D.O.D  10/21/2018
Parish From  St. Marks
District  Victoria
Place of Death  Brooklyn, New York
Service Date
10/30/2018  @ 7:00pm


We regret to announce the death of Cecilia Basil ia Niles of Victoria, St. Mark who resided in Brooklyn, New York passed away on Sunday, October 21st, 2018 at the age of 79 Funeral Service for the late Cecilia Basilia Niles will be on Tuesday, October 30th 2018 at St. Gabriel Episcopal Church, 331 Hawthrone Street, Brooklyn, New York (between Nostrand and New York Ave.) Funeral Viewing: 4:00 - 7:00PM Funeral Service: 7:00PM

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  Caribbean Funural Service
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA
Phone:  718-778-1011

My sincere condolences. Some scriptures that have comforted me are Revelation 21:3,4 and John 5:28,29. May they give you hope and encouragement.
ST. GEORGE [10/28/2018]

Ruby Jean, my deepest sympathy on the loss of your mother-in-law.
BROOKLYN, NY [10/28/2018]

I could never ask for a better Mother in law. You were much more than a mother in law. You will forever be MOM! Sleep in peace Mom Missing you dearly Love you
BROOKLYN, NY [10/27/2018]
