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GC - Obituaries
Obituary For - Beryl Ann Francois - Grenada

Name  " Beryl Ann Francois "
D.O.B  08/28/1958
D.O.D  04/22/2024
Parish From  St. George
Place of Death  Brooklyn, New York
Service Date
05/04/2024  @ 10:00am


Brothers and Sisters, though we mourn, we ought to celebrate the life and legacy of a remarkable woman, Sister Beryl Ann Francois, who was called home to be with the Lord on the 22nd of April, 2024. Born in the vibrant town of St. George's, Grenada, on the 28th of August, 1958, Sister Beryl's journey on this earth began as a bright spark in the eyes of her loving family. Sister Beryl, a cherished soul, carried with her the warmth of the Caribbean sun and the strength of the tropical breeze. Her life was a testament to love, dedication, and service, as she embraced her role as a healer of hearts and bodies through her work as a Certified Nursing Assistant. She was a pillar of her community, touching countless lives with her kindness and her unwavering faith. In Brooklyn, New York, where she spent her final moments, Sister Beryl's spirit was a beacon of light that shone through the streets and into the hearts of those she met. Her life was a beautiful tapestry woven with threads of joy, resilience, and the love of her family, who stood by her as she navigated the ebb and flow of life's journey. Let us take a moment to honor her beloved sons, Kelvin Francois, Kelvon Burke, Sheldon Burke, Terrance Burke, and Wally Burke, who were the pride of her life. Her grandchildren, Esther, Samuel, Shelley, Rayzel, and Kayniah, will carry forward her legacy with the wisdom and grace she imparted upon them. Her daughter-in-law, Sigita Burke, stood by her side with love and loyalty. Sister Beryl's siblings, Theresa Murray, Leslie-Ann Francois, and Bernadette Hazard, along with her brothers, Glenroy Jordan and Leroy Francois, shared in the joys and sorrows of her life's journey, strengthening the bonds of family that were so dear to her heart. Her uncles, Augustus Etienne and Glen Etienne, along with their families, were anchors of support and love throughout her life. Nieces and nephew—Keith, Keita, Arsh, Nikita, Melian, Kavelle, and Grace—each held a special place in her heart, as she nurtured and guided them with maternal care. Family members Eslyn Lewis, Remy Lewis affectionately known as Feb, and Evina Lewis, along with many other relatives and friends, including her close friend Gail Blackman, were blessed by her presence in their lives. Sister Beryl was a faithful servant of the Lord, and her devotion shone brightly within the walls of the New Testament Church in Brooklyn, New York. She was a sister in Christ to her fellow pastors and members, her spirit uplifting and inspiring all who had the pleasure of worshiping alongside her. As we bid farewell to Sister Beryl Ann Francois, let us not dwell in the shadow of sorrow but instead celebrate the radiance of her life. She has run her race, she has kept the faith, and now she rests in the eternal embrace of our Savior. Though she may have departed from our midst, her spirit lives on in each of us, urging us to love without measure, serve with all our hearts, and cherish every moment granted to us under God's heaven. We are comforted by the knowledge that Sister Beryl's story does not end here. It continues in the lives she has touched, the family she has raised, and the love she has sown that will bloom for generations. As the good book says, to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Sister Beryl's season with us was filled with purpose, and for that, we give thanks. May her soul rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen.
Special Info  Funeral Service will be held at 10AM on Saturday, May 4, 2024, at the Ark of Christ Mission, 1710 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11233, according to the New Testament Church rites. Sister Beryl Francois will be repatriated to her native homeland of Grenada for burial.

  Funeral Agent Info:
Contact:  S.A. Johnson Funeral Home
Location:  Brooklyn, New York, USA
Phone:  347-777-9797


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